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Day 11: Mum's the word

11mins ago

It's fair to say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree - and Jas's mum Marilyn managed to stir up as almost much trouble as her daughter during her short time in the House as the protagonist in the Like Mother Like Daughter task.

With Jasmine acting as puppet master behind the scenes, delivering instructions via an ear piece, Marilyn, posing as psychic 'Shelley', made predictions about the housemates' futures.

Housemates are a suspicious bunch and began quizzing the outspoken blonde from the start. However, that didn't stop then being upset, with both Sam and Danica reduced to tears.

Her fortune telling techniques were a far cry from Cheryl's according to Ashley, which left him wondering who Shelleyreally was.

Big Brother revealed the true identity of our mystery housemate, sparking outrage from the housemates. They really struggle to take a joke sometimes...

Martin said he was suspicious after he asked her what her surname was and she said she didn't have one. Lorenzo admitted he was actually convinced until she kissed him on the lips. Julie said she knew she was a fake from the start. None of our shrewd housemates actually tackled her on her legitimacy.

Samantha  said; "so jasmine told her everything. F**king bitch." Clearly Mazza really got to her. She had told her she could sense her dog trying to communicate with her and that he missed her.

Jasmine clearly hadn’t forseen Sam’s mood. BB asked her to pick two housemates to grant immunity from nominations to if she and her Maz won the task. She selected Sam and Coleen adding; "I changed my mind during this task. Originally I was going to save Lorenzo but I am disappointed he has fallen under Danica’s spell. I chose Samantha because she is a sweetheart and Coleen."   Kind of awkward.

As it happened, the pair failed meaning Jasmine didn’t get to save anyone but housemates were rewarded with a party. 




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