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Originally Posted by erinp:

12.41am: Coleen and Julie are 'bonding' in the bedroom. Well, sort of... They're talking nicely at least.

So Coleen's all talk and no action, well so far, a boring time ahead then of mainly men talk, as for Ash I can't understand what he's saying, not that I'm interested

Yellow Rose

12.53am: Julian accuses Coleen of offering to make tea for everyone to get people's good books. His tongue is in his cheek

1.07am: All the housemates are nattering away in the smoking area.

1.25am: Now the Prince and Lorenzo     are having a deep chat. Coleen's joining in.

1.36am: The Sitch is having a wee chat with Big Brother in the Diary Room.

1.41am: Julie's turned in, the quartet of garden chatters continue to wag their chins in a talkative fashion.

1.51am: Coleen's talking about housework and her strange relationship with it

1.56am: We're going to leave the non-sleeping HMs wittering away in the smoking area. Sleep well,  -

see you bright and early!


Day 17: Not a good eve for the Goodyear


7 hours ago

Well, well, well – to say it's been an interesting evening is an understatement. Earlier, we saw both Samantha and Danica walk through the doors and into the hands of the baying crowd. It was hard not to notice that there were quite a lot of boos for the controversial ladies and even harder to ignore the chants of 'get Julie out'.

The lady herself certainly didn't miss it, and has been in a rather subdued mood ever since. She tried to get her head around the whole boo-ing scenario and turned, rather surprisingly, to Coleen for reassurance.

"Who was it who said they booed the winner?" Julie asked.

Coleen explained that a previous winner had received boos and that the eviction crowd can sometimes turn into a pantomime.

"Is it just part of it? Do some people just come to boo? F**k me", she replied.


Whether this helped the Corrie actress or not, we're not sure – she's playing her cards close to her chest this evening.

But if that didn't ease her mind, she can always rely on Julian for support, as he hasn't left her side all night. The stand-up comedian has been valiant in his efforts to make sure his close friend is coping with the night's turn of events, making sure he attends to her every need – even after her insistence that she is fine.

Earlier in the evening, Coleen declared "now the fight is on" – does this mean she'll finally speak her mind to Julie? And will Julie change her behaviour after losing an ally in Samantha, especially after the reaction from the crowd tonight?

We have a feeling that the dynamic in the House is going to dramatically change in the last couple of days and so all we can say is, watch this space....  


Day 17 round-up


Day 17 brought with it an impending double eviction. A bit of a big one then.

We kicked the day off pondering 'Queen Bee' Julie's role in the House, and then the lady herself woke up to a breakfast chat with her bestie Julian and American friend The Situation, who told the twosome how the first meal of the day is done, Stateside. They weren't too impressed.

Elsewhere, two potential evictees had a little gossip about Lorenzo's affection for the House's lingerie model. And then Miss Thrall got busy giving Ashley a light pamper, while all around discussed his amusing turns of phrase. The mood all round was generally one of niceness, as housemates prepared for the inevitable heave-ho of two of their pals. Danica even went so far as to say she was excited about the oncoming eviction in a chinwag with Martin. It was a deceptively lightweight mood.

Before our celebrity chums knew it, a task was upon their hands. Hot Topics brought with it the chance for Coleen to display her indisputable daytime television skills, and many a hot potato was flung about the living area as our pals discussed all kinds of burning issues. It got a little bristly in places, but in the end, our friends passed the task with flying colours. Their reward? A hamper filled with beauty products. Fun for the girls. Not so much fun for the bulk of the boys.

With the afternoon done and dusted, thoughts turned to the three in line for eviction. Two of them had to go, and Coleen was pretty sure she was one of them. If that was a plea to the public to get her out, she'd have been disappointed when Samantha was the first to go. Only a little while later, she'd have felt that twofold as Danica took the long walk through the door, leaving Coleen sitting pretty for a few more days at least.

As everyone took stock of their reduced number, the reactions were varied. The Situation wondered what the heck Danica's last words might've meant. In fact, he couldn't stop going on about it. While he muttered away, Julie told Julian that evictions were starting to get her down – and that was generally the overall mood of the House.

They need to buck their ideas up fast. With eight housemates still in the game with only a week to go, Big Brother's got plenty more leaving parties in the pipeline. It might be high time you learned to love evictions, housemates!


8.09am: Morning all! We have 8 little HMs snoozing merrily away. And yes, of course somebody's snoring.

8.23am: The Situation has gotten up and gone back to bed a few times, and looks very thoughtful. We wonder what he's thinking about. 

8.40am: Julian has just had a wander in his pjs. Everyday's a catwalk when you can style out jimjams like Mr Clary

8.43am: WHO WAS THAT!? Somebody just did a very loud trump indeed. Naughty.

Originally Posted by Scotty:

New tweets not showing again for me. I have to click on "All" to see them.


Is it the same for you MrsH? 



working fine this end today so far - have sometimes had to refresh if I think they have been a long time loading one though 


are you here for an hour or so ? need to use my internet connection to finish a clients PC  

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

New tweets not showing again for me. I have to click on "All" to see them.


Is it the same for you MrsH? 



working fine this end today so far - have sometimes had to refresh if I think they have been a long time loading one though 


are you here for an hour or so ? need to use my internet connection to finish a clients PC  

  Working fine again 


I`m freeee    



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