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Day 7: The 5-in-a-bed chat has repercussions


When we left you last night there were 5 housemates piled into one bed, giggling. Harvey, Danica, Ashley, Rhian and The Situation were having a bit of mucky chit-chat and larks in one of the beds as everyone else tried to catch some shut-eye, and this morning everyone has an opinion.

Jasmine was up first this morning, quickly joined by Samantha. The two chatted in hushed tones, with Jasmine observing that though she had found the giggly quintet annoying, she had held her tongue and not yelled at them. Could it be that Jasmine's fiery temper is boiling down to a low simmer? We can only hope.

Martin and Cheryl had a post-breakfast chat, with Martin taking the long way round to calling them a little bit immature, saying "it's not that there is an age gap but..." before likening the chatty younger housemates to his kids. When they're at home they're relaxed and well-behaved, but when they go on holiday, we can only imagine the hell that breaks loose if Daddy Kemp's hotel behaviour is anything to go by...

Coleen hit the nail on the head, we think, by openly admitting her feelings: "I was jealous, you were laughing so loud!" Though this was met with a good-natured "nawwwww!" from the group, we can see that there's some truth in it. After all, the Bedtime 5 (as we just christened them, just now) have emerged as the cool kids of the House. Who wouldn't wanna hang out with them, eh?

Rhian apologised to Martin later today, saying "I feel really bad that we kept you up" so that's fine, eh? All's well that ends well. Though Lorenzo is still grumpy.




Day 7: The shape of the housemates' futures


35 mins ago

Their figures are, in many cases, their fortunes, so it’s understandable that our celebrity housemates are more vigilant against weight gain than our civilians who – to speak candidly – are susceptible to what doctors call 'chubbing up'. To be fair to the civvies, it’s hard to stay in shape when you’re confined to a bungalow with ‘eating’ glowing from a list of limited daily activities.

A concession to the fitness needs of our celebs is already in place in the form of the Big Brother gym, an uninviting space that is always busy during opening hours. The Prince and Rhian both missed this time and have been fretting over it.  The Prince has hatched a plan to get his fitness fix. It’s not a sophisticated plan. It involves asking BB to reopen the facilities. Rhian doubts his chances.  She may not be able to tell you 20 percent of 100 but she understands the psychology of the House gatekeeper far better than her transatlantic chum.

Having mourned exercise opportunities loved and lost, The Prince and Rhian launched a lengthy damage limitation plan invoking the 'little and often' weight control maxim. Rhian feels she’s diverged from this holy path while in the House.  Ham and cheese sandwiches and crisps have taken dietary dominance.

That sounds tastier than the gym to us, but then we don't make a living from parading our bodies in smalls. If we tried to there would be screams ... and probably a few tears.

After a long, mind-bogglingly boring account from the Prince of his usual routine and preferred breakfasts, the conversation ended on a high. The Prince promised our glamour girl that he’d cook her a high-protein breakfast tomorrow.

Now there's something to look forward to.



Day 7: Woman lovin' and hatin'


10 mins ago

At first, it was a charming scene of two women bonding over shared experiences. Sam and Jas have both, according to them, gone from riches to rags. They have also both felt the icy winds of negative public opinion. As they sat by the mirrors, preening and chatting, it seemed like in each other they'd found ports in a storm.

So pleasant a scenario was this and so refreshing it was - compared to the dramatic scenes that have racked the House of late - that we smiled indulgently at blatant one-upmanship. You'll never guess who Jas used to roll with! Sam made the careers of hordes of TV folk!

Didn't they do well, we thought. Aren't they doing well now, encouraging each other to never give up, assuring each other that they’ll both ride again. Think Oprah, with less tears and more name-dropping.

But then a poisonous note snuck into their chat. This note was Mancunian and boosts 32DDs. She also made the grevious error of getting involved with the 5-in-the-bed situation last night. The word is – according to Sam’s source (ever the journalist) – that although no bases were reached, Ashley and Rhian were all kinds of cosy.

This nugget of information was all it took for the pair to get their metaphorical sniper guns out.

Jasmine has already told anyone who wants to know that she thinks Rhian has handled Ashley's crush badly. Her outspokenness on this subject is the main cause of a rift between the two models.

Whether to fit in with her new pal or because of genuine feeling Sam sided with the Team GB star.  She thinks that he is vulnerable while Rhian is wordly and knows how to play her assets. 

"Danica and Rhian are really smart and they're playing these guys."

"They’re not really smart, they're tits and ass!" said acid Jas.

Sam laughed, either in appreciation of quick wit, or in shock. All housemates were then called to the sofas for the first of today's Big Spenders task, Shot Till You Drop.

Along with Martin, Harvey, Coleen and Danica, Sam has gone to participate in the task while Jas remains outside of it with Rhian. Will this separation of the women who dig each other cause a relaxation of their new bond or will they reunite later, stronger than ever?

Stay tuned to find out!


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