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Personally I'm pretty happy with this, especially as I have been ripping my music and film for personal use for years.



Copying of CDs, DVDs and Blu-rays for personal use will become legal in the UK from June 1st. The UK Government has issued a guide to the change in the copyright law which came about as a result of the Hargreaves Review in 2011.


Under the new law, it will become perfectly legal to make backup copies of CDs and films you own for your own personal use.


"Copyright law is being changed to allow you to make personal copies of media you have bought, for private purposes such as format shifting or backup," explains the UK's Intellectual Property Office (IPO). "The changes will mean you will be able to copy an album, film or book you have purchased for one device onto another without infringing copyright."


Legalising non-commercial copying for private use brings the UK into line with many other nations and also meets the "reasonable expectations" of consumers, the Government believes.


MORE: To rip or not to rip, that is the question


Under the new law consumers will also be able to legally store copies of their movies and music in the cloud. However, The Government says giving other people access to your digital files will remain illegal. And making copies of CDs, DVDs and Blu-rays at home for friends and family will also remain illegal.

If you want to give a CD to a friend or family member, then you should delete any personal copies you have made from it, says the Intellectual Property Office.


Interestingly, the IPO also says that if anti-copying technology such as Digital Rights Management (DRM) is too restrictive, consumers can raise a complaint with the Secretary of State. While it's easy to copy a CD, most DVDs and Blu-ray discs include copy protection, so it's harder to make copies. It will be interesting to see if the change in legislation forces the film studios to remove copy protection from DVDs/Blu-rays.


When the Hargreaves Review was first published, Lavinia Carey, director general of the British Video Association, said that allowing so-called format shifting would be "extremely damaging" and that "it’s for the rights owner to decide how to offer the [digital] copy".


You can find out more about the changes to UK copyright law on theIntellectual Property Office's website.

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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

As I understand it, most of the Copyright infringement is from peeps copying hired material or making copies for friends and aquaintances.
As that part of the legislation is not changing, this is not going to make a great deal of difference!


The difference it will make is:


Until now you have not been able to make copies of DVD's legally, so that bit will be good for those with media servers at home or want to create copies to use on their portable devices.


Making copies of DVD's (especially blu-ray's) is not something the general public can do, it does require a bit of technical knowledge, what we will see now is software manufacturers maligning adjustments to their software to allow easy copying of our media.


These days I suspect that the pirated films are being sourced from areas other than rental outlets. There is a very popular website which hosts films before they hit the stores/rental shops and in some cases as they are in the cinema - and they are not the type shot in the cinema, they are digital copies.


I still think it is a good thing as for those of us that buy their music and film and want to use it how we want we now can. 


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

As I understand it, most of the Copyright infringement is from peeps copying hired material or making copies for friends and aquaintances.
As that part of the legislation is not changing, this is not going to make a great deal of difference!


The difference it will make is:


Until now you have not been able to make copies of DVD's legally, so that bit will be good for those with media servers at home or want to create copies to use on their portable devices.


Making copies of DVD's (especially blu-ray's) is not something the general public can do, it does require a bit of technical knowledge, what we will see now is software manufacturers maligning adjustments to their software to allow easy copying of our media.


These days I suspect that the pirated films are being sourced from areas other than rental outlets. There is a very popular website which hosts films before they hit the stores/rental shops and in some cases as they are in the cinema - and they are not the type shot in the cinema, they are digital copies.


I still think it is a good thing as for those of us that buy their music and film and want to use it how we want we now can. 


That is for personal use though, what I was referring to was the industry in general - a thing being popular doesn't make it legal!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

As I understand it, most of the Copyright infringement is from peeps copying hired material or making copies for friends and aquaintances.
As that part of the legislation is not changing, this is not going to make a great deal of difference!


The difference it will make is:


Until now you have not been able to make copies of DVD's legally, so that bit will be good for those with media servers at home or want to create copies to use on their portable devices.


Making copies of DVD's (especially blu-ray's) is not something the general public can do, it does require a bit of technical knowledge, what we will see now is software manufacturers maligning adjustments to their software to allow easy copying of our media.


These days I suspect that the pirated films are being sourced from areas other than rental outlets. There is a very popular website which hosts films before they hit the stores/rental shops and in some cases as they are in the cinema - and they are not the type shot in the cinema, they are digital copies.


I still think it is a good thing as for those of us that buy their music and film and want to use it how we want we now can. 


That is for personal use though, what I was referring to was the industry in general - a thing being popular doesn't make it legal!


I'm afraid you've lost me there Fluffs. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Ells:

EC your new avi looks like a turd.


It's a lovably cartoon character called poopie 

So, it IS a turd!

No. I made it up 

Thought I would carry on the Erin thought process. It's actually quite hairy.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Ells:

EC your new avi looks like a turd.


It's a lovably cartoon character called poopie 

So, it IS a turd!

No. I made it up 

Thought I would carry on the Erin thought process. It's actually quite hairy.

So it is!


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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