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Day 9: The Never A Rose Without a Prick task

Big Brother may seem forceful with his announcements sometimes, but occasionally he likes to say it with flowers. Today our lovely housemates will be called to the Diary Room one by one where they'll find a hand-tied bouquet of flowers.  Each housemate will be told they can give the bouquet to any Housemate of their choice as a thank you or even as a romantic gesture if that's what they fancy. 
They must give BB a reason for their choosing a particular Housemate and they'll be told that, when they leave the Diary Room, they mustn't tell anyone. It has to remain a secret.
Later on a β€˜ding dong’ will play into the House. Big Brother will tell one Housemate to collect the big delivery of flowers from the top of the stairway and the rest of the Housemates will be told to gather on the sofas. 
Attached to each bouquet will be an envelope with a celebrity’s name on.  Each housemate who's received a bouquet of flowers will stand up and their fellow roomies will hear the message. They'll then be asked to guess who the bouquet is from. 
Big Brother will inform them if they're correct or incorrect but, if they're wrong, Big Brother won't reveal who the flowers were actually from.
If enough of our celebs guess correctly, there'll be a delightful prize for the gang. Let's hope they blooming pass


Big Brother gathered the housemates just after 10PM yesterday evening, following Jasmine’s eviction, telling them they had to gather on the sofas immediately. In turn, each housemate was called to the Diary Room to give their two nominations to Big Brother in privacy. Julian nominated β€œthe occasional table,” The Situation saying that he had had enough of him. Julian dubbed The Situation as β€œsexist, dense with a body like a bag of spanners.” His second nomination was for Prince Lorenzo. β€œHe’s well meaning but has no character and is a bit dull.”


The second housemate to nominate was Julie whose first nomination was for Prince Lorenzo. She claimed that the Prince did not fit in with the group. Her second nomination was for Coleen. Julie mentioned that during the pie throwing task Coleen said β€œeveryone would like to pie Bet Lynch.”


Martin’s first nomination was for Coleen and cited that she had been β€œunfair to Sam” about something she had written. His second nomination was for Rhian β€œPurely because I don’t know her that well.” He said that he felt Rhian avoided him and β€œmay have a problem with talking to me.”


Cheryl nominated Samantha saying β€œshe’s not sure of her, a little bit dodgy and there is a game plan that she doesn’t particularly like.” Her second nomination was for The Situation. β€œThere’s something a little bit snidey about him.”


The fifth housemate to nominate was Prince Lorenzo whose first nomination was for Cheryl. β€œShe called me a plant and it upset me.” His second nomination was for Julian. β€œI don’t know who he is; he hasn’t made an effort to talk me.


” Coleen’s first nomination was for The Situation because they are not connecting and thinks they are on different planets. Her second nomination was for Julie. β€œI feel uneasy in her company, I don’t know if she’s being fake.”


Samantha nominated Julian and said β€œI don’t feel supported by him and is like a cold fish.” Her second nomination was for Rhian. β€œI don’t like how she’s playing and manipulating Ashley in the house.”


Harvey’s first nomination was for Danica as he’s still not clear on what she does. His second nomination was for Julian because β€œhe’s never involved and playing it safe.”


Next to nominate was Ashley whose first nomination was for Danica. He claimed she’s being fake. His second nomination was for Julian. β€œI don’t know much about him and he keeps himself to himself with β€˜me Julie.”


Danica nominated Julian saying β€œthere’s a sense of awkwardness, I don’t understand him as a person.” Her second nomination was for Prince Lorenzo. β€œAll of a sudden he stopped talking to me and he shouldn’t have judged me before he got to know me.”


Rhian was next to nominated and chose Samantha. β€œShe took Jasmine’s side and has been a bit distant.” She also nominated Cheryl because β€œshe has a defensive side which makes me feel uncomfortable.”


The final housemate to nominate was The Situation who nominated Coleen because they have differences in communication. Cheryl is his second nomination. β€œShe didn’t get me straight away and she thought I wasn’t as nice as I am.”


As a result: Cheryl, The Situation, Coleen, Prince Lorenzo and Julian all face eviction on Friday night. Read more:


Day 9: What's eating Samantha Brick?

3 hours ago

In a House that is showing itself to be wall to wall with extroverts, one of our beautiful celebs, a lady we expected to be one of the most outspoken, has been something of a wall flower.

Rather than a 'yes man', we’ve got ourselves a 'yeah woman', agreeing with housemates and soaking up their rants while giving little away. She's a keen observer and has had few things to say one-on-one, while in a group she prefers just to say 'yeah'. Not unlike that high street bank in the '80s...

However, she has shown herself not to be backward in coming forward when the occasion is right. She was first to target Lorenzo during the Prince Charming task but she took a maternal approach rather than employing her feminine wiles Jasmine style, and it paid off. He picked her as his princess and more recently paid her quite a compliment, saying; "I’m sleeping next to a woman who has very good sense of style and sprays lavender on her pillow when she goes to sleep, which sends me to sleep." Sweet.

In fact the majority of her fellow housemates have taken to her, enjoying her homely persona. She is an established part of the 'older' group, offering the youngsters a mature ear – Ashley in particular has bonded with her. 

There is only one housemate who has verbalised their dislike of, in the Eastender’s own words, "the most beautiful woman in the world," and that’s Cheryl.

The one time Walford washer-woman made a biting remark (out of Sam's earshot) during a discussion between housemates about which of their talents they could share with each other, snapping; "I want to do bit of journalism but there’s no one in here can do that." Just in case no one could unravel her subtle snipe, she explained that she didn’t like our beautiful housemate’s writing. Meow.

Samantha in turn has told Ashley and Coleen that she can’t talk to Cheryl.  We’ve seen her try but Cheryl has not been very receptive.

Julian mentioned to Julie that Samantha may not be the liveliest housemate saying; "I'm sure she said something interesting last Friday," but Weatherfield's finest refused to rise to the bait.

The question remains - why is she so silent? Perhaps she is just researching a story...


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