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Day 12: Harvey and Julian stay out of trouble

1 hour ago

With the announcement of the next batch of nominations looming, housemates have been treading water, lazing on the sofas and chilling in the garden.
Julian and Harvey took time out from sitting in silence, staring into space to analyse the state of play.
Julian said; "I'm still waiting for us to break the rules. In the big groups everyone's paranoid. It's the same conversations going round in circles."
He couldn't have been closer to the truth – in the smoking area the conversation had once again returned to the topic of Jasmine’s mum and the paranormal.
Harvey agreed saying; "Me and Ashley just talk about sport – I can't be around some people because they're so paranoid."
Julian mused, "I’ve never had an experience like this – it's very weird. Constantly wrong-footed. It's surreal."
Surreal? You’re telling us. MC Harvey off of So Solid Crew chewing the fat with camp comedian and king of double entendre, Julian Clary. Next thing you'll be telling us Julian once spent an hour in a giant swan pedalling around a swimming pool with The Rover's Return's legendary pint-puller Julie Goodyear...
With the news of who's up for eviction due this evening, the day may yet get more bizarre. The House is already on shaky ground as Julian observed:  "We’re down to five tea bags."
Perhaps pre-empting the inevitable teabag meltdown, Julian's became slightly aloof later on, telling Julie he has a theory. "Well tell me what it is then", she begged of him. "It's pure speculation. Not worth telling really. I may have to go soon", he went on, dolefully.
"We've been down this road before" Julie told him. "Shut the f**k up".


Day 12: Nominations hit home

23 mins ago

If only they didn’t have to nominate, what a lovely little House we would have. But that’s not the game and Big Brother would rather watch paint dry all day than have that happen.

After today’s nom bomb dropped, the relief on seven housemates faces was unanimous but for the four facing eviction, the news brought about a host of varying reactions.

The housemate who took the news worst was Samantha who was shepherded into the bedroom by our Julie for a pep talk. "You go through the motions, you do all that and it won’t happen," the leopard clad elder soothed. "I know your husband would love to see you but tough titty. You are needed. No crying."

Sam took her frustrations out on the work tops – perhaps trying to wipe her way back into the hearts of her fellow housemates. Ashley, Martin, The Situation and the Prince all expressed surprise that she had been picked – her cooking contribution being the chief cause for concern.

The Situation suggested housemates were trying to vote off all the ‘strong’ characters. Including yourself in this bracket are you Sitch?

Danica and Rhian took the news like pros – well this is not the first time up for one of our glamour girls.

"I’m fine, I’m fine," said first timer Danica. "I know what has happened. I know who has nominated me. Am I allowed to say?

"To be fair we have lasted a lot longer than we thought," she continued. "If you go Rhi, I want to go with you."

Nice show of solidarity girls but Big Brother makes the rules and who goes is up to the public vote. That’s you by the way reader. Be prepared to save your fave when lines open later tonight.


Day 12: Julian's Tale


14 mins ago

It's time for another doggone task – and this one's canine shaped.

In order to win some time with his beloved dogs, Julian must read the housemates a bedtime story starring each of them, and it's expected that he'll pack the tale with his trademark humour. Expect double entendre, saucy innuendo and plenty of smut.

Julian will be called to the Diary Room and told that - in order to get his hands on a nice pair of puppies (spend time with his two dogs) - he must tell his fellow housemates a bedtime story.

To help him, Big Brother gives Julian an oversized book entitled ‘Julian’s Tale’which he'll take back to the House to read aloud to the group. Each page of the book contains a picture of a housemate and an innocent (but innuendo-laden) object.

Using the pictures and objects in the book, Julian will improvise his little backside off and make up a story using his saucy trademark wit.

Julian will read the story aloud from the armchair in the living area while the rest of the housemates gather around him on the sofas with their PJs and duvets. Cosy!

If Big Brother is suitably impressed with Julian’s story, he'll win time with his dogs this evening.




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