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Day 11: Nobody does it better...than Big Brother


1 hour ago

Wisdom went awry this afternoon as housemates were temporarily tricked by Jasmine’s mum. We know they all claimed to have had her pinned pretty much from the word go but all but four of them did let her furnish them with psychic predictions.

However some of the 'wise' elders do think they have the hang of the show and Coleen, Martin and Lorenzo spent a slightly sycophantic half hour chatting about it.

"I just love what Big Brother does," Martin said. "It's so on the ball. BB knows what is needed to stir it up."

Coleen agreed saying, "It's genius. It really is amazing." We know Col, but it never hurts to hear it from a fan.

Martin continued, "How the last task upset people I don't know. The only way this game beats you is if it upsets you."

Unfortunately Coleen had a weepy episode yesterday but managed to put this down to a "build up of emotions." Definitley no sign of a Loose Woman being beaten by BB there.

Rather than try and calm these troubled waters, Lorenzo poured a good heaped tablespoon of salt onto Coleen’s wounds saying, "There's a lot more pressure for you guys because you are in the entertainment industry. If you make a mistake in the house you could be unmarketable..."

Fortunately they were saved from any more awkward banter by the arrival of Julian. Big Brother was just beginning to enjoy the ego boost...  



Day 11: Takeaway and party


48 mins ago

After doing battle with Jasmine's mum and coming off better, Big Brother rewarded housemates with food and music.

Mystic Martin predicted it would be a takeaway for tea and hoped for a curry. A curry it was and with Coleen keen to educate housemates on the difference between Tikka and Korma, our 11 tucked in.

Good old BB cranked up the disco machine and treated the House to a selection of party tunes. Check out their moves... 


Night MrsH  


1.24am: The testosterone fuelled banter continues. The boys are getting fed up with the girls.


1.27am: Harvey says it is war. He's pitching The Sitch against Danica. Lorenzo says to be careful.


1.47am: Lorenzo says if Ashley and The Sitch nominate the girls because they won't kiss them, then they will look like fools.


1.54am: And so, we leave Lorenzo and Ashvey hanging out and chatting in the garden. See you tomorrow, guys.


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Night MrsH  


1.24am: The testosterone fuelled banter continues. The boys are getting fed up with the girls.


1.27am: Harvey says it is war. He's pitching The Sitch against Danica. Lorenzo says to be careful.


1.47am: Lorenzo says if Ashley and The Sitch nominate the girls because they won't kiss them, then they will look like fools.


1.54am: And so, we leave Lorenzo and Ashvey hanging out and chatting in the garden. See you tomorrow, guys.


Thanks Velvet, I was thinking earlier that the boys may nominate the girls, but then I saw the vid ^^^ where Danica and Mike seem to be enjoying each other's company - which will give him hope again so maybe he won't nom her. Maybe I'm being cynical but perhaps Danica went back to flirting with him so he doesn't nominate her.

Yellow Rose

Day 11: Lorenzo is the House's resident Dr Doolittle


8 hours ago

Rhian's giraffe onesie never fails to amuse, and today Lorenzo was finally overcome with curiosity, and asked her why she chose the giraffe over all the other beasts in the Animal Kingdom. Rhian replied that, though she also has a grey seal onesie and a cat onesie, she feels that the giraffe is the most appropriate for her career. 

We don't understand what she meant by that, and neither did Lorenzo.

Talk soon turned to other animals, with Rhian excitedly announcing to Lorenzo that a very rare dolphin had been found, that had excited scientists greatly. The dolphin in question is an albino dolphin. Animal lover Lorenzo was pretty interested too, and asked where on Earth this wonderful creature could be found. Helpfully, she replied "in the sea."

Lorenzo abandoned his line of questioning to tell Rhian about an albino crocodile he saw once, that looked like white chocolate, but whose red eyes were sad because it lived in an aquarium instead of roaming free. He does love those animals, does Lorenzo.

Back to the giraffe, Lorenzo thought Rhian would like to hear about when he met some some of the majestic creatures, and when he got to the bit about how they "eat the leaves, with their long blue tongues", Rhian was freaked out. She didn't know that they had blue tongues.

So, everybody wins - Rhian learned a fact about giraffes and Lorenzo got to do his favourite thing; talk about animals. Good times.


Day 11 round-up


The House awoke to a lack of crunch after Cheryl became the second housemate to be shown the door.

Julie dropped a clanger in the direction of Prince Lorenzo by saying she couldn’t understand how Cheryl could have been evicted when she wasn’t the one receiving the boos.  The poor Prince can’t get his head around why he appeared to receive animosity from the audience... Awkward.

Housemates worked off some tension in the gym before getting to know the latest addition to the House – psychic Shelley.

The mystic, who was in fact Jasmine’s mother, set about rocking the boat, under the instruction of Jas via a secret ear piece. The Mother Like Daughter task required Marilyn to convince housemates she was a genuine newbie.

She made a number of predictions, including telling Martin he too had the gift (we later found out she may not have been too far off the mark when he correctly guessed what housemates would have for dinner), making Samantha cry after telling her that her dog missed her and seeing swarms of girls in Ashley’s future.

Our housemates are a suspicious bunch and the seeds of doubt took root early on. When Big Brother announced it had all been a task, they all claimed to have seen through Maz from the off. Clues included the fact she, 'wasn’t a celebrity',

The prize for being such a bunch of clever clogs was dinner and dancing, both of which went down a storm.

The faux-mance/romances trundled on in the evening with Danica dividing her attentions between The Situation and the Prince, and Ashley having yet another episode of pillow talk with Rhian.


Housemates are fixated with nominations and as they hit the halfway point, the House still feels very full... Though not as full as their bellies after that curry - we're glad we're not sharing that bedroom.



Last edited by MrsH

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