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Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Nominations day again!


Big Brother 2012 Diary Room chair



The Celebrity Big brother 2012 housemates will nominate for the third time today, as another midweek eviction looms.


Jasmine Lennard and Cheryl Fergison have already both been given the axe, and another star will be kicked out of the house on Wednesday.


Later today the eleven remaining housemates will each be called to the Diary Room to nominate once again.


Yesterday saw a special task where evicted Jasmine re-entered the house, with the chance to win the power to give immunity.


Jasmine had chosen to make Samantha and Coleen immune from nominations, but as she failed the task, the pair will still be eligible for the axe.


Friday night saw a shock result with Cheryl being evicted, and so we’re not even going to try and predict this week’s evictee!


The bookies too are unsure of who could be going after making The Situation favourite to leave last week.


Alex Donohue of Ladbrokes said: “We’ve not seen a shock like this for ages. We barely took a penny on Cheryl to leave”


He added: “Since The Situation dodged that bullet his odds have been slashed to go on and win. He’s got plenty to do though if he’s to overhaul [Martin] Kemp or [Julian] Clary.”


Check back later today to see the nomination results!



Read more:


Day 12: Martin on Danica - 'It's award winning flirting'


57 mins ago

Wipe the Sunday sleep out of your eyes folks, because the love triangle is already out of bed and ready to greet the day. Well, 'love triangle' is a rich term for something largely conversation-based. Let’s just carry on calling the mysterious vibes bouncing between Danica and her two guy pals a royal situation.

Last night The Situation told Danica he gets jealous when she talks to the Prince. This morning Danica reported this news directly to the Prince. She assured him that she’s not going to kowtow to such emotional tactics while the Prince - as ever – blustered and bleated and tried to understand what was happening, really happening, mysterious vibes-wise.

The exchange was brief but has pushed The Prince to 'go public' with his confusion.

"There's a lot going on in the House," he said entering the kitchen where Sam and Julie sat huddled over hot drinks.

With a little prompting from Sam, he mentioned the love triangle.

"I’m bored of that," barked Julie.

She's not the only one... But for as long as men continue to run in circles round pretty ladies, the same record – not to mention men – will continue to be played.

Julie may have opted out of this conversation but there were plenty of others wanting to chip in their two pence.

Sam's views on Danica could be described as cynical:

"You're a gentleman but don't allow yourself to be played if that's what’s happening," she told the Prince. "It’s what she does for a living."

Martin sauntered over and was invited to opine. He seemed genuinely amused and impressed by the Derby girl and launched something of a speech.

"I think I'm watching the best game I’ve ever played in my life... it’s award-winning flirting - tactile, whispering - it’s all tricks man. Rhian's pulled back but Danica... when she was talking to you last night, it’s like a web going on... I’ve seen it before but not as good as this. It's beautiful."

The Prince tried to take this on board while maintaining that he likes Danica. He’s going to carry on talking to her in order to establish what’s really going on between them and if the girl's got a game plan.

Good luck with that one, Prince.  As Sam says, if she does have one, she's probably not going to spill to you!



Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I've never met a woman who knows how to play men like Danica does, she's in a class of her own.


Night Mrs. H  thanks for all you've shared

Thanks Rose 


just catching up and reading back and found this 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I've never met a woman who knows how to play men like Danica does, she's in a class of her own.


Night Mrs. H  thanks for all you've shared

Thanks Rose 


just catching up and reading back and found this 

Afternoon Mrs H I've just caught up with today's tweets I'm hoping the Prince isn't nominated - still don't understand why he was booed - I'd like him to stay to see how it plays out with him and Danica. She now has him as confused as Mike is

Yellow Rose

Day 12: Nominations day brings out true colours


56 mins ago

It's been only two days since they lost Cheryl, and four since Jasmine, yet it's already time for our eleven celebrities to focus their faculties on which dastardly duo to nominate. As they take it in turn to troop to and from the Diary Room, the housemates are revealing a lot about their characters by the way they choose to react.

Of course, it would take more than nominations, possibly more than a national disaster, to put the Jules off their quips. With Rhian acting as an occasional participant and The Situation slumped in a state of Danica-induced doom, the pair bickered on the outdoor sofas about cheesecake and the last set of nominations.

"I asked for a recount," said Julian, referring to the recent scandal of him being up for eviction.

Julie got straight in there with:

"Surely you've heard the expression 'take it on the chin' you’ve heard of it but..."

In the bedroom, MC Harvey, Danica and Coleen were holding court, taking along far darker lines.

"You can have a good week then suddenly everyone's looking at you funny," said Harvey, suffering from goldfish syndrome. They nominated on Day 8 which – and we’ve verified this with human calculator Lorenzo - is not quite a week ago.

"We’re being asked to be two-faced," said Coleen.

Correct, Ms Nolan, you have nailed the essence of Big Brother.

Back outside in the garden, the sofas cleared leaving only Julie and the unhappy heap that was the Situation.

"It’s a hard day for me. I know what I have to do but..." muttered the heap.

"Do it! Man up!" said Julie.

There was a long pause before the Situation recovered his customary egotism.

"I always do."

What was that all about? Moving swiftly onwards, who do you think will be facing eviction at the end of the day?



Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Afternoon Mrs H I've just caught up with today's tweets I'm hoping the Prince isn't nominated - still don't understand why he was booed - I'd like him to stay to see how it plays out with him and Danica. She now has him as confused as Mike is


he hasnt been very nom wary today - hope it doesnt bite him on the bum  

He took a back seat for a few days - he still had feelings for Dan  - sent her flowers and then they had the chat ....  he is 40 so should know what he is doing but the others have pushed the playing idea which he is now confronting   will be interesting later who is up this week and the reasons - half way through now so we need to get rid of a few to make the last few days more enjoyable 


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