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What-the-pookie is Sue flippin Pollard gonna do? Make tea n biscuits?? Then have a nice lie down??? COME ON We need entertaining not be watching Widow Twanky She reminds me of me Aunty Lil

Personally I like panto so Widow Twanty would be no bind. Back to Sue, she's not as clear cut as you might think. She's got a filthy mouth on her after a few drinks, she's incredibly camp and I think she would irritate the hell out of the other housemates making for some nice confrontation. Plus she's done it all TV, theatre, even a pop career. Danal is not a legend, he's just a rather sorry excuse for a man who makes a living trading on a very fleeting (and limited) stint as an actor. He is the antithesis of Z-list.
Teddy Bleads
TIGI i'm only fooling - i agree McCrirrick was inspired but Pollard is not
Nor is Moira Stewart.
At least Danan is gauranteed to be interesting
Pollard HAS done it all - most of it badly . . her 15 mins of fame lasted 14 mins too long, imo! I wouldn't turn up to see her open a new branch of Asda, tbh

How's about?
Freddie Star, Chubby Brown, Zandra Rhodes, Viv Westwood or even WestWood himself

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