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Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Morning all  


Thanks for the updates MrsH   



 Morning Scotty   and thanks 



Morning all   Fridays soon roll round 

 How time flies when you`re enjoying yourself  


Lots of cogs for me this morning. I`ll clear the cookies in a bit, see if that helps. 

Originally Posted by Scotty:


Lots of cogs for me this morning. I`ll clear the cookies in a bit, see if that helps. 

I am having problems too   google chrome/avg - not sure which updated earlier and all my easy access pages etc have gone - am in a pickle and trying to sort it   I feel a system restore is fast approaching 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:


Lots of cogs for me this morning. I`ll clear the cookies in a bit, see if that helps. 

I am having problems too   google chrome/avg - not sure which updated earlier and all my easy access pages etc have gone - am in a pickle and trying to sort it   I feel a system restore is fast approaching 

Oh no!   Definitely system restore if you can`t get it sorted. I use google chrome and a similar thing happened to me last week. Tried all sorts but nothing would shift it. SR did. Good luck!  

Originally Posted by Scotty:

Oh no!   Definitely system restore if you can`t get it sorted. I use google chrome and a similar thing happened to me last week. Tried all sorts but nothing would shift it. SR did. Good luck!  

yeah sorted and everything cleaned along the way   should be problem free for the last week now   I dont think we realise just how many cookies and crap we are collecting doing the updates TBH  but ... a full system format and reinstall is on the cards when this is over - I have a few viruses stuck in the vault that wont shift so fingers crossed it wont go astray this week 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Oh no!   Definitely system restore if you can`t get it sorted. I use google chrome and a similar thing happened to me last week. Tried all sorts but nothing would shift it. SR did. Good luck!  

yeah sorted and everything cleaned along the way   should be problem free for the last week now   I dont think we realise just how many cookies and crap we are collecting doing the updates TBH  but ... a full system format and reinstall is on the cards when this is over - I have a few viruses stuck in the vault that wont shift so fingers crossed it wont go astray this week 


Never thought about us doing the updates that could be causing the problems but I think you might be right as it only happens then. Think I`ll do the same as you once it`s over. Glad you`re all sorted, hope it holds out 


Day 17: Just Julie

3 mins ago

As landlady of the Rover’s Return, Julie ‘Bet Lynch’ Goodyear did not suffer fools and it seems her screen persona spills over into real life.

Julie has firmly established herself as the house matriarch with Ashley and Harvey referring to her as Nana and Julian waiting on her hand, foot and finger. At 70, she has a more than 10 years on the next oldest housemate but she is able to relate to one and all.

The majority of the housemates have naturally treated her like a fragile queen, making sure she is fed and watered, warm enough and groomed. When the other nine cleaned the house yesterday, she sat on the sofa and let them get on with it.

Initially the confident, she showed herself perfectly capable of double crossing her fellow housemates when she nominated Rhian in Week 2. She has barely received a nomination with Lorenzo being the only housemate to pick her in the most recent round of noms. She commented to Samatha that he was a brave man for doing so – could housemates be afraid of her?

She relished her role as Aphrodite during the Gods and Mortals task and has been drip feeding information she gleaned during her time on Mount Olympus to her fellow housemates, in particular focusing her attention on Coleen’s activity.  

She speaks her mind and has the House in stitches over some of her outbursts.

After tonight she will be one of just two ladies left in the House. Will she escape nominations again or will the the lads and one lady be brave enough to challenge her reign? 



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