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First Celebrity Big Brother 2012 nominations tonight... face to face!


Big Brother 2012 Diary Room chair



It’s time for the first round of Celebrity Big Brother 2012 nominations tonight!


The thirteen housemates have had three days getting to know each other, and as far as Big Brother is concerned that’s more than enough!


Tonight BB will spring a surprise on the group, asking them to nominate live and face to face.


A special live show airs on Channel 5 tonight at 10PM, after the latest instalment of highlights,


for us viewers to watch every second of action from the house.


The two or more housemates who receive the most votes will be put up for the public vote, with one housemate being booted on in a midweek eviction next Wednesday.


But who will face the chop?


There have already been a few arguments and bitching sessions in the house, with Cheryl and The Situation annoying the group with their snoring.


And Jasmine Lennard has claimed that Danica has playing games with The Situation after flirting with him.


Meanwhile Martin Kemp has claimed he’ll have no problem when it comes to nominations.


He said: “I’m looking forward to nominations, I’m under no illusion that the BB house is a TV studio and not a proper house. I will nominate the arse off people, if I think they’re too strong I’ll nominate them off.”


Celebrity Big Brother airs tonight on Channel 5.


Channel 5 from 9:00pm to 10:00pm

Catch up on the latest events inside the Celebrity Big Brother house. 
Channel 5 from 10:00pm to 10:30pm
Live from the House: Live nominations
Exclusive live coverage from inside the Celebrity Big Brother house 
Channel 5 from 10:30pm to 11:20pm
Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side
Emma Willis hosts a round up of Celebrity Big Brother related news and debate, 

Day 3: Love hurts


47 mins ago

The course of true love never did run smooth, and last night before bedtime, Prince Lorenzo, Coleen, Harvey and Jasmine got together to talk deeply about love, relationships, and the crushing pain of it all.

Naming no names (come on, these guys are professionals) they ruminated on the ups and downs of love gone wrong. Mainly the downs...

Coleen and Jasmine were quick to focus on their past hurts, with Jasmine taking a very pessimistic look at her romantic approach, saying, "I’ve spent the last 7 years chasing love instead of money or success."

Of course, the others tried to reassure her, with Coleen being very diplomatic, "I’ve been hurt so many times [but] every time I’ve been hurt, I’ve gotten over it," but Jasmine didn’t seem to want to hear this advice, staying on her downcast train of thought, before Lorenzo chipped in with a very philosophical (and some might say clichÃĐd) examination of his own reaction to his last breakup, "Am I just gonna live in a bubble and not move on?"

Well, quite. After a bit more chat, Jasmine seemed to come round, and said this morning that the chat was "really therapeutic." Just goes to show; time, and a chatty Prince, will heal all ills...




Day 3: Prince Charming task

4 hours ago

In today’s task, Prince Lorenzo will be thinking it's his lucky day, as Big Brother instructs the ladies of the House to flirt outrageously with him, in the hopes of being picked as his Princess. Though the boys won’t be taking part, they will still be forbidden from telling Lorenzo about the task.
The secret mission will see the ladies butter Lorenzo up for 90 minutes, with him choosing his favourite in an elaborate Crowning Ceremony much like those featured in The Bachelor.
The Princess will be given the royal treatment by Lorenzo for the rest of the day, showered with gifts provided by HRH Big Brother.
Who’s your money on? Will Danica work on their canine common ground, or will Coleen serenade him with a Nolans classic? Check back later to see.


2.44pm: Cheryl is dominating the #cbbprincecharming task by talking at Lorenzo and not letting him get a word in. Premium flirting. #cbb

2.48pm: Cheryl doesn't seem to know what "big girl's blouse" means... #cbb #cbbprincecharming

2.50pm: Danica and Rhian seem to be approaching the #cbbprincecharming task by...sitting outside and ignoring him. #cbb

2.53pm: Samantha's flirting technique is also interesting, she is sweeping the kitchen, silently. #cbbprincecharming #cbb

2.56pm: Massage time!!! Jasmine is about to give Lorezo a rubdown... #cbbprincecharming #cbb

2.58pm: Cheryl is muscling in on the massage. She's taking the feet while Jasmine takes the back. #cbb #cbbprincecharming

3.02pm: Samantha, Julie and Coleen are cleaning the kitchen, letting Cheryl and Jasmine have their crack at #cbbprincecharming #cbb

3.09pm: The Situation says the #cbbprincecharming task reminds him "of Roman times" and we totally, totally see what he means. #cbb

3.40pm: Ashley thinks that despite Danica's non-participation so far, she will win the #cbbprincecharming task... #cbb
3.45pm: Samantha is passing orange slices round the garden. What a lovely summertime treat. #cbb

3.50pm: Bored of the #cbbprincecharming task, Cheryl is leading a rousing sing-along of Stand By Me. #cbb
3.54pm: Samantha, seeing that Jasmine is in the smoking area, is taking her chance for a close chat with Lorenzo #cbbprincecharming #cbb

3.56pm: We are now being treated to a lovely, harmonised acapella version of Lean On Me by the HMs. Pretty great stuff. #cbb 

3.58pm: Cheryl, Harvey and Danica just tried to serenade Martin with GOLD! They didn't know the words....awkward. #cbbprincecharming #cbb


4.05pm: Danica has entered the #cbbprincecharming game! She looks very interested in Lorenzo's seaside story. #cbb


4.11pm: BB has gathered the HMs on the couches! Wonder who will be Lorenzo's princess...? #cbb #cbbprincecharming


4.17pm: The HMs are waiting inside while the garden is prepared for the #cbbprincecharming Crowning Ceremony. #cbb


4.20pm: BB is telling Lorenzo he can choose his princess....BUT not telling him about the previous 90 mins of secret mission flirting#cbb


4.22pm: The girls are all lined up, and Lorenzo must reject each of them in turn, with a sticker... #cbb #cbbprincecharming This probably reminds him of when he was on The Bachelor


4.23pm: First to be rejected is...CHERYL


4.27pm: Next up, JULIE. But she did get a kiss. #cbb #cbbprincecharming


4.28pm: Next rejection...COLEEN! Who he calls 'Connie'... #awkward #cbb #cbbprincecharming


4.29pm: Next...Rhian! Because she didn't offer him a massage. #cbb #cbbprincecharming


4.30pm: Danic is the next to be rejected! #cbb #cbbprincecharming


4.30pm: Who will win? Samantha or Jasmine? #cbb #cbbprincecharming 


4.32pm: Prince Lorenzo's princess is..........SAMANTHA!!!!!! #cbb #cbbprincecharming

4.33pm: Turns out that Lorenzo values kindness, awarding Samantha the honour because she has "helped everyone" Aw! #cbbprincecharming #cbb

4.43pm: Princess Samantha has been crowned in the garden. Prince Lorenzo must now spoil his Princess. #CBB


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