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'It's too much': Danica Thrall's boyfriend admits he's struggling with The Situation flirting with his girl... as he reveals he's living with the CBB contestant





Since finding fame on Sex, Lies and Rinsing Guys, it’s fair to say that Danica Thrall has a history of manipulating men to get where she wants to be in life.


And since appearing on Celebrity Big Brother it didn’t take the 24-year-old long to wrap some of the male housemates around her little finger.

It's even been blamed for her being put up for eviction this week after a number of housemates flagged it up as the reason they decided to nominate her.

Keeping it quiet: Danica's boyfriend Ben has spoken out, revealing he actually lives with the model and has admitted he can't stand The Situation flirting with her



 Danica's boyfriend Ben has spoken out, revealing he actually lives with the model and has admitted he can't stand The Situation flirting with her


But now Danica’s real life boyfriend has come forward to slate The Situation for getting closer with his girlfriend in the house, branding the US reality star’s behaviour ‘crackers’ and admitting he's finding it just a bit 'too much'.

Property developer Ben King, 28, has spoken out about Danica’s flirting in the house, admitting that he isn’t usually fazed by her tactile behaviour but it has started to affect him since she's been in the house.

Ben, who has been dating her for four months, told new! magazine: ‘Her flirting doesn’t usually bother me. I guess it just comes with the territory and I just have to accept that.’


Danica - whose job involves interacting with men online in exchange for money and gifts - has faced criticism from the celebrity housemates since entering the Big Brother house based on her line of work.

Model Jasmine Lennard in particular took offence to Danica’s job – branding her a ‘prostitute’ after confronting the glamour girl, saying: ‘I don’t like escorts.’

 Property developer Ben King, 28, has revealed he's finding it difficult seeing the Jersey Shore star trying to get close to his girlfriend in the house

But now Danica’s boyfriend Ben has publicly come to her defence, insisting that she is not to blame for the flirty scenes viewers have seen between her and The Situation.

Her beau places the blame firmly in the lap of the US star, claiming that The Situation is doing all the chasing – and not the other way around.

Ben added to new! magazine:  ‘It’s crackersâ€Ķ This guy [The Situation] is clearly trying his luck. His flirting is too much.’

He even admits that Danica has recently moved in with him – something that she has kept from her fellow housemates, casually describing her relationship with Ben as ‘seeing someone.’


Maybe this is why! Danica has come under fire for her flirtatious behaviour and has even been nominated up for eviction this week largely because of her mind games with men


Ben has now revealed: ‘We’ve been together for four months and she’s already moved in with me in a new place.'

He then added that he wanted to 'protect her' and hates seeing her 'upset'.

Danica received the most amount of nominations of all her housemates this week, notching up a total of six, and is favourite to leave the famous compound on Wednesday night.

She was seen on screen getting closer to Jersey Shore star Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino - even inviting herself to join him at the MTV Video Music Awards, with Mike promising that he’d buy her a dress for the occasion.


You're taken! The stunner cuddled up to The Situation, although her boyfriend Ben insists it is the American that has been chasing her


Later the blonde TV star rebutted his advances and quickly turned her attention to Prince Lorenzo Borghese, telling the Italian royal: ‘You act like a guy I’d date in the outside worldâ€Ķ I find you attractive.’

The Situation told Big Brother in the diary room as he decided to nominate her: 'She's playing with my emotions so to speak. I feel like she's playing with maybe others emotions too... mainly males in order to sway opinions.'


Olympic judo star Ashley Mckenzie also agreed with The Situation during his nomination: '[Danica] is getting housemates to fall for her. She is fake. She is playing with people’s emotions.'

But loyal boyfriend Ben is sticking by her side in spite of all the drama she has caused on the reality show, insisting he is 'proud' of the beauty.

Danica faces the public vote on Wednesday along with The Situation, page 3 girl Rhian Sugden and journalist Samantha Brick.


Up for eviction: Danica was labelled 'fake' by her housemates and was chastised for her flirtatious ways manipulating people



 The Situation, who was previously smitten with Danica, even nominated her for the chop after growing tired of the way she is treating him



Day 14: Making up is quite easy to do

9 hours ago

After a day of silence following an explosive row, bosom buddies Danica and The Situation have made up! Yippee hooray.

Sharing an almost silent hug in the bedroom, The Sitch and Danica proceeded to take themselves away from the other housemates and, with Ashley sporadically singing Purple Rain in the background, they hashed it out.

The Situation started things off, seemingly fishing for an apology, telling Danica, "In the past couple of days, you have maybe given me eye contact twice..." But Danica was not going to give him an apology without first getting him to answer her question: "who was in the wrong?"

The Sitch dodged that question for, ooooooooh, five minutes, and then they got bogged down in the details of their epic fall-out, with him admitting that "It was a tiny bit to do with you and the Prince."

Danica seemed really quite upset at a lot of The Sitch's answers to her questions, saying "we're not ready to have this conversation" but things soon got on to a very prickly subject: rinsing.

"What is rinsing?" asked The Situation, appearing genuinely interested before quizzing her on the details, to which she replied "you're making me feel really awkward." She persevered, though, and attempted to school him in the details of *that* documentary.

A quick loo break later, things seemed to go much easier, and they stopped sniping at each other to make some real progress.

After all the drama and confrontation, they have made up, laughing and joking and with The Situation threatening to walk out if Danica is evicted tomorrow. Awww, we love it when a make-up chat goes well...



Day 14 round up

51 mins ago

Another very full and eventful day in the Big Brother House began with the Gods waking up on their Olympian mount.

Discussing all the mortal activity they'd been privy to the previous evening, it turned out that they weren't fully impressed by the 'Pranica' action they'd seen and, lo, they cast judgement upon the foolish humans. Breakfast took their minds off it, mercifully.

The Situation had a bit of a strop going on back down on terra firma, waking up complaining and only cheering himself up by serving two of his fellow serfs a moist petit dejeunerJulian was on hand to talk our American friend out of his mood a little, and the day looked to improve for Mikey from the US somewhat as it rolled on.

Back in the heavens, Aphrodite – played by Bet Lynch in this confusing role-play of the cosmos – gave Harvey and Ashley some life lessons in love. And then it was time for the real big guy, Big Brother to you and me, to pass some of his power on to our temporarily elevated pals. Given control of the Diary Room, they were to become the Voice Of God for a limited time, and by crikey they jumped at the chance.

There were more tricks up BB's sleeve and this time it was Samantha who was called into action. She was to become the Gods' mole, removing items from the material realm at their whim and she carried out her task with aplomb. Her prize? Godhood. She joined Aphrodite, Zeus, Poseidon and Ares as Apollo up on the Mount. And then it was time for their final Gods and Mortals task. Gorgons needed slaying, and it was down to Harvey and Ashley to do those snake-headed monsters over something proper.

Soon enough, that was that. Stripped of their divinity, our ex-Gods joined their pals back on Earth and jabbered about all the fun they'd had. They attempted to be diplomatic after all the judgement calls they'd made, but Coleen felt some funny vibrations and shared her feelingswith Julian and Danica.

Emotions were mixed as the evening began to fade. Rhian felt a touch of the homesickness blues and elsewhere The Situation and Danica made some reconciliation moves, at leastin terms of friendship. But still everyone's confused. Lorenzo's not too happy about being caught up in a love triangle, and The Situation had plenty of Danica conversation left in his tank.

True love, eh? It never did run smooth. But there's an eviction looming just around the corner – and two of the corners of this particular equilateral are at risk.


Celebrity Big Brother 2012: The Situation warned over Danica row


Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino [Celebrity Big Brother 2012)



Celebrity Big Brother 2012 housemate The Situation was warned yesterday following his row with Danica.


We saw The Situation and Danica rowing in the bedroom on last night’s highlights show, but the Daily Star report that some of the tense argument was cut from the final edit.


The newspaper reports that the US reality star “flipped” and threatened to “f***ing kill someone” following his argument with the model.


Danica had accused The Situation of being jealous of her friendship with Prince Lorenzo, telling him to “grow some balls” and to stop “acting like a 16-year-old”.

The argument went on for TWO HOURS, with The Situation hitting back at Danica: “You are one of the fakest people I’ve ever met.


“You jump from ship to ship to ship. I don’t like you any more.”


But after The Situation was left wound up, he was called to the Diary Room to calm down and reminded about the house rules.


While The Situation, real name Mike Sorrentino, was away, Danica confessed to the other housemates: “I was actually a bit scared.”


The fall out of the row continues on Celebrity Big Brother tonight on Channel 5.


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Celebrity Big Brother 2012 eviction day once again... who will go tonight?


Danica Thrall [Celebrity Big Brother 2012)



It’s eviction day in the Celebrity Big Brother house once again, with four housemates up for the chop.


Tonight will see one of The Situation, Rhian, Danica or Samantha leave after being put up for the vote by their fellow housemates on Sunday.


Danica received a whopping six nominations, while the remaining trio received three each.


In our TellyMix eviction poll, The Situation looks safe with 40% of the vote, while the three girls are all very close.


Samantha Brick has a narrow lead over Danica, who in turn is just ahead of Rhian, who is currently our tip to leave this evening.


However Danica is the new favourite to be evicted next from Celebrity Big Brother according to bookies Ladbrokes.


Upon the nominations being announced it was the teary Samantha who was chalked up as the initial favourite, but in a turn of events the majority of the money has been for Danica, seeing her odds cut to 11/8 from 2/1 for the chop this week.


Rhian finds herself quoted at 6/4 as Samantha drifts out in the betting to 5/2. And despite his anger at back-to-back eviction votes The Situation is the clear outsider at 25/1 to outed next.


Julian’s now given the edge over Martin (5/2) at 11/8 in the betting to win the show, with Coleen and Julie battling it out as the third favourites at 8/1 each.


Jessica Bridge of Ladbrokes said: “Samantha’s crocodile tears appear to have won over the public, however on the night she might not be so lucky and Danica could defy her odds.”


Tune in to Celebrity Big Brother 2012 tonight from 9PM on Channel 5 to see who goes!


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Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

^^^^^ I was wondering earlier today why the Press hadn't gotten hold of Danica's bf to ask him what he thought. 

TBH I doubted as to whether she did actually have a BF or whether it was just words to ward the guys off but once again a very hashed together article and maybe several days old and before her and Princey got to be buddies again  


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