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Day 14: Gods back amongst men

5 mins ago

The Gods and Mortals task is over and done with â€“ and a hearty congratulations to our celebs on their fantastic toppling of a trio of gorgons. Splendid stuff of which Perseus himself would be proud.

Now that our quintet of deities have been returned to mortality and descended from Mt. Olympus, we've seen them back amongst their mortal housemates, mingling as though nothing had happened. Nothing, that is, apart from their earlier omniscience. They were able to see every darned thing their subjects were up to as they reclined up on the Mount, and communicating that fact to their chums required a light touch.

Naturally, the topic of the now infamous Danica / Situation squabble couldn't be avoided. The Situation told his boys, Harvey and Ashley, that he and Danica haven't spoken since the row. "She went personal on that argument" he said, ungrammatically.

The boys tried to remain diplomatic but it was clear they had their American cuz's back, mainly by the fact they constantly referred to themselves as "we". They're a posse, and it's clear whose side they were on.

Over in the kitchen, A handful of those we previously referred to as The Mortals mulled over this point. Coleen in particular noticed the cliquey vibe emanating from the boys and wasn't happy at all. Julian and Danica concurred.

It may not have divided the House too visibly, but clearly the Gods and Mortals task has left a lingering and bitter taste. Even if we're back in the material realm, some grudges may hold fast.


Day 14: Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother

47 mins ago

If we told you tonight's episode of Celebrity Big Brother was a heart-warming hour of loving tenderness, frankly we'd be lying. Day 13 was an eventful one for our housemates – and it wasn't exactly plain sailing.

Tune in tonight at 10pm on Channel 5 and you can expect drama on pretty much every level. Things get elemental right from the off as BB conjures up the Gods and Mortals task from the get-go, calling Martin and Julie over to Mount Olympus to live it up like celebrity deities while the rest of their housemates wander the House in rags, living the mortal life at the whim of the divine entities. It's a task that involves a fair amount of trouble for the mortal housemates, including a battle against the elements and a heck of a lot of sacrifice. It also involves a banana, but the less said about that the better.

Outside of the heavenly task, there's enough drama to fill a series and it all culminates in an argument between will they/won't they/ oh they hate each other now couple, Danica and The Situation. This one's worth the entrance price on its own.

We'll see you on Channel 5 at 10pm for the fireworks.



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