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On tonight's show: Sunday 2 September


1 hour ago

The housemates awoke yesterday morning to face House life without Danica and Samantha, and tonight we get to see how they're handling the realisation that they've all made it into the final week.

Julie's boos and jeers from the crowd are on everyone's mind tonight, and have certainly set people to thinking about what, exactly, she's up to. The only two women left in the House, will Julie and Coleen bury the hatchet and kiss goodbye to the animosity they've shared since day 1? Even if they do, though, there appears to be beef between Julie and Lorenzo now, with Harvey and Ashley seemingly wising up too.

It's not all doom and gloom, though, as The Situation and Lorenzo get some fetching new outfits and we see some of our housemates receive letters from home, and then live it up 90s rave style with an Acid House party. You don't want to miss their wacky dancing.


Exclusive: nominations announced!


With Danica and Samantha barely out the picture, the housemates nominated for the fifth time today.


Fortunately for them, they got to do it in the privacy of the Diary Room, although Big Brother obviously got all the juice which will be revealed in tomorrow's show.



In the meantime, we can confirm that JulieLorenzo and Martin will all face the public vote ahead of Wednesday's eviction. And, yes, it's double. Yikes indeed.



Voting lines will be opening later, so stay tuned to find out how to save your fave.




Oh well Prince and Julie will be gone - I never saw Martin being in this mix TBH 

the young ones are all through to the final as they planned 


Day 19: Miss the girls


3 mins ago

Rhian and Danica dominated the wagging tongues of the House's gossip-mongers when they were in the House and now they're both out, well, they're still a talking point. The Jules, Lorenzo and Coleen waxed lyrical about the girls earlier today.

As we know, Julian was a supporter of Danica and Rhian, and thought that The Situation and Ashley were silly billies, for want of a gentle term. He expanded on this, saying that what got to him was how the boys rallied round each other and got involved in each other's business, saying that even if Ashley was upset at Rhian, it wasn't the place of The Sitch and Harvey to tell her off.

He also thinks he knows exactly why Danica and Rhian were nominated; "they wanted to punish them" for the rejection, even though the girls had repeatedly said they had boyfriends. Lorenzo said; "that's 100 per cent what's an ego thing", and Julie, though not exactly a big fan of the glamorous ladies, had to nod in agreement.

The group also agreed that without them, the House is a duller place, because Rhian and Danica "brought a lot of fun" and that The Sitch, Harvey and Ashley didn't really think it through properly, and have ended up making their days a little less interesting.

Coleen and Lorenzo caught up a bit later and continued the conversation, with the former saying she agreed, and Lorenzo confiding that it was Harvey's behaviour that angered him the most, because it was totally unnecessary for him to get involved. He took issue with the MC acting like The Situation had called dibs on Danica "like she's a piece of property! She's a grown woman!" and expanded that "the way he treats women is wrong".

Interesting to hear, though we can't help but wonder if it's a little bit too little, too late...



Originally Posted by Baz:
Darn it !! That means the HAM are all through


Originally Posted by Baz:
But hopefully Julie will go ..cos if she survives too I will blow a gasket !



HAM  ....  I can think of worse names for them 


I see Martin surviving and as much as I like him outside the house I changed alliance to him after the God task so would prefer Princey to be saved to peeve the others  and for the pure selfish totty indulgence of mine    

Originally Posted by MrsH:

With the housemates still in the dark about who faces the public vote, Julian is trying to do the sums in his head and work out who has voted for who.

Haven't watched the vid yet but all that fatherly advice he gave to the youngsters might not have been appreciated in the end...if they've nommed him Edit, oops my comment was meant to be for Martin

Yellow Rose

6.12pm: Today's task  involves sticking plungers to thong-clad men. Here's the brief

Day 19: Today's task is Taking The Plunge


55 mins ago

Today we've got a two-way suction extravaganza going down as Martin and Julian are set to take the plunge in a head-to-head task.

Acting as team captains, Martin and Julian will choose three housemates to be on their teams. These three will then attempt to stick as many toilet plungers as possible to their team captain's skin. What larks!

Teams will have three minutes to stick the plungers onto their waiting flesh of their team captains. The team with the most plungers stuck to their captain at the end of the time limit will win a lovely reward.

To maximise the available surface area of skin to stick their plungers to, Martin and Julian have been supplied with special outfits to wear throughout. These costumes consist of thongs, so that plungers will stick to their buttocks and a bald cap, to enable the plunging of the delicate tops of their heads.

The game's afoot – let's hope our players suck...



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