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Day 16: Not so solid advice

58 mins ago

It's time for the man from Jersey Shore to man-up. The situation with The Situation and Danica is there is no situation. We get this, we're pretty sure he gets this, but it seems one person is still stirring up a bit of tension in that camp - and that is Harvey.

Offering advice to his buddy over breakfast, Harvey gave forth, "Two nights ago I said 'go to bed, it’s getting to much. It’s an emotional roller coaster. There has to be a point in your brain that goes ping even if you heart is going boom.'

"You go in and you go back even if you know it's never gonna work."

Did it ever work in the first place? We'd like to think we're fairly chaste but the pair didn't even lock lips. Where was the romance?

Harvey had more to give, "She adores you like you adore her but you want a woman who loves you and doesn’t play with your heart." Enough already Harvs.

One person who is still feeling the aftershocks of the Danica/Sitch 'relationship' is Lorenzo. He apparently feels his fellow countryman has no reason to have any ill feeling for him. He also thinks Harvey – who nominated him under the guise of loyalty to his mate The Sitch - needs to let this one go. "I didn't think he'd put me up this early for such a ridiculous reason," he said. Mike is hurt and everything is fine, but back off."

Martin who likes to offer the voice of reason was supportive, responding with, "I don’t see why if a girl turns a guy down, she’s not allowed to talk to another guy. It's so high school." Totally.

Harvey meanwhile has turned his attention to Danica, offering out some pearls of wisdom, sharing his wealth of showbiz experience and offering advice. They’re talking man to woman. Could this one finally be laid to rest or has Harvey got another trick to pull?



Day 16: Ashley the man of action

31 mins ago

Unlike Harvey, his motor mouth mentor, Ashley is increasingly becoming a man of deeds not words. His early play for Rhian nose-dived as soon as she revealed the existence of a boyfriend and sulking became one of his main past-times. As he came to terms with the impossibility of realising his affection it became clear that talking, even under normal conditions, was not the preferred language of our Olympic judo star.

It spoke volumes that he told his life story through physical activity during the Talents Agent task.  It said even more that he went on to win this task, his  grace, strength and control impressing you , the public more than the words rapped by his rival, Harvey. Seems like we all rate a character who can communicate with deeds and not just words.

Every morning we see him busting a gut in the gym – stretching muscles that we didn't realise existed with eye-watering contortions. Other housemates, from the fitness buffs to the ones who need to look good for their jobs, tend to skip days here and there but for Ashley it's more than a hobby, it's a calling. It's essential for the 23-year-old to flush some of that Tasmanian-devil-like energy out of his system. As one of his many affectionate in-House supports, Martin, wisely reflected, sport is where he channels impulses that might otherwise rage out of control. Physical exertion is his outlet.

Coleen is another one who holds the London lad in high regard, even after he picked her during the face-to-face nominations. "He's just a hyperactive kid," she mused to Martin on the sofas earlier, before taking her thoughts in a more ominous direction. She's worried that the attention Ashley will get after the House will take him the wrong direction.  She's also sceptical that aligning with Harvey is the best thing for the athlete.

Who should wander out at this point but the man himself.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Talking about you in a very, very nice way I was saying that I hope you never change, " said Coleen,  laying her card on the table.

"I won't change," muttered Ashley.

Whether this is true of his character, one thing seems conclusive, this is a housemate who will not fall into physical lethargy in the House. From straight exercising to wild renditions of 'Purple Rain' in the hot tub, he is putting to rest the myth that being housebound means being lazy and for this, we doff our caps (as we lie prone on the sofa). You can take the man out of the Olympics but you can’t take its spirit out of the man.


Originally Posted by Scotty:

3.05pm: Julie is hoping for a fun task from Big Brother today. What are the chances of BB obliging?

Perhaps they can get her to hone her suction techniques on the floor surfaces if the vac' isn't working

Hiya ScottykinsI don't often look in here so as to avoid spoilers, but well done you and others for all of your work

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

2.42pm: If sitting around smoking counted as cleaning, Julie would be invaluable.

I was going to post on the last tweet that I thought nana would be doing nowt

Mystic Meg has nothing on me 

I think she is going to get worse as time goes on

 She`s Queen Bee in the house but she has no chance of winning. 

She doesn`t know that...yet  

Last edited by Scotty
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

3.05pm: Julie is hoping for a fun task from Big Brother today. What are the chances of BB obliging?

Perhaps they can get her to hone her suction techniques on the floor surfaces if the vac' isn't working

Hiya ScottykinsI don't often look in here so as to avoid spoilers, but well done you and others for all of your work



Hiya Supes and thanks   


4.33pm: The men now have an hour to rehearse. Here's more detail on  

Day 16: The Spandex Ballet task

2 mins ago

The male housemates have been feeling pretty smug after all avoiding being up for eviction this week but Big Brother has a task that is going to give the ladies the upper hand.

The Spandex Ballet task will keep the six men of the House on their toes as they choreograph an original dance routine incorporating moves but themed around a title given to them by Big Brother.

The titles will be based upon statements made by housemates during their time in the House.

Ashley & Harvey will perform the dance "I think things will be a lot clearer once the titties are out of the way" to Finale from Swan Lake.

Prince Lorenzo & The Situation will throw some shapes in relation to the line, "Lorenzo? He’s just a bloody sheep. Oh my god he’s totally lost his balls," to Coppelia’s Waltz by Leo Delibes.

Martin & Julian will dance the, "You should have felt the impact of that pie in my f**king face and I would never do that. She nearly knocked my front teeth out" to Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker.

The girls will take on the role of a judging panel. Critiquing the guys’ moves and grading their performance. The team that achieves the highest score will be rewarded by BB as will the judges.



Originally Posted by Scotty:

4.33pm: The men now have an hour to rehearse. Here's more detail on 

The titles will be based upon statements made by housemates during their time in the House.

Ashley & Harvey will perform the dance "I think things will be a lot clearer once the titties are out of the way" to Finale from Swan Lake.

Prince Lorenzo & The Situation will throw some shapes in relation to the line, "Lorenzo? He’s just a bloody sheep. Oh my god he’s totally lost his balls," to Coppelia’s Waltz by Leo Delibes.

Martin & Julian will dance the, "You should have felt the impact of that pie in my f**king face and I would never do that. She nearly knocked my front teeth out" to Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker.

The girls will take on the role of a judging panel. Critiquing the guys’ moves and grading their performance. The team that achieves the highest score will be rewarded by BB as will the judges.




  brilliant BB 


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