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Day 14: Mortal bonds



The Gods were displeased this morning and the reason could be summarised with one made up word, 'Pranica'. Prince Lorenzo and Danica, to give them their extended names, were the last Mortals to bed last night having spent time alone, flirting and bantering.

Cut them some slack, Gods, when physically tethered, the chances of such human interactions will multiply. To any newcomers we hasten to add that the two weren't tied together for kinky kicks but as a result of the Trial of Sacrifice.

To be fair to the pair, although there was much giggling from Danica and puppy dog eyes from Lorenzo, nothing of any significance went down. Sure, the Prince ended up helping Danica out of her potato sack, but those are a bugger to get off, seriously.

And bearing in mind that Danica had just emerged from a blazing row with The Situation, it would have been legit for her to seek solace in the arms of her handsome Prince.

These pictures may tell a pretty story but as far as bondage stories go, this one is pretty vanilla.


Day 14: An awkward Situation


24 mins ago

As you may have gathered by now, Danica and The Situation had a right old ding-dong in the bedroom last night. In an argument that screamed of bruised ego, the model and reality TV star went toe-to-toe in one of the series's most cringey arguments. If you haven't caught up on it yet, you really should – if only to see Samantha warted up, looking on in bemusement. It aroused a chortle from us at least.

So, as you can imagine, this morning is a teeny bit awkward. The Situation is thrashing around like a grumpy teenager, complaining about his hessian attire and carrying out his chores like a henpecked husband. And be warned, don't get on the bad side of this beefcake, or he will wreak revenge.

Selecting some bowls from the drainer, he declared "Danica and Lorenzo can have undry bowls this morning". Oh no he didn't - he sure showed them who's boss. What's next, room temperature milk? Hit them where it hurts Sitch.

His 'mean spirited' jest seemed to amuse him somewhat, as he added "I've got some dry humour today. Actually it's undry humour" before chuckling wildly to himself. Ah, at least he can laugh when his little bubble is popping around him – that's the spirit!

Danica, on the other hand, has decided to take the moral high ground. With obedient Lorenzo attached to her arm, she's been floating around the House as though nothing has happened, only talking to The Situation when she required breakfast this morning. And that interaction was polite and to the point – she's sticking to her guns on the whole 'let's not talk again' shebang.

And that is the state of play this morning. Will the pair kiss and make up? It doesn't look like either will budge at the moment, but then again the day is young. We'll keep you updated on this one.




Day 14: Big Brother hands the Gods more power

49 mins ago

Big Brother has just handed absolute power over to the Gods. The House intercom is within their control and – provided they master the basic button-pushing necessary – they can instruct housemates to go wherever they want and do whatever they say. The Gods have also been given small housemate figurines to use to represent wherever each housemate is at any one time. It's like a fun family board game but with real people.
Naturally, it was obligatory for those playful Gods to practice their very best God voices before communicating with the housemates. Once they'd found this (think deep and booming, like Laurence Olivier during his stage days) Danica and The Prince were sent to the storeroom forthwith, where they are entertaining themselves with clapping games.
King Zeus has since got his strategic head on. He reckons it's best to leave housemates in specific places for long periods of time. What he hopes to see we can only wait to discover.


Day 14: Secret Mission - A Trial of Deception

7 mins ago

Samantha has been called by the Gods to the Diary Room. But why? To be briefed on her secret mission, of course. This is Big Brother where deception flows like ambrosia in heaven.

It took deliberation between the Gods before they decided on Sam aas their mole. They considered Julian but his hair is too short to conceal the earpiece through which the secret operative will be fed instructions.

"She's the only spirit... do you honestly want any of the other women in here?" asked Harvey, pointing out that the earpiece would be perfectly camouflaged beneath "that condom thing" on her head.

Once inside the Diary Room, Samantha was told that her mission - should she chose to accept it – was to steal various items from the rest of the housemates that will consequently be banished from Earth forever more. The Gods will help her by using their new powers to move the others to conveniently far-flung rooms, clearing the coast for the burglar to succeed.

If Sam completes her mission without getting busted she will become a God. If she is rumbled, the Gods will select another Mortal to become a God.


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