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Day 2: The Bachelor’s search continues


2 hours ago

He didn’t find love over on our sister show The Bachelor so the hunt is still on for Prince Lorenzo Borghese -  even if he’d rather we call him plain ‘Lorenzo’. But Loz (we took it to the next stage) may not be as open and honest and straightforward as he claimed to be in our interview.

For example, he told Danica that he hates to talk about his exes yet, seconds later, tumbled into an elaborate anecdote involving not one but two exes. Come now, my liege, dost thou take us for ignoramuses?

The story (which spanned ten minutes) involved a terribly embarrassing scenario. He’d taken one girl to a favourite restaurant. Who should he end up bumping chair legs with? An ex! The then current beau flipped out but he was all, "baby, you shall not make a scene and I shall enjoy my dinner."

That was pretty much the deal. Shoehorned into this remarkably pointless story were the details that he was wearing a tuxedo and had just shot a commercial in Central Park.

Would you say that he’s trying to impress the delightful Ms Thrall?

Rhian had earlier received the royal treatment while the duo listened to Cheryl recounting the details of her Internet-spawned amour. Loz took every opportunity to coo over the details. In case Rhian had zoned out, let us summarise for her. He’s romantic, okay? And loaded. It was hard to read whether the blonde bombshell was lapping up the ‘sensitive soul’ vibes but the two were able to agree that Facebook is a relationship-killer.

The next time she’s in a relationship Rhian has vowed to delete her Facebook profile. So watch that space because, if it disappears, it may mean the bachelor has been stripped of his title...








JASMINE Lennard’s ban on talking about her sizzling romance with Simon Cowell has caused her “anger, frustration and pain”.

The sexy model, 27, enjoyed a  secret six-month relationship with the X Factor boss.


After entering the Celebrity Big Brother house, the other stars could not wait to grill her about TV’s Mr Nasty.


But Jasmine told nosey TV presenter Coleen Nolan: “I had an affair with  Simon Cowell and I do really want to talk about it but I’m not allowed to. Rich people get to keep secrets.


“They have the money to stop you and I just don’t think it’s fair.


“If I did talk about it, I would go to jail.  It’s a High Court injunction.”



Former Loose Women star Coleen, 47, sympathised with her and said: “That must be frustrating.”


Jasmine said: “It pains me, it angers me, it really frustrates me.


“I don’t have anything bad to say.  That person was such a huge part of my life. I don’t want my life to be defined by it. The way the relationship has gone down in history is the complete opposite to how it went down.”


Coleen asked what Cowell had to hide by seeking an injunction.


Jasmine said: “Just fear. I’m a believer that the truth comes out in the end. I’m not sure when.”


Comedian Julian Clary, 53, tried to make light of the fact that Jasmine could go to prison if she blabbed about the affair.


He joked: “I’ll come and visit you.”


And former singer Coleen also laughed: “I’ll bring a cake with a file in.”


Cowell first met Jasmine back in 2006, when he was dating TV presenter Terri Seymour, 37.


Jas, who even has Simon’s  initials tattooed on her wrist, has made no bones about the fact she signed for the Channel 5 reality show because she is broke.


The babe, who has a two-year-old son called Phoenix, claimed she was once so poor she could not pay to have her pet dog buried.


She also claimed she  almost became a pop star, saying: “I’ve had powerful people come up to me and say I’ve got a look about me and an energy and ask if I can sing.


“I can’t. I’ve been tempted to lie but I’m totally tone deaf.”


The garden crew

The garden sofas are still warm from the behinds of the civilian BB’s ‘soldiers’ but tonight four new kids are camped out where the fag ends burn the brightest. Coleen, MC Harvey, Jasmine and Prince Loz are burning the midnight oil in the smoking area while trying to figure out who to trust in this madhouse they call a... House. MC Harvey and Coleen, who bonded earlier in the day, were the first to dig themselves in. We were particularly curious about their friendship after Bit on the Side showed MC Harvey singing the Nolan’s praises in the Diary Room, before going on to describe the very married lady as a "cougar". "When I look at you, you’re like the voice of women," simpered Harvey.  The 'voice of women'?! Don’t blow your A-grade compliments on the second day, Harv! The MC then used his spitting talents to rhapsodise about Martin Kemp. The pair have apparently covered a lot of conversational ground today "from acting to women to the end of the world." Harvey giggled as if finding it impossible to believe that the twinkly eyed, dimple-chinned, pop-turned-soap star could find so much to say to him. "We've come from different worlds but we've naturally become inseparable," gushed the over-excited Harvey. Martin was in the bedroom at this point, a separate location to the garden. Sorry for pointing out this technicality. It's possible that we're just jealous. Coleen leapt in to pour more love on Kempy. He, Ashley and the assembled company were dubbed proper celebrities while subtle scorn was poured on the 'glamour girls'. Harvey attributed Danica's reserve to a fear of a negative backlash. We didn’t know he was a psychologist. Maybe he and Martin Kemp can discuss Freud vs Jung next. Back to Danica, whose bitching fodder status was amplified after Jasmine and Prince Loz joined the garden crew. It seems that as Mike S snored, Danica said to Jasmine, "Why don't you undress him"? The self-professed "professional bad girl" read heaps of appalling implications into this remark. Even when sleeping, The Situation's creating situations. Seriously! This guy... Back in the garden, Harvey and Jasmine gave vociferous opposition to Danica and Rhian who's been tarred with the same brush. Prince Loz and Coleen were slightly more reserved. Will the garden crew stay so solid as these ruptures run their course? It’s impossible to call. Stay tuned to the website as we post updates.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

1.55am: Jasmine's finished telling  her story and everyone's being pretty sympathetic.

I need to check which one is Jasmine, still can't remember which model is which

Jasmin is the dark haired one * cough cough  think Simon Cowell *

Oh right Mrs H. got it lol. I know nothing about her history but I get annoyed that some celebs of a higher status than others can control through the Courts what's released as truth and what isn't...why the heck am I sticking up for her on a few threads when I've never heard of her before and apparently she's a so called biatch lol

Yellow Rose

Feature: How celeb-y are these celebs?


47 mins ago

Before they entered the House, we asked our dear housemates to fill in a survey assessing their 'slebness'. Let's see how they did...

The best way to prove you're an important person is to know even more important people. We don't know how the world's most important person manages to stick to the rule, but they're so important it doesn't matter. The Situation obviously knows Jersey Shore cast-mate Snooki, who he claims is the most famous person in his phone. However, we should add that he spelled her name 'Snooky' when he name-checked her. Come on, Sitch – get it right if you wanna brag! 

Meanwhile Harvey says he counts Steven Seagal amongst his chums, Cheryl claims she knows Freddie Flintoff, Lorenzo is pals with "numerous Housewives of New York, New Jersey and Beverly Hills' [the US shows]", Julian says he's got the one and only Davina saved amongst his digits, Coleen name-drops Brian May, while Samantha and Rhian stay coy, telling us it's "private". Hmmm.

Next up, how do these celebs travel? On a Mega Bus with a home made sarnie and a flask of tea? Of course not. If they're proper celebs it should be private jets all the way, right? Stand up Julie Goodyear, who tells us she has had this privilege. As has Coleen, Julian Clary, Lorenzo, The Situation and Harvey. Good work, guys. You've made it (if 'making it' is making us jealous).

What about VIP clubs? Let's see which of our housemates have made it beyond the red velvet rope of London's China White... Of course Harvey has, as has Ashley, Julian and Cheryl, who tells us "Sid Owen took me there and it was awful."

Talking of U

K institution Sid Owen, which of our celebs can name-check the chap? Coleen and Harvey both claim to have met him, while Julian says he "feels he has". Ah, imagine knowing Sid... Just imagine.

But which of our housemates have uttered sleb standard; 'DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!'? Ashley admits to having done so, while Julian reckons he does it often. Coleen says she has, though she adds only to her kids, much like Cheryl. Come on the rest of you, be more diva-ish and prove your celeb credentials.

Celebs should also be a bit rock 'n' roll, so which of our HMs have thrown a telly out a hotel window (don't try this at home)? Well, slow-burning dark horse Rhian says she's witnessedsomeone doing precisely this, while The Situation has thrown a laptop, Coleen has chucked an, erm, cigarette out a window and Julie says she can "neither confirm or deny" doing such a thing. Ooh, Jules. – cryptic.

We don't necessary think being a good celeb means being minted, but let's see how our celebs are doing on that front... Julie says the most expensive things she's bought beside property is a gold Rolls Royce, Samantha treated herself to a Dolce and Gabbana dress ("post-divorce"), Coleen splashed out on a sexy Lexus hybrid, Julian indulged on a posh Niki de Saint Phalle sculpture, Cheryl bought a pricey new motor that most certainly wasn't from Walford's car lot, Danica lightened her purse 2k for a new frock, Ashley put down a sizeable packet for a new car, while Harvey bought a very, very costly automobile with a blinging watch on the side.

We've crunched the data and analysed that stats – a

nd, you know what? We think Coleen is the winner! Well done, Coleen – you're the most celeb-y celeb in the House!

NB: Martin and Jasmine didn't fill in their answers so are exempt.




Day 2: Round-up


After only one full day in the Big Brother facility, our freshly packaged celebrity housemates have wasted no time whatsoever in making their mark.

With characters like this, it was bound to happen. We've got a right mixed bag on our hands this summer and fireworks were pretty much guaranteed. Thankfully, so far they've all been the lovely, admirable kind of pyrotechnics we can all stand back and gasp at rather than the bombshell bangers that go off when things get frosty. Day 2 saw a lot of laughs, a respectable amount of bonding and only the lightest moments of cattiness.

The day started with Rhian intriguing Harvey with the lowdown on the dreams that bumbled through her unconscious before she woke from her slumber. Those weren't the onlymorning tales being told either. To celebrate all this info-sharing and to pay tribute to our sleepy-heads' fine sartorial stylings, we published a gallery of our celebs in their PJs.

After bleary heads had shaken out the dust, Harvey got a judo lesson from Ashley that he may never forget. Meanwhile, in the bathroom, our Prince Charming Lorenzo got a discretion lesson from Coleen and Cheryl that he may well value for the rest of his time in the House.

Cheryl was on a comic roll all day and seems to have taken to the hot-tub and pool like a confirmed water baby. She spent a fair portion of her time in aquatic mode mocking Big Brother â€“ and there was much laughter. After Big Brother ejected them from the garden for his own devious purposes, housemates were forced to make their own entertainment, which is just what they did. It quickly became clear who in the House are doing their best in forging new friendships.

Soon enough it was task time. The Moment Of Truth was an ostensibly inoffensive game ofGuess The Housemate History, but the revelations made could effect a few relationships as the show goes on. As it turned out, players Julian and The Situation actually failed the task, but nobody seemed too annoyed.

As the day began to wind down, Martin chatted to Jasmine and Harvey about his spooky,paranormal experiences and all agreed that there's more to life than the three dimensional humdrum. Elsewhere, after the task had aired it openly, Cheryl and Samantha talked about the newspaper article that had caused her so much aggravation. While all that went down, both Lorenzo and The Situation had their own separate love-fails.

Jasmine had something to say about the latter's shaky love attempt. Actually, it's fair to say that Jasmine has a fair amount to say about a lot of topics. She's part of the garden crew â€“ made up of Coleen, Lorenzo, Harvey and Jasmine - that's slowly developing (as tends to happen). While bed-headed Julian and Julie griped about bedtime, the crew talked into the night about the celebrity spectrum, their own insecurities and went into depth about various life experiences. And they also talked about Danica, not knowing what to make of their new housemate.

n fact, they were still up past the 2:00am mark nattering about stuff. Perhaps they've all found friends for life? 

Alliances don't half form fast in the Big Brother House.


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