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Day 18: Lorenzo's conspiracy theory

1 hour ago

Prince Lorenzo has been dwelling on the crowd's overwhelming booing of Julie last night, and with the help of Martin and Coleen, he has come up with a conspiracy theory full of intrigue and excitement.

The centre of Lorenzo's theory is that the public opinion seems so different to that in the House. What, he wonders, could possibly have caused such a reaction?

Sharing his thoughts with Martin and Coleen, Lorenzo was very excited by the really rather fanciful idea  that Julie is in the House as a 'plant', ignoring Coleen insisting that it just wouldn't be worth Julie's time. 

She did have to confess, though, that Lorenzo has a compelling point. Given that Coleen and Julie have been at odds since basically Day 1, we weren't exactly surprised at that.

Martin also noted that Harvey and Ashley seem to have cooled off towards her, possibly as a result of her being a bit two-faced, but overall this conspiracy theory seems to be just that: a theory.



On tonight's show: Saturday 1 September

36 mins ago

We had a busy old night with yesterday's eviction, but let's rewind back to the beginning of Day 17. We really should savour those last moments with the now departed Danica and Samantha, shouldn't we?

As seen on the show, the morning starts with Martin pondering the fact that it's always females being evicted. It's an interesting topic, as is The Situation and Julian's little chat about eggy breakfasts. Sort of. In fact, there's a lot to learn from this episode. Who knew that The Situation is the fourth most Googled person in America. Everyone now!

Of course, it wouldn't be Celebrity Big Brother 2012 if there wasn't some kind of bickering between Julie and Coleen, although the tension takes a new twist when the former hears her name being booed by the evening's eviction crowd. While we were busy watching Brian debrief Samantha and Danica, the remaining housemates were having all kinds of intense chats. Tonight's the time to catch up on what was said.



Day 18: Lorenzo gets oiled - AGAIN

10 mins ago

Look, we know he's royalty, but does Lorenzo really need two people to rub in his sun lotion? Okay, so maybe we're just jealous of Julian and Julie...

Can you think of a better activity to occupy yourself with on a slightly overcast Saturday afternoon? Yep, that's right - we know it's good to think about those harmful UV rays, but it's not even SUNNY. Ah well, any old excuse...


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Hi Yella  

seeing Yella reminds me of Xochi I hope she's recovering well and will be back soon

Yep same here  


Reminds me of Blizz too - think she was the first.


I'd forgotten that lol. Haven't seen Blizzie for ages, has she deserted us for other pastures

Yellow Rose

Day 18: A leopard can't change its pants


Last night, Julie was a little bit naughty, and she talked about nominations, suggesting very strongly that she was going to go after Prince Lorenzo this week.

As everybody knows, Big Brother takes rule breaking very seriously, and the nomination rule is one of the most sacred. Big Brother has deliberated long and hard on this, and has punished Julie for her naughty rule breaking...

As punishment for discussing nominations, and trying to influence others to nominate Lorenzo, Julie must lose something very precious to her: she must now hand over all of her leopard print clothes and accessories.

As you can imagine, there's quite a lot of it, so she has enlisted the help of The Situation and Lorenzo, who have wandered round the House looking like they've been shopping at Goodyear's Leopard Emporium.

So, it turns out that while a leopard cannot change its spots, Julie Goodyear can lose hers...

Meanwhile, The Situation and Lorenzo have gained their own leopard spots: BB has given them matching  leopard print undies and sent them out ino the House, much to the amusement of the other housemates. The boys must remain "defenceless in leopard print pants," in their words, until further notice.


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