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Martin Kemp is early Celebrity Big Brother 2012 favourite


Martin Kemp [Celebrity Big Brother 2012)




Martin Kemp has attracted 65% worth of bets wagered on Celebrity Big Brother according to Ladbrokes.


The Spandau star may have been the last contestant to enter the house but he was immediately installed as the 9/4 favourite as female fans all over the country reignited their love for the 80s heartthrob.



Julian Clary is a strong contender at 7/2 to steal the crown from Kemp along with another former resident of Walford, Cheryl Fergison at 4/1 in the market. Coleen Nolan is also fancied by punters at 9/2, hoping she’ll be as loose lipped as she claims to be.



A single penny is yet to be staked on 50/1 outsiders Samantha Brick or Jasmine Lennard.


And with many of the housemates being famous for their lack of fidelity it’s just 2/1 that any of the celebrities do the business in the house.


Jessica Bridge of Ladbrokes said: “Kemp’s the clear housewives’ favourite. He’s indestructible at the top of the market and it won’t be long before his odds are cut.


It looks like the celibacy rule could finally be broken this series.”


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Celebrity Big Brother 2012 Contestants and Facebook pages



Julie Goodyear on Celebrity Big Brother 2012

Julie Goodyear on Celebrity Big Brother 2012

Click here for Julie Goodyear Facebook site

Cheryl Fergison

Cheryl Fergison

See Cheryl Fergison Facebook Site here

Mike Sorrentino The Situation

Mike Sorrentino The Situation

Click here to see Mike Sorrento Facebook Site

Julian Clary

Julian Clary

Click here to join the Julian Clary Facebook supporters site.

Rhian Sugden

Rhian Sugden

See the Rhian Sugden supporters Facebook website here

Samantha Brick

Samantha Brick

Click here to see Samantha Brick Facebook site

MC Harvey

MC Harvey

See MC Harvey Facebook site here

Ashley Mckenzie

Ashley Mckenzie

Click here to see Ashley Mckenzie Facebook site

Danica Thrall

Danica Thrall

Click here for Danica Thrall Facebook website

Coleen Nolan

Coleen Nolan

Click the link to see Coleen Nolan Facebook site

Jasmine Lennard

Jasmine Lennard

Follow the coloured link to see Jasmine Lennard Facebook site here

Martin Kemp

Martin Kemp

Follow this link to see the Martin Kemp Facebook site


Day 2: Let them entertain you


13 mins ago

Ejected from the garden by Big Brother, housemates de-camped to the bedoom and attempted to entertain themselves.

Martin and Cheryl kicked off with a catwalk show before Cheryl and Harvey teamed up for a freestyling session.

Cheryl bashed out the beat on the chest of drawers while Harvey rapped. Ashley took up the rhythm on the clothes rail with Martin joining him by banging on the bottom of the bed.

Coleen rejected Cheryl’s offer to take over on the vocals but Ashley gave it his best shot. It’s probably best he sticks to the Judo.

Julian stared tragically at the ceiling while Julie and Samantha kept a low profile in the corner, bonding over talk of Julie’s three legged dog.

Cheryl had more games up her sleeve, introducing Zip, Zap, Bong to those celebrities unfamiliar with the housemate favourite, before a few rounds of Fuzzy Duck and Have You Ever?

With no penalties, these games were not as gripping as they might have been, but we did learn Jasmine has used the phrase "do you know who I am." Everyone else was quick to deny dropping that line....

Julie and Samantha mused about the strong personalities developing in the House, particularly the male ones.

"I’ve got grandchildren," Julie said. "Nothing can shock me." Now there’s a challenge if ever we heard one.



Day 2: The Moment of Truth task


8 mins ago

Housemates have been an easy time today but Big Brother was not going to be satisfied with 13 celebs lazing about in the garden. That’s right - it’s task time.

Some housemates have struggled with their fellow celebrities identities so Big Brother has decided to see if they have been paying attention by testing how well they know each other.  Earlier Rhian and Danica said they were unsure as to Lorenzo’s profession and Jasmine asked Harvey if he was the only musician in the House. Fortunately Martin and Coleen were out of ear shot.

Julian and The Situation were called to the Diary Room to take the Moment of Truth Task.

In the Diary Room they have found two boards containing speech bubbles with statements and pictures of the housemates on. All they need to do is match the phrases with the celeb faces.

Simple enough but Big Brother isn’t going to leave out the remaining housemates. What Julian and The Sitch don’t know is that this task will not stay in the Diary Room.

In the garden are podiums. As the pair give their answers, BB will instruct housemates to stand behind the podium with the corresponding bubble.  They will then be asked to place themselves behind the bubble they believe represents them.

Housemates will peel off a square on the podium to reveal whether they are correctly placed. Julian and The Situation must match every housemate and statement correctly to pass.

Currently most housemates have managed to remember everyones’ names but could this be too much of a challenge?


Feature: What will the celebs miss most?


3 mins ago

One of the toughest things about life in the Big Brother House, is that as well as their loved ones, our housemates must be parted from their favourite material possessions. Be it a lovely dog, a particularly good chair or a good old mobile phone, being in Big Brother is all about letting go of those home comforts and getting back to basics. Here's a tongue-in-cheek look at what we think our new celebrity housemates will miss the most...

Julian Clary

Julian recently co-starred with Joan Collins in a panto, and in our minds they hang out all the time. So we imagine he'll miss her, like, loads.

Julie Goodyear

Those BB suitcases are only so big! We think Julie will miss having an endless supply of glamorous threads.

Cheryl Fergison

Life can be tough for a vegetarian in the House: what if the rest of the housemates don't fancy ordering tofu and vege-burgers? Cheryl will surely miss being able to feed her veggie needs.

Coleen Nolan

Always ready to give out diet and parenting advice, we think Coleen will miss being a role model. Still, with not much to do but talk, there's a good chance her fellow housemates will benefit from her sage words.

Samantha Brick

Bereft of technology and communication, we bet Samantha will miss causing a Twitter-storm.

MC Harvey

There's only one clock in the House, on the cooker. We think MC Harvey will miss having a stopwatch to accurately measure 21 second intervals throughout the day.

Ashley McKenzie

We think Ashley will miss the thrill of the fight, and maybe the feel of a fresh judo robe.

Rhian Sugden

Alongside her modelling career, Rhian is a keen DJ, so we think she'll miss music the most.

Danica Thrall

An internet entrepreneur Danica is likely to miss her iPad, and her adoring fans.

Jasmine Lenard

One thing Jasmine loves, is making an impression and being noticed. On that score, we don't think she'll have time to miss anything, as she'll be too busy being a memorable housemate.

Prince Lorenzo Borghese

Lorenzo runs his own spa for pets, so we think he'll miss the smell of wet dog in the morning.

Martin Kemp

Martin will miss his GOLD! (golllld) but he probably won't miss people making GOLD! (golllld) jokes...

Mike Sorrentino (The Situation)

In the dubious British sunshine, with no washing machine, The Sitch will obviously miss his intensive GTL (gym, tanning, laundry) regimen that keeps him looking fresh and fit. At least there's a gym...




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