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Day 4: I like you, I don't like you

1 hour ago

The party atmosphere has firmly been quashed this evening, after a row erupted between 'pals' Ashley and Rhian, over the fact that Ashley fancies the glamour model. Confused? So are we.
Earlier, it emerged that the Olympian had a soft spot for the page 3 stunner – which certainly came as news to her and most of the housemates. Unfortunately for the judo expert, Rhian is off the market and therefore didn't reciprocate the feelings – which kicked off a whole series of events.
According to Rhian, during the party Ashley told her that she was 'stupid' for not realising that he fancied her and that her stupidity would jeopardise her position in the House come eviction.  The comment soon sparked separate conversations, as they both tried justify their side of the argument amongst the other housemates.
It all came to a climax in the garden later in the evening, as the duo locked horns – with Rhian continuing to express her upset at Ashley branding her as 'stupid' and Ashley accusing Rhian of wanting to get everyone else involved - even though he wasn't exactly discreet about his gripes either.
Most of the housemates agreed that Rhian wasn't in the wrong and put Ashley's behaviour down to hurt feelings. Although, Jasmine was quick to add her opinions to the proceedings, telling Rhian that she was acting like a 'b***h' by not letting the argument go and saying that she should focus on the fact that it's a nice compliment.
As the disagreement looked like it may boil over, the duo decided to call it quits and drop the subject. But there's definitely still some tension in the air – will they resolve their issues before the night is over or has this caused a rift between Rhian and Ashley? Either way, we think there may be some bitching into the night...


Day 4 round-up


The tension from the night before lurked into Day 4, as Jasmine awoke still feeling raw from the nomination reveal. Even though Cheryl attempted to bring a happy aura to the House, it wasn't long before Danica took the brunt of the model's frustration â€“ much to the disapproval of Julian and Harvey.

The mood in the House lightened slightly later in the day, as yet again MC Cheryl tried to cheer up the troops with her linguistic skills. Her performance skills couldn't have come at a better time, as Big Brother was about to launch 'The Talent Agents' task.

The housemates, guided by the 'Talent Agents' – Julian and Julie, or the two Jules' as we now know them, were divided into two teams to showcase their 'talents'. One by one, the housemates faced the Jules' to show off their unique party piece â€“ although some weremore questionable than others. Danica, would you really call doing a crab in your undies a 'talent'? We're sure some men out there would probably agree, but we on the other hand have higher expectations.

After not much deliberation it came down two finalists â€“ Harvey for Julie's team and Ashley for Julian's team. Their final performances were put to the public vote and you chose Ashley as your winner for his rap/judo fusion. As a reward, Ashley and his team were treated to acelebrity bash to end all celebrity bashes later in the evening. There was much merriment as the party animals enjoyed a party ice luge and some banging tunes, which were all caught on a Polaroid as provided by Big Brother. We wanted to go, but we weren't allowed – housemates only. Sniff.

We should also mention that amongst the task shenanigans, Jasmine and Danica took a moment to kiss and make-up, as they pair agreed that they may have judged each other incorrectly. And the truces kept on coming during the party, as Prince Lorenzo extended the olive branch to Jasmine after last night's tiff â€“ meaning that the model has tied up all her loose ends and is now at one with her fellow housemates.

However, the peace was soon broken and the party came to a firm end when a row erupted between 'pals' Rhian and Ashley â€“ over the fact that he fancied her. It was a very confusing argument, with the judo champ branding the page 3 model as 'stupid' for not noticing his feelings. We could summarise the situation as a clear case of dented pride.

As we went into the small hours, it didn't look like the disgareement was going to be resolved any time soon. But will they call a truce today once they've slept it off? Let's wait and see...


Day 5: Rhian is frustrated by Jasmine


1 hour ago

Crikey, these celebs are an active bunch. Take an eye off them for a moment and they shift loyalties. We suppose it’s understandable that in the early days of relationships, impressions swing on a word, but still... it’s as if this bunch ain’t fussed that we're huffing to keep up.

The word that swung it in the wee hours of last night was 'bitch'....

That's what Jasmine told Rhian she was acting like, consequent to Ashley’s declaration to her last night, covered in vivid detail here and here. Ah Jasmine, never lost for a tension-inducing opinion.

Rhian, it turns out, does not know how to handle such a forthright character. While the other housemates remained outside she had a confessional debrief with Danica inside. Looking baffled, she revealed to her fellow model that if it wasn’t for the fact that a guaranteed separation is in the pipeline, there would be serious issues between her and Jasmine.

She added that one of her flaws is that she doesn't always know how to express herself. Definitely, the opposite of Jasmine.

Danica seemed thrilled that Rhian, who had previously struck up a fragile 'we’re in this together'-style bond with co-nominee Jasmine, was turning. So Danica and Jasmine’s earlier bonding session meant nothing as well then?

On a positive note, it seems like the glamour girls are properly tight. "You're like my little sister!"said” Danica before giving 'li'l sis' (who is older than her) a hug.

Phew. Let’s see how the Rhian/Danica/Jasmine relationship triangle plays out today. For the sake of our frazzled brains let’s hope there aren’t any more twists.




Day 5: Night of the snorers and a Big Brother mystery


1 hour ago

We were very baffled this morning to see a housemate sleeping on the floor. It was too murky to make out exactly who it was so we shelved the mystery and considered calling in Poirot. Julie was also on the case armed with her trusty torch. Did she solve the mystery? This video will reveal all...

In seemingly unrelated news, the first  conversation between early risers Cheryl, Martin , Jasmine and Julian was what Julian referred to as a "symphony" of snoring. This apparently rocked the Big Brother bedroom last night.

Cheryl and Martin were among the chief offenders. Both handled their crimes against sleep with utter shamelessness. Cheryl claimed it was conspiracy from her unconscious. Martin encouraged the others to take action if a repeat performance occurs. Turning him over usually does the trick.

Can you imagine rotating a sleeping Martin Kemp in the middle of the night?!

As the later risers began to make an appearance it seemed that almost everyone was involved in the Snore de Force. The Prince was outed but Jasmine graciously told him that he was a "minor offender".

The most surprising snorer of the group was delicate beauty Danica who apologised repeatedly to her bed-fellow Rhian on awakening.

The chief victims, apart from Rhian, were Jasmine, Coleen and Ashley. It transpired that in the middle of the night the Olympian graciously swapped beds with Coleen and Jasmine to put distance between the ladies and the heart of the snore-fest . However, even he couldn’t hack such proximity and ended up sleeping on the floor.

A-ha!  It was Ashley on the floor. Another case solved by zee BB detective agency. Call us any time for your household mysteries... our rates are most reasonable.


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