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Day 13: Mortal combat


7 hours ago

What a rollercoaster of an evening. We only just managed to keep hold of our dinner with all those ups and downs when things finally came to a head with Danica and The Situation.

The Jersey boy returned from the Diary Room as stony-faced as he went in, and it wasn't long before he spilled. Coerced by Sam, he revealed he wasn't upset because The Prince was now permanently attached to the apple of his eye, but instead because the pair had laughed at Ashley when he was forced to tip fish guts over his head. Convinced? Not sure?

And then the argument happened.

As it played out on the big screen up on Mount Olympus, Ashley was enjoying a real eye opener - much to the delight of fellow Gods Julie, Martin and Harvey.

"She's so fake," he exclaimed. 

"There’s more to come," promised Julie - and there sure was.

As they watched Danica and The Situation continue to tear strips off one another, Harvey nodded to Ashley, telling him this kind of thing was the reason they selected him to join them away from the mortals. "Stay away from the matrix!" warned Harvey. 


Martin agreed, "This is the result of all that flirting," he told the boys, and they readily agreed.

After the dust had settled, Danica and Lorenzo, still tethered together as they will be for quite some time, wandered the garden in a bit of a daze. Rhian joined them in the smoking area and the House's biggest argument since this crop of celebs piled in was dissected.

"What you said in there was right on," said The Prince, clearly impressed by Danica's coherent outburst.

"I have stuff like that in my head but it never comes out that clear," said Rhian, also in awe of Danica's way with words.

Danica pondered The Situation's comebacks. Specifically the mention he made of his Christmas list.

Having discussed every aspect of the Danica Situation, for all their divine wisdom, the Gods may have become a little too involved with all the crazy stuff they'd witnessed. Offered a break and a spot of time in the garden, they wandered out of their temporary home babbling about how funny the row had been on television, forgetting that their ability to view the mortals interacting was supposed to be top secret. Instantly realising their folly, Harvey cried out "we heard it all through the wall!"

Luckily the mortals seemed convinced. As they sat taking a break from godhood, discussing the whole peculiar evening, The Situation cooked in the kitchen while a tethered Lorenzo and Danica sat awkwardly nearby. The Sitch told Sam his fans would like to see him apologise to Danica. Whether he does remains to be seen.

It's been quite an eventful night, all in all.



Day 13 round-up



1 hour ago

The outcome of Day 13 was in the laps of the Gods after Big Brother launched the latest shopping task.

Julie and Martin were heaven sent as Aphrodite and Zeus, putting the rest of the housemates – the Mortals - through a series of trials through which they in turn could earn godlike status.

The Mortals were exposed to the elements at the hands of the Gods and Harvey fared best, receiving elevation to Mount Olympus and the title Ares for his statuesque efforts.

Ashley followed suit after tipping fish guts over his head during the Trial of Sacrifice. He gave up his dignity but it earned him a chance to see just what was going down in the House. The Gods’ given right was the ability to watch all the mortals and they didn’t half relish the privilege.

Task aside, the big news of the day was the row between The Situation and Danica. Although he claimed it had nothing to do with the fact the glamour girl was tied to the Prince after losing her independence during the trial, we suspected otherwise.

Post argument, The Sitch stayed out of the twosomes' way, leaving Danica free to lead Lorenzo around like a puppy on a leash. He in turn told her just how much he wanted her, suggesting that if she had a clone he’d make her his Princess.

Unfortunately this is no fairy tale...




8.13am: Here's a dodgy but factually accurate rhyme...Outside, the sky is blue, inside, HMs don't move.

8.29am: Ashley, Harvey and Julie are suddenly awake and nattering about how the Prince has it bad for Danica

8.50am: The Gods are very excitable today. They're almost bouncing on their beds.

9.11am: Everyone has returned back to the land of nod, apart from Julie who is aimlessly wandering around

9.38am: Harvey thinks the House is falling apart without him


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