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Day 11: A Cheryl shaped hole


9 mins ago

It's the morning after the night before, and the housemates have awoken to a Cheryl-less House, after she became the second celebrity to be evicted yesterday evening. Sitting around the table in the kitchen this morning, the elders – Samantha, Martin, Lorenzo and Julie reflected on losing one of their own.

"It'll be a lot quieter," mused Martin on how the House will change without the Eastenders actress.

"She used to spray perfume in the morning. It's the little things you'll miss," Samantha reminisced.

As they spoke fondly of their fallen friend, Lorenzo remarked that she received a great reception from the crowd, which prompted Julie to comment, "All those cheers and out. I don't get it".

Lorenzo, who faced a barrage of boo's last night, replied, "Do you think I should have gone?" Cue an awkward moment, as Julie hastily carried on the conversation, ignoring his comment. It's fair to say that the Prince is still a little bruised by his reception from the crowd.

However, there's one thing that about our Chezza they're glad to see the back of...

"I won't miss the burping," Samantha stated, which received agreement all around.

Maybe it's not the little things after all...




Day 11: Like Mother Like Daughter task - Jasmine's back!


30 mins ago

Have you been missing Jasmine? Well, she's back with a vengeance and on a mission to meddle with the housemates ALL OVER AGAIN! What's more, she'll be doing this with the help of a very special guest – professional actress, Bond girl, Marilyn Galsworthy - AKA her own mother.


Marilyn will be entering the House under the pretence of being a 'celebrity psychic'. She will be given the task of convincing the others that she is a genuine housemates, but will also have to deliver 'psychic predictions' fed to her by Jasmine.


Jasmine will be watching the action in the House from a monitor in the task room and will be feeding Marilyn instructions from an ear piece.


If Jasmine and her mother carry out their secret mission without the housemates working out Marilyn's true identity, the ex-housemate will win a very special reward, which will be revealed later.


If they fail the mission, the housemates will win a reward instead.


Excited? You should be, it's going to be a very interesting day... Stay tuned!



Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

If Jasmine and her mother carry out their secret mission without the housemates working out Marilyn's true identity, the ex-housemate will win a very special reward, which will be revealed later.

 This is getting ridiculous now.


 That Producer's a joke.


 Afternoon MrsH 



Afternoon Velvet 


I hope they fail big time - I dread to think of the very special reward she might win 


plus another highlight show centered around the voted out one 


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