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Jasmine has been evicted

Booed on the way into the Big Brother House, Jasmine has strutted back out to meet the public after a week in the UK's most famous bungalow.
Pouring away Cheryl's diet cola on Day 2 as a protest against the lack of 'full-fat' cola, Jasmine quickly marked herself out as a force to be reckoned with. When she was nominated during the face-to-face nominations on Day 3, Jasmine's wrath knew no bounds, as she raged against Lorenzo and Danica for nominating her. Forging a nomination-ship with Rhian, and confiding in Julie, she seemed to calm down a bit. She soon broke away from Rhian because of the blonde model's friendship with Ashley.
A truce emerged, though, when Jasmine and Rhian were picked to do the trolley dash on Day 7, with their success going some way to mending their broken alliance.
Julie really has offered Jasmine the most support in the House, acting like an adoptive mother figure, and Jasmine has also sought comfort from Samantha, though most of their chats have centred on gossiping about Danica.
Though she has a fiery temper, Jasmine has a softer side, and she has often taken a break to talk about how much she misses her son, Phoenix, and her huge array of canine friends. See, she's not as scary as she seems!
As well as her monumental temper tantrums, Jasmine has attracted attention through her unconventional fashion choices, with a seemingly unending array of embellished sunglasses and lingerie.
Love her, hate her, don't know what to make of her, Jasmine has been one of the biggest characters in this series of Celebrity Big Brother and we shall miss her, even if Danica and Rhian won't...


1.52am: All the HMs are still up chatting, even Julie! She's been saying she wants to go to bed for an hour. Go on then, love!


2.00am: With some of our HMs in bed and some sleepily chatting away, we will say goodnight to you, and see you in the morning!

Last edited by Former Member

Day 8: The housemates let out a sigh of relief

1 min ago

As you would imagine, the hot topic of conversation this evening is Jasmine's departure- and the housemates have a lot to say on the subject.
Now that the feisty model is out of the House, the housemates have started to reflect over her behaviour and how she affected the atmosphere in the House.
"I found her behaviour emotionally exhausting", Samanatha confided to her 'adopted mother' Julie. The soap star, rather tellingly, failed to comment otherwise.
Prince Lorenzo has opened up to Rhian, telling her that his perceptions of herself and Danica were skewed after Jasmine's portrayal of their careers – which, as you would imagine, weren't exactly too favourable.
"I thought she'd done that", Rhian replied, clearly relieved at the departure of her sparring partner.
"The public have voted right", Harvey added.
The reaction across the board seems to be one of relief and somehow we don't think she'll be missed by the housemates. In fact, they broke out in song in the garden earlier this evening, like something out of a musical – which goes to show just how sad they're feeling right now.
Let's hope this is the start of a happy, clappy house. After seven days of arguments, fun is exactly what is needed.
Oh wait, what's that? Ah yes, the old stirrer – the nomination reveal...

Originally Posted by erinp:

Alex Scott TV‏  @MercianMedia  Having the Diary Room on Live Feed was a technical nightmare. The physical buttons for the DR are NOT usually on the Directors button desk!

I thought it was a stupid decision to have live noms tonight with so many in the house, I could see noms would never finish before BBOTS took over. Would have preferred f 2 f noms again to get it over with instead of all that faffing about in the DR with some hm's being constantly questioned as to why they chose who they chose, totally boring and time consuming

Yellow Rose

Day 8 round up


The first eviction day of the series started on a high as Rhian and Jasmine returned in the wee small hours from their late-night trolley dash in high spirits, having bagged a bunch of tasty treats, but forgotten teabags and butter.

Jasmine tackled Julie over a little bit of gossip Rhian let slip on the trip to Morrisons. In what descended into a bit of "she said, she said", Jasmine tried to get to the bottom of whether Julie had said she was only giving her support because she needed it, and not because she liked her. Julie wasn't having any of it, saying it was too early.

Of course, it wouldn't be an eviction day without eviction chat, and Lorenzo kicked it off by pessimistically predicting he'd be the next out. Oh, cheer up, you grumpy Prince!

We've been treated to a lot of deep chat from some of our older housemates, and today was no exception, as Cheryl and Martin had a deep and meaningful conversation before they'd even had their lunch. The Situation and Samantha hadtheir own head to head, with The Sitch telling Sam how much the housemates appreciate her mothering ways.

Not all of our housemates are talkers, and bromancers Ashley and Harvey decided to express their eviction day feelings by having a little bit of a wrestle in the bedroom. Boys, eh?

Boy on boy tussles aside, the main topic of gossip today was the uncomfortable triangle that formed between Rhian, Jasmine and Julie, with Rhian seeking advice from Harvey, and Ashley trying to get to the bottom of it all with Julie. Harvey revealed himself as a damn good agony aunt, and tensions seemed to dissipate as the day went on, with a little help from Cheryl's hair-raising shenanigans.

Jasmine and Harvey had a chuckle over the possibility of them having a passionate affair, while The Situation mused over Rhian's Olympic link, via Ashley, and how it could affect the publics' votes.

Nominations or no, the housemates have to eat, so Julian prepared delicious roast chicken for dinner.

Today was all about eviction, though, and Brian announced that Jasmine would be the first celebrity housemate out. Thereactions from the housemates were mixed, as they came to terms with losing a housemate who, though not universally liked, has certainly had a lot of memorable moments.

After a couple of awkward moments between The Situation and Danica, the housemates drifted off to bed or chatted in small groups. 

Well, it has been a totally exhausting day.


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