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9.42am: Martin's breaking down the relationships and tactical flirting in the House over breakfast.


9.55am: The Situation is decimating some bacon.


10.05am: Rhia10.32am: Cheryl tells Sam that 'Sahara' means 'desert' literally translated. "So the 'Sahara Desert' means 'desert desert'"


10.18am: The Situation is giving Julian tips on how to wash properly. We have no idea why.


10.32am: Cheryl tells Sam that 'Sahara' means 'desert' literally translated. "So the 'Sahara Desert' means 'desert desert'"


10.46am: Sounds like The Situation is thinking of moving to London to escape the paparazzi. And that's the situation in the garden.


10.54am: Martin's checking Rhian's taking care of herself. He's suddenly coming over all paternal.


11.03am: Julian and Harvey are planning their outfits for this evening


11.09am: Rhian and Martin are getting on famously now. She's taken to calling him 'Kemp'.


11.11am: Spot of Judo? Or is this just a peculiar form of male bonding?


11.22am: Harvey is shaking out his pants in the bedroom, as you do..


11.37am: Rhian tells Julian she doesn't want him to go. "Never mind" he says. "Someone will look after you".




Day 10: Everybody flirts - sometimes


28 mins ago

The housemates aren't half getting into a tizz over the whole Ashley-Rhian, Danica-Situation flirtmance. In fact, it's the only thing that's been on the housemates'  lips this morning.

We have two opposing views of the goings on – the oldies think that the girls are sending the boys mixed signals and are playing a dangerous game, whilst those concerned think that it's just a bit of harmless fun.

But there seems to be a lack of blame pointed in the direction of the boys, who are failing to see the innocence in the glamour girls' behaviour. Maybe it's immaturity, maybe its false hope, but one thing's for sure – they're missing the obvious; in the words of Cyndi Lauper, the girls just wanna have fun.

The only person who seems to 'get it' is Prince Lorenzo, with the girls remarking that he knows where to draw the line on the flirting front – unlike Ashley and The Situation, who they claimed are too presumptuous.

"What's it got to do with anyone else anyways?" Danica stated this morning, as Rhian fretted over what the other housemates were saying about her late night snuggle with Ashley.

Though in a House that small, with not much else to do apart from speculate, it's no wonder that they've all got something to say on the whole affair.


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

9.24am: Julie's bathroom's open       but she's having a spot of breakfast before her morning groom.


this tweet ^^^   has now been removed 

Yeah noticed.


Funny that isn't it?  

very strange - coupled with what we think we heard her say in the DR after noms the other night asking which door to leave by 



Day 10: The House Martin


27 mins ago

You may know him as Mr. Owen. You may also know him as Mr Kray, but to us he's Mr Kemp - Martin to his friends – and he's settling into the Celebrity Big Brother House in some style.

The bass-man and character actor has got into the BB groove so seamlessly, in fact, that it's no surprise that he's something of a fan of the show. Martin's managed to grab himself plenty of screen-time without getting into any rucks or rows and he's one of a small number of housemates who seem to actually be enjoying the experience so far this summer. When he's not washing up – which he spends vast amounts of his time doing – he's generally hanging out, making the most of the sun and chatting away amicably with his fellow housemates.

An eviction night is just around the corner, so at least five of our celebs can be forgiven for spending Day 10 rattled, but Martin's not among their number. Actually, he doesn't seem remotely affected by the oncoming shake-up. Even when the late-night nom-bomb were announced, his attitude was more 'you've got to laugh' than 'oh my gosh'.

This morning, Martin took some time out to get to know Rhian - the girl he nominated on Day 8. They sat together in the smoking area and, for the first time since launch night, made an effort to get to know one another. It started with the model lamenting the fact she decided not to eat any steak the previous evening. "Oh, man. It was delicious!" Martin told her, possibly making things worse. Balancing things out, he then started to tell her that she needs to take care of herself if she's going to make it through the show. Rhian started asking him about his acting career and the two spent some quality time for the first time, chitter-chattering about their lives. It was spoiled slightly when Harvey started talking about cars, but these things happen.

Later on he went back to scouring kitchen utensils, rotating his time between his beloved kitchen chores and lively chit-chat with Harvey without a single care in the whole wide world. Mr Kemp seems to go from strength-to-strength, eluding too much criticism and branching out, widening his circle of friends while enjoying his time in the CBB House. Is this man totally incapable of offending anybody? There's plenty of time for that. Don’t count on the House Martin staying this chilled for the duration.




2.43pm: A little outline of the task that's going down right.... now!

Day 10: The Majority Rules task

1 hour ago

Today, the remaining 12 housemates will participate in a quiz called 'The Majority Rules'.

Each housemate will take it in turn to sit in the 'hot seat' while the other housemates stand behind electronic voting pads.

Big Brother will ask the 11 housemates a 'yes or no' question about the person in the hot seat, which they'll answer anonymously via a digital keypad.

The results will be logged on Big Brother's computer, after which the housemate in the hot seat must decide which way the majority have voted.

If they choose the same answer as the majority, they'll be safe. However, if they choose the wrong answer, they will get a stream of brightly coloured gunge poured over their heads.

Who wants to see the celebrities get gunged? We do!


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