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Day 13: Earth, wind and fire. And the other one


1 hour ago

They came, they saw, they pelted... Now Aphrodite and Zeus have chosen another Mortal to join them in Mount Olympus as a God.

The eleven Mortals, each looking a treat in gold or silver body paint, proved themselves to be experts at standing on plinths as the deity duo invoked wind, earth, water and fire in an attempt to tumble them from their perches. Strange? Certainly, but that's the Trial of Resilience.

Wind came first causing Zeus's robes to ruffle in a risquÃĐ fashion. Were we going to see his all-powerful loins? Surely they would blind us. Fortunately, his dignity prevailed while the Mortals stood strong in the face of the leaves flying at them.

Earth took the form of clumps of mud which the Gods hurled without mercy. It was more pre-adolescent boy-fight than wrath of the Gods but the Mortals withstood it either way.

Water came as a two-pronged attack - first pistols, then balloons. A couple of the balloons didn't burst and bounced comically off the stern-looking Mortals. No one creased in hysterical stitches. What absolute professionals

On to the final element, fire, great balls of them. Sadly, this was to be the force that toppled The Situation. Everyone else was still standing, even after all this time.

It was crunch time. Aphrodite and Zeus entered a huddle to decide who had performed the best and was therefore eligible for promotion. It was a tough call but in the end Harvey won the day. He, in his new role as Ares, God of War, shall be retiring to cloud nine.  





Day 13: Gossiping Gods


23 mins ago

What does our celebrity pantheon get up to when they're nothurling elemental weapons at mortals? What exactly does this triumvirate of deities natter about when sitting with their feet up on Mount Olympus, scoffing grapes and watching humanity bumble about, interacting like the rude serfs they are?

They gossip. That's what they do! And they do it on a cosmic level.

With unequalled access to the mortal housemates’ actions, Aphrodite, Ares and Zeus (Julie, Harvey and Martin respectively) are free to sit back and cast judgement over the rest of the gang – and judging is just what they're doing. The divine threesome are particularly preoccupied with a couple of mortals as they earwig on the House action. Danica and Rhian are directly under the gaze of the divinities, and the judgement, thus far, has been harsh.

Harvey's the most recently elevated mortal and he's fitting into his God of War role perfectly. Mixing it up the moment he settled on the mount, he let Martin and Julie in on the 'subliminal messages' he's been witness to, passing from Danica and Rhian to Ashley, Lorenzo and The Situation.

"Stop getting in the bed!" was the advice he gave to young Ashley as he told his new God-pals about the judo player's constant dabbling with Rhian in the bedroom. He may pretend he's asleep when any given cosy, night-time rendezvous goes down, but in actual fact his "left ear is open" and he listens to the sneaky words he hears the girls whisper into his pal's shell-like.

Martin concurred, talking about the evil eyes The Situation makes whenever the Prince talks to Danica. Julie went further and talked of the time she counselled the Jersey Shore star. "I've had t'Situation crying and breaking his heart over that girl," she said.

We all do silly things – and the consensus seems to be that Ashley, The Situation and Lorenzo are being led a merry dance by our model housemates. But we mustn't rush to form an opinion about the youngest ladies in the House. 

After all, only Gods can judge.




Zeus observes the weak-willed mortals with a withering gaze

Aphrodite is most displeased at the antics of real-world dolts

The Gods' diorama. No expense spared on this prop

Mortals Rhian and Lorenzo interact haphazardly, overseen by the deities

The subject of some of the Gods' fury - mortal Danica wanders around the bedroom

New member of the Pantheon, Ares (aka MC Harvey) watches the mortals interact


Day 13: The saviours


2 mins ago

From their elevated position, the Gods have been busycasting their all-seeing eyes on the mortals and have decided Ashley needs a little help from on high.

The threesome will have an opportunity to induct another God into their midst but they've already made their mind up that they want it to be the judo kid.

"I think we should get Ash in," proclaimed Harvey. "We want Ash. He doesn’t have to be that good. I can't watch this game going on with the girls. If we can get him in here we can save him. There will definitely be gossiping from those girls tonight."

Julie agreed, "It's the kindest thing we can do for that boy."

The threesome are starting to worry that the task may not play to Ashley's strengths. Harvey was concerned that Julian is better at doing academics. Insert your own pun.

He added, "I hope it's not a game based on stats where we can lose people. I do not want one of these girls in this room."

The next part of the task has yet to be announced but BB is a pretty strict task master. It's a brave God who ignores the task rules...



Originally Posted by erinp:

Harvey listening in to the others convos will not end well.We might see the real Harvey.

Hope you had a lovely family day and enjoyed your shandies

Let me know when you need to hand the baton over .

Thankyou Velvet for covering

had a fab lunch with my siblings - our late Mums birthday annual get together - lots of good memories dragged up and a few happy and sad tears washed down with a few bevvies 


I am ok for a while - need to recap on what is going on though 


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