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Harvey says he wants the energy to be removed from the House. That can't be what he means. That would be no fun at all.


The Situation, Danica and Rhian are in bed. They are having a good whisper. Speak up guys.  


Big Brother Live‏@BBUKLive

           1.02pm: Jasmine is twirling around the garden. She's in a spliffing mood tonight.

Clock is working again

Last edited by Former Member

 Day 6: The housemates splash the cash

53 mins ago

For this week's shopping task, the 'Big Spenders' a.k.a the housemates, have been challenged to spend as much money as possible in order to win a luxury budget. This shouldn't be hard for our flash celebrities, but how have they got on after Day 1? Let's take a look...
The task began at breakfast, where the housemates had to spend big on the most important meal of the day. Between them, they racked up a bill of ÂĢ32, which is an average spend of ÂĢ2.50 per person – not much considering there's 13 housemates. Was it case of waistline watching?
A paltry ÂĢ30 was added to the kitty later in the day, after Harvey bought six zentai suits – you know those all-in-one stretchy outfits - which he was made to wear all at once. It was a good look.
In the afternoon, the 'Fun Fare' came to town, where the housemates got to spend big. We'll break this one down for...
Jasmine played the 'Tuppence Nudger' and spent ÂĢ65 Samantha rode the 'Ice Rider' and spent ÂĢ65 Prince Lorezno and The Situation rode 'The Waltzer' and spent ÂĢ60 At the Celebrity Pie Throwing stand, housemates threw 18 small pies and 36 large cream pies and spent a lowly ÂĢ9 And they ate seven bags of candy floss and spent ÂĢ7
So with a bit of mental arithmetic, we work that out to be a total of ÂĢ181 spent at the 'Fun Fare'. Not bad.
Not to miss out on the fun, the two Jules got the chance to ride a swan pedalo back and forth in the swimming pool for one whole hour. Not only did they have a good workout, by they also managed to add ÂĢ30 to the total.
And last but not least, in what could be described as a magical moment, Martin Kemp trashed a mock hotel room and managed to rack up a hefty ÂĢ212 bill for the damages. Take a look at the Kemp's attempt to act all rock'n'roll, it's quite amusing.
So using our maths skills – without the help of the human calculator, Prince Lorenzo, we've worked that out to be a final total of ÂĢ485 for Day 1. Will they hit the ÂĢ1000 limit tomorrow? They've got a lot of spending to do before they claim that luxury budget – come on housemates, dig deep.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by erinp:

1.17am: We have a 5-in-a-bed situation. The culprits are Sitch, Ash, Danica, Rhian and Harvey.

Explains why Jasmine is out twirling in the garden

Such an attention seeker

So those boys got their girls into the same bed at last, not quite the way they wished for though


Day 6 round-up


58 mins ago

A lavish lifestyle frequently goes hand in hand with celebrity and Big Brother capitalised on this fact today with the shopping task.

Housemates awoke to the Shirley Bassey hit, 'Big Spender' which got Julie out of bed double quick. She performed quite a dance routine, before Big Brother gave Coleen the Big Spender's shopping task details.

In short, housemates were challenged to spend ÂĢ1,000 in order to win a luxury budget. Highlights of today included Harvey donning six lycra suits, Samantha,  Jasmine, Prince Lorenzo and The Situation taking a turn on a selection of fairground rides, a pie fight, the two Jules riding a white swan and Martin trashing a hotel room.



When housemates weren't taking part in tasks, Jasmine proved to be a hot topic of conversation. Even BFF Julie aired her displeasure, complaining about the model's disruption of her sleeping patterns. Jasmine, to her credit, has been a model housemate, making a valuable contribution to the task and even having a go at cleaning the bathroom.


The more junior housemates – Rhian, Ashley, Danica, The Situation and Harvey made a bid for more air time with some crazy sleeping arrangements, all climbing into one bed.         Good effort guys. 


They proceeded to have some mucky whispered chat. Why they couldn't conduct their group discussion in the living area, we don't know. There is still another day to go on the shopping task - it might have been a better idea to get some sleep like their fellow housemates....  


Originally Posted by erinp:

Harvey says he wants the energy to be removed from the House. That can't be what he means. That would be no fun at all.


The Situation, Danica and Rhian are in bed. They are having a good whisper. Speak up guys.  


Big Brother Live‏@BBUKLive

           1.02pm: Jasmine is twirling around the garden. She's in a spliffing mood tonight.

Clock is working again

Spliffing? Shouldn't that be spiffing, or is there some waccy baccy in the house?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by erinp:



Big Brother Live‏@BBUKLive

           1.02pm: Jasmine is twirling around the garden. She's in a spliffing mood tonight.

Clock is working again

Spliffing? Shouldn't that be spiffing, or is there some waccy baccy in the house?

I dont think they have grammer police in their office - this is the second time the tweeter has used this word now and no one has gone back and corrected it so ....  maybe waccy baccy to blame for some of the dramas 


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