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Day 2: Let's be friends


1 hour ago

They've not even been in the House for 24 hours, but already we see friendships starting to form, as our bewildered celeb housemates look to each other to provide stability and, more importantly, entertainment. Though you can bet your bottom dollar that things will change over the next couple of weeks, maybe even days, these are the most prominent friendships that have developed over the first day...

Danica & Lorenzo

And they called it puppy looooooove! No, no, Danica and Price Lorenzo haven't struck up a budding romance, they've been bonding over their mutual appreciation of dogs. Bless. After Lorenzo has told everyone in the House his touching story of how he met his favourite dog ever, Danica shared stories of her dog, Willy. The longer these two are cooped up in the House, the more they'll miss their pets, so we think there's a lot more canine chat to come.

Ashley & Harvey

Within minutes, these two got on like a house on fire, and have gone from 0 to 60 quickly, sharing passions in music and exercise. Harvey has even promised to take Ashley to his favourite tattoo artist when they're both out of the House. We think they should get matching BRO tatts...

Julie & Samantha (& Cheryl...)

As if brought together by their secret drama queen task, Julie and Cheryl appeared to bond immediately over shared ground. Over the course of the day, though, we have noticed that Samantha and Julie have been hanging out a lot, talking about their idyllic rural lifestyles, leaving Cheryl out of their chats. Only time will tell if Julie and Samantha's friendship will last, and if they will enlist Rhian into their blonde bombshell posse.




Day 2: The Moment Of Truth arrives


51 mins ago

The celebrity residents of our newly revamped House have been enjoying BB's first task of the series this afternoon.

The Moment Of Truth involved housemates standing beside speech bubbles which contained text detailing something rather shocking about what they've been up to out in the real world. Julian and The Situation sat themselves down in the Diary Room and tried their best to figure out who'd done what, said what and accused each other of, while, out in the garden, BB placed the rest of the gaggle on podiums according to what JC and The Sitch had guessed.

Sadly, our pair of guess-timators didn't exactly shine in the task and came in with a losing result after matching four housemates to their statements incorrectly.

Missing out on a prize isn't the only fallout from the task. Having seen Danica's statement: "Men pay me for my time on the internet", tongues are wagging all over the place. She's currently the topic of the day for Ashley, The Situation and Rhian, with them all talking about her capacity for "rinsing guys" and how far it goes.

Coleen's confession also induced some raised eyebrows. The news that the Loose Woman has, in the past, made a sex tape caused audible gasps. Her explanation seemed to settle all that down though, as did Martin's confession that he's a "recovering greengrocer".

Stick around - we'll have the video with the reveal up in just a little while.

Day 2: That's what makes you beautiful:
Our celebrity housemates often come loaded with baggage from somewhat murky pasts and Samantha's certainly one of those with an infamous back story.
In case you didn't see it over the days it virally swooped the internet, Brick wrote a curious article entitled 'Why women Hate Me For Being Beautiful'. The backlash was awe-inspiring, with commenters, Facebook-users and Twitterers venting their fury at what looked very much like a grand example of outlandish smuggery. Or an extremely canny commission guaranteeing the newspaper bazillions of hits. One of the two. Either way, it didn't reflect too well on Samantha herself.
Now she's in the Big Brother House and, considering the story is her biggest claim to national fame, the article keeps coming up in conversation. As the pair prepared dinner this evening, Cheryl took it upon herself to talk Samantha through her own, individual take on it.
The woman formerly known as Hev told Samantha that she thinks the issue might be that people have different definitions of 'beautiful'. Which is a very fair point. There's no doubt the lady pictured in the article is an attractive woman indeed, but 'beauty' is in the eye of the beholder. This was Cheryl's point. Self-appointing yourself with the title might be a bit much, she reckoned.
Samantha defended herself, making the point that American ladies tend to doll up more than frumpy English women. "In the US they tend to make an effort" she said, disregarding women in America who choose not to make an effort.
Cheryl came back strong. "I look like sh*te," she said. "People are probably saying 'look at the state of that!' We've got to stop pressurising ourselves into looking a certain way. That's probably why people have a problem with what you said"
Brick nodded wistfully, probably wishing that the Walford Washer-Woman had been around to offer guidance at the precise moment she'd pressed 'send' and whizzed her email off to newspaper HQ. "You're totally right. It's our choice," she conceded.
Heather backtracked at this concession, adding; "but also you've got the freedom to write what you want. And people can agree with you. That is the beauty of life!"
Common sense never arrived quite so cheerily wrapped. The conversation was over, packaged up with a diplomatic ribbon. Heather looked up at a nearby whirring camera and changed the subject.
"Big Brother: open the store room so we can have some poppy cola!" she cried, clearly busting for a fizzy drink.         

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