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Claire has left the Celebrity Big Brother House

On Sunday, Claire had to leave the Celebrity Big Brother House for medical reasons.

Unfortunately, Claire will not be returning to the House.


Her housemates have been informed of this news. Everyone here at Big Brother wishes Claire all the best, and hopes she gets well soon.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by MrsH:



Claire has left the Celebrity Big Brother House

On Sunday, Claire had to leave the Celebrity Big Brother House for medical reasons.

Unfortunately, Claire will not be returning to the House.


Her housemates have been informed of this news. Everyone here at Big Brother wishes Claire all the best, and hopes she gets well soon.

Hope she's ok .....but It seems to be part of the standard format these days that at least one HM has to leave the House for some reason ....if only temporarily  


Day 16: Read the housemates' full shopping list

If, like us, you've often wondered what groceries the celebrities opt for while doing the weekly shop, then you've come to the right place.

We got out hands on the housemates' shopping list to see if they really do eat just like us. Take a look below and see for yourself...

Shopping list


Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Perhaps she was struggling with her RA more than the viewers realised.

I was catching up yesterday on some missed shows and the last highlights show she was in I didnt think she  looked at all well


I didnt know about the RA - I suffer mildly and diet can effect how it is managed - basic rations maybe didnt help her 


Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side - 3rd September

We're booting out celebrities left, right and centre, and tonight, another housemate will be shown the front door. Thankfully Rylan will be waiting with open arms to welcome them back to reality and into the Bit on the Side studio. Such a gent!


Joining our effervescent host will be his partner in crime Luisa Zissman, along with TV presenter Lizzie Cundy and a familiar face from Tennessee...




Erm...someone better tell Leslie that there can be only one star of the show tonight. Speaking of stars, Emma Willis will also be dropping by to let us know exactly what she makes of the eviction.


Who will get the boot? Frenchy, Gary, Kellie, Lauren, Ricci or Stephanie? There's still time to save your fave!


Channel 5, 11pm.


Celebrity Big Brother 2014 nominations again tonight!

Celebrity Big Brother - Summer 2014

The Celebrity Big Brother 2014 housemates will nominate once again tonight straight after the latest live eviction.


This evening’s show will see one more housemate kicked out of the house.

Currently Angelique Frenchy Morgan, Gary Busey, Kellie Maloney, Lauren Goodger, Ricci Guarnaccio and Stephanie Pratt all face the public vote.

In the live show from 9PM on Channel 5 this evening the one housemate with the fewest votes will be kicked out.

And that is currently looking like Kellie, who is the bookies’ favourite to leave.

Aoife Heffron from Boylesports said: “Kellie wants to go the public want her to go and the rest of the housemates want her to go and at 11/8 it seems we will all get our wish tonight.”


Whoever survives eviction can’t relax, as Big Brother will then call the group together for another round of nominations straight away.

“We’ve got nominations again,” Emma said, “They obviously have to happen quite soon, so that will happen some point in the very near future.”

It’s not yet clear whether or not the nominations will be face to face like last week’s or in the Diary Room like on Sunday.

As it stands, no one is immune from being nominate or banned from nominating.

However we all know that Big Brother loves nothing more than a last minute change of rules…


CBB airs from 9PM on Channel 5 with Emma.

Read more: 


Leslie's one word wonders

Leslie is famous for his trademark zingers, so we asked him to turn that razor sharp wit on the remaining housemates and sum them up using just one word. Here's what he had to say.

Emma Willis

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side - 4th September

After last night's eviction and a second dose of face-to-face noms, there will be plenty for Emma Willis and her dazzling panel to sink their teeth into tonight. 

Joining in the fun is Bit on the Side's regular funny man Matt Richardson, along with Chelsea babe Ashley James and the ever-insightful Diane Youdale, who will be spilling the beans on the inner-workings of our dear housemates. 

But the fun doesn't end there, author-extraordinaire Jane Fallon and the glorious Biggins will also be on hand to guide Emma through what they really make of the celebrity residents before two get the boot tomorrow night. 


How could you watch anything else? Channel 5, 10.55pm.

Rylan and Emma

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side - 5th September

Rylan is back and tonight he welcomes not one, but two celebrity evictees onto his couch.

Joining in with the fun is straight-talking Luisa Zissman, who is sure to have a few probing questions up her sleeve, along with comedienne Crissy Rock.


Emma Willis will also be dropping by straight after the live show to throw in her two-cents about all the drama so far. 


It's what Friday nights were meant for. 11.05pm, Channel 5.


Frenchy's first few days of freedom

Frenchy's been out of the Celebrity Big Brother House for a couple of days now, and the UK hasn't known what's hit it. We caught up with her to see how she's been getting on since her eviction...

What were the first things you had to eat and drink after you escaped the basic food budget in the Celebrity Big Brother House?

I had avocado, pasta with mozzarella, marinara sauce with a ton of parmesan, I had brownies, chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream, cauliflower with salad and tomatoes. And I had a chai tea latte with soy milk, because that's my favourite drink.

I've been eating every day five times a day. Because I'm vegetarian there was no food for me in the house, it was really difficult. That was the worst part for me. Not only am I French but I'm vegetarian so I'm very specific with what I eat, and Big Brother didn't give me any food at all that I'm used to for 15 days.

At one point everybody got meat so I did a scandal. I said "I need my avocado, why everybody has meat and I don't have avocado?" That's why I threw the dinner away, by the way. I want to clarify that. They said they'd give me a luxury dinner; it was not luxury, it was disgusting. I threw it away. After I did that they gave me avocado because I was so mad they realised they didn't give me the right food.

What was the first thing you did when you got your phone back?

The first thing I did was to text my mum and text my three best friends in America. That's the first thing I did: contact my friends and family. Some of them didn't know I was in London because I told them I was visiting my mum in France, but they knew I was on the show because it's all over the internet, so I said, "hi, I'm out of the House! How are you doing? I'll be back home in a couple of weeks."

And I flew Mum immediately from Paris to London, so she is with me now!

After that I went on my Twitter, my Facebook, and my Instagram, and so many of my fans are talking to me so I replied to most of them.

What kind of feedback have you been getting on social media?

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love. Everybody says "bitches", everybody says they love me. A lot of my fans say they don't want to watch the show because it's very boring now, everybody says the British public are stupid for taking me out of there – the British say that about the other British!

A lot of my fans are saying they don't understand why I'm not in there, I should win, and Gary and I are their favourites.

How was your interview with Emma?

I love Emma, she's amazing. I was just telling her the truth. I don't know why I got kicked out, I think I'm misunderstood, like Gary is. I don't care, bitches, I'm just gonna be me, if I get kicked out, whatever!

How was your experience on Bit On The Side?

It's so much fun. I'm in love with Rylan.

Have you been watching the show since you left?

Not on the first night, because I was sleeping but I did watch it last night and I almost fell asleep it was so boring.

Do you want to stay in touch with any of your former housemates?

Yes, pretty much everyone.

Have you been doing any sightseeing while you're in London?

I lived in London for three years before so I know it, but I have some events next week: I have a red carpet on Tuesday, I'll be going out on Wednesday, and Thursday I'm going to a gay club to have fun with a friend of mine.

What's next for you?

I'm still going to be in London for two weeks. Then I'm going to go home to Malibu and vacation for a week with Mum and spend my birthday there, but I'll be back in London probably at the end of October. So there is more Frenchy coming bitches, I'm not gone!

Catch Frenchy on Bit On The Psych tonight at 11.15pm.


Kellie's one word wonders

She wasn't exactly known for mincing her words in the Big Brother House, so when Kellie dropped by the studios today, we took the opportunity to find out what she really thought of her former housemates. The catch - she could only use one word per person...

Catch Kellie on Bit On The Psych tonight at 11.15pm.


Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Psych - 6th September

Bit On The Psych is back, and tonight we've got an incredible jam-packed show for you...


Rylan and Iain will be joined by the lovely Luisa Zissman, and our regular experts Judi James and Rachel Morris, who are champing at the bit to get into the minds of our celebs. 


And then there are the celebs. The studio will be fit to burst with appearances by loads of our former housemates, including...






Kellie, and...




Don't miss it, it's gonna be an amazing show.


Tune in to Channel 5 at 11.15pm to see how it all shakes out.




Celeb BB Claire exit caused by colon infection

Celebrity Big Brother 14 summer 2014 launch show - Claire King

The former Emmerdale actress was taken out of house just over a week ago, amid reports that she had begun vomiting.


It was then confirmed last Tuesday that she wouldn’t return to the show, although bosses did not clarify any details on her mystery illness.


Claire has since given an interview to TV network Beamly, revealing that she is now feeling better, having recovered from a colon infection triggered by a pre-existing condition.


“I’m feeling much better. It wasn’t the nicest place to fall ill,” she commented. “Unfortunately it was 4-5 days in – we went on rations, and I picked up a bug or an infection due to my low immunity, due to the meds I take for my rheumatoid arthritis.


“My colon got inflamed, and I had blood tests done, and the doctors decided to take me out of the house. Anything can trigger it – unfortunately it was during my time in the house.


“I so wanted to go back in! I was trying everything! But the doctors said I was far too ill, and they overruled me and Big Brother.”


Claire also insisted that Gary Busey had nothing to do with her exit, after tabloid reports claimed the remaining housemates were concerned that the Hollywood star’s supposedly low level of personal hygiene could prompt further sickness.


“I know there was a lot said in the papers that I had picked up the bug from Gary – that was absolutely rubbish, and I was gutted to see that,” she said.


“I think it’s harsh and unfair and cruel to pick on a guy like that. He can’t come back at it, and he’s an easy target, but he can’t defend himself. I could have got it from anywhere.”


Claire was the first ever Celebrity housemate to leave as a result of illness, and the first to leave via the backdoor since Mutya Buena’s voluntary exit in the sixth series.

Read more:

Emma Willis

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side - 9th September

We're getting more excited about the finale every day now - though of course there are still a few more days for the celebrity housemates to get through, and the small matter of tomorrow night's eviction. So, loads to talk about, then...


Joining Emma Willis in the studio tonight, we've got presenter and cruise-singing superstar Jane McDonald, actress and radio presenter Lesley Joseph, plus, yes, our dreams have come true again and we've got Gabrielle back! (We'll be singing that song all day now.)


On top of that frankly quite amazing panel, we've got body language expert Judi James coming in to analyse our celebs' leg crossings and eye contact.


Tune in to Bit On The Side tonight for all the goss - Channel 5, 11pm, straight after the main highlights show.


The last eviction: who should stay and who should go?

Tomorrow night will see the final live eviction of the series. Although they've made it this far, not all of our celebrity housemates will make it all the way until Friday's finale. Someone's going to fall at the final hurdle, and that's down to you.

But who deserves to make it to the last day? Who should you vote for, and who should be given the boot? Let's take a look at the reasons for and against each remaining housemates making it to the final, to see if that helps you make a decision...



For: Well, first of all, Audley's position as the official House chef means the other housemates would really miss him and his food if he were to go. But, from a viewer's perspective, his strong competitive streak means he's always fought the hardest in tasks, and he's got a very pronounced sense of fairness, so he'd probably be gutted to leave before the end.

Against: Since we can't eat his food through the TV screen, all that cooking is a wasted effort for us. And outside of tasks, he doesn't always do... much of anything, really. Has he been entertaining enough to earn a place in the finale?


For: Dee has found herself playing the role of House Mum. She's the one the younger housemates turn to when they're in need of a shoulder to cry on, or, more often, cuddle up to. What would Ricci do without her? She's also got a seriously dirty laugh and although she doesn't back down from a fight, she has always apologised when she was in the wrong.

Against: Well, she is pretty argumentative, so that's a point that might go against her. And we sort of miss her Duchess persona. Can't we get that going again for the final week?


For: These days, Edele can always be relied on to get involved in pranks and silliness. She's let George spin her around his head, jumped into the pool with her clothes on, and tried to start a game of sliding down the dining table. She's also always available for any housemate who wants a serious chat and a cuddle.

Against: She's a bit more visible now, but to begin with, Edele tended to fade into the background a little bit. Has she done enough now to make up for that?


For: Let's face it, the guy's a legend. He's got endless stories, snappy bite-sized nuggets of wisdom to hand out to any housemate in need, and we're also a big fan of his Buseyisms.

Against: Well, he does seem to cause a lot of controversy in the House, and it'd certainly be a more peaceful place without him.


For: Of all the remaining housemates, George is probably the one who's enjoyed his time in there the most. He's made friends, he's flirted with more than one of the House's eligible females, and he's always put the effort in during tasks. That's the kind of housemate we want, isn't it?

Against: As an avid telly watcher, maybe George would enjoy watching all the drama of the finale unfold from his own sofa?


For: Love him or loathe him, James has been right at the centre of attention throughout the series. Ever since his first misunderstanding with Gary he's been up for an argument. He actually seems to enjoy rows - so, if it's drama you want, James delivers. We have started to see a softer side to him too and, despite their differences, he's one of housemates who's been most willing to lend Gary a hand when he needed one.

Against: James's love of confrontation means the House would seem like a very different, and more relaxed, place if he wasn't still in there.


For: Lauren's our resident party girl: she's the first one to dig into the bubbly, to get giggly and flirty or jump in the pool. She's even had a bit of a romance, though that seems to be over and done with now. She's pretty up front and honest, and she can be a lot of fun.

Against: Now that she's definitely ruled out a romance with Ricci, her storyline might've come to an end. Unless there's a final twist in the tale, we think that story's over. Does she have another one up her sleeve, or is it time for Lauren to be written out?


For: Ricci's spent the last week or so showing off his styling skills, giving everyone a haircut and making sure they look snazzy. That's probably quite a useful talent in the run-up to the final. It's also been quite sweet to watch him trying to woo Lauren, and getting close to Dee.  

Against: Entertainment-wise, Ricci's story has pretty much all been about getting on with people in a quiet sort of way. There were a couple of grand declarations and a snog or two, but there weren't really any fireworks, were there? Maybe he needed to go on more of a journey to prove himself a worthy finalist.


Right then. Made your decision? 

Here are all the numbers you need to save your fave.




Day 22: Five moves to make at a celebrity party

Dee baked a pineapple upside down cake and it seems to have put Big Brother in the party mood. The lucky housemates were played some classic tracks and where there's music, there's dancing.

Here's our pocket sized guide to shaking your thang like a celebrity. 

1. The professional

james george

Don't try this at home. James's dancing credentials give him licence to pull-off this advanced move. George is just a natural.

2. The one that commands a crowd


No, it's not your school disco in the mid-nineties. To the housemates' disbelief, Edele, Ricci and Lauren really are doing that dance. James can't just stand on the side-lines and watch it happening.

3. The dance like no one is watching


This one needs no explanation. Throw your hands in the air like you just don't care... If you start to lose your nerve, pretend you are just fixing your hair. 

4. The slow dance


Normally saved for the end of the evening but why stand on ceremony? Dee and James have adapted this classic into a reverse waltz. Singing along is recommended but not compulsary.

5. Big fish, little fish, cardboard box


Gary was partying long before Lauren set foot in the Sugar Hut. We thought we'd seen the last of this fail safe clubbing move. Maybe not. 


Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side - 10th September

Did somebody say double eviction? Oh yes! Two more of our celebs are getting the boot and Rylan is on hand to welcome them back into the real world with a bang.



Straight-talking Luisa Zissman joins our host with the most to provide double the interrogation, along with reality star and Celebrity Big Brother 2012 housemate Nicola McLean, who we're sure will be tearing them to shreds. Get it?


Hollyoaks hunk Kieron Richardson will also be joining in with all the fun, and leading lady Emma Willis will be dropping by to tell us who her money is on as we approach Friday's grand finale. 


Miss it or miss out! Channel 5, 11pm.


All the facts and stats on the CBB finalists' nominations

We're staring right down the barrel of the finale now. There are no nominations left, no evictions, nothing left to do but wait for you, the voting public, to pick up the phone and choose your winner.


It's nail-biting enough for us, so the celebs must be feeling super nervous right now. All too soon, the Big Brother House will be empty and quiet again.


Before that, though, it's time for a bit of reflection and analysis. Specifically, right now, we're going to analyse the finalists' nominations. And it's safe to say you probably won't be surprised at who the most nominated housemate turns out to be...



Total nominations: 6
Evictions survived: 3


Considering we started the show with 14 celebrities, Audley's done pretty well to only attract six nominations. And though he was undeniably his biggest rival in the House, only one of those was from James. Audley himself managed to nominate a pretty wide spread of housemates: he never nominated the same person twice, always finding new reasons to nom someone new.

The big man has been up for eviction three times, and made it through each time. Now, though, he definitely will be leaving the House - it just remains to be seen where he'll come in the final rankings.


Total nominations: 1
Evictions survived: 1


Dee almost made it to the finale without picking up a single nomination... but Audley broke her no-noms streak this week, nominating her because of her argument with Gary. Still, at least she got to find out what it's like going up against the public vote before she leaves the House.

Dee's own nominations haven't been terribly varied: she nominated Gary every time but once. Over the course of the series, she also nominated George, Stephanie, James, and Edele once each, which shows that though the divide in the House might not have been as pronounced this series, there clearly still is one.


Total nominations: 5
Evictions survived: 2


Edele hadn't received a single nomination until those fateful face-to-face noms on Day 17. We still don't really know why everyone decided to nominate her then - had she been particularly annoying that day? Did she eat more than her fair share of dinner? Or did they just think she was a safe bet, and unlikely to get angry about it? Whatever the answer, she got four nominations straight to her face that day. Ouch.

Edele is another one who's nominated Gary a lot: four times over the course of the series. She also nommed Frenchy twice.


Total nominations: 24
Evictions survived: 5


No surprises here: Gary got by far the most nominations of any housemate in this series - and, actually, of any housemates in Celebrity Big Brother, ever, beating Jim Davidson by two whole noms. Facing the public vote every week didn't see to faze him, though; he was always confident that he was staying where he was.

Gary nominated Stephanie twice and Kellie twice - and, actually, he nominated both of them before the eviction night where they both got the boot. That's the power of Busey for you.


Total nominations: 3
Evictions survived: 2


George picked up two of his three nominations in the very set of noms, but since then he seems to have endeared himself to the House. And then this week, Audley nominated him for "not earning his stripes yet". Which is a pretty nice reason, as reasons go.

He's consistently nominated Gary every single week, alongside Frenchy for two weeks and Audley for two weeks. So it's pretty clear where his loyalties lie, then.


Total nominations: 5
Evictions survived: 3


Despite several explosive arguments and some loud booing from the eviction crowds outside the House, James has still only garnered five nominations all series. That saw him put up for eviction three times, but each time he's sailed through. Maybe the wind-up merchant's argumentative strategy worked out for him?

James is another one who tended to nominate the same people, although maybe not as consistently as you might think - he nommed Gary twice, and Kellie twice. He also only nominated Audley once, despite their rows.



So that's it, then. It's nearly all over. We've seen over the weeks who the celebrities want to leave - but now, it's finally time for you to pick a winner.


 All the numbers you need to know are right here.





Rylan and Emma

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side

Hankies at the ready - it's the last Bit on the Side of the summer and it's going to be emotional.


We've got a skip load of glitter, bulk ordered the party poppers and pulled out all the stops to ensure a first rate celebrity line-up - that's right, the ex-housemates are back.


The showbiz gang will be propping up the panel and one of their number will be singing you a very special song. Here's a clue who.




Luisa Zissman will be joining Rylan and Emma to see out the series in style and Jane Mcdonald will be belting out a show-stopping tune.


Be watching from 10.45pm, Channel 5. 


Kellie Maloney had private bathroom on Celeb BB

Posted on October 6 2014 at 07:06pm by Matt Scott
Celebrity Big Brother 14 summer 2014 launch show - Kellie Maloney

The 61-year-old – formerly named Frank – entered the fourteenth series last month amid much publicity, after it was revealed that she is now living life as a woman.


Maloney, who eventually became the fifth housemate to be evicted, has since revealed that she had special clauses written in to her contract to aid her gender transition.


She apparently had access to her own bathroom, while bosses were banned from recording footage of her without her wig on.


Maloney explained to the Irish Mirror: “I spoke at length to Big Brother producers about clauses that would protect the situation I was in. They were not allowed to film me sleeping in case my wig fell off and I was allowed a private bathroom.


“I had come so far I didn’t want anyone to ever see me as Frank again.”

Reports prior to launch suggested that Maloney was the highest paid housemate, on a £400,000 deal. It is not known where her bathroom was located within the house.


This isn’t the first time that Celebrity Big Brother has given special privileges to its stars.


During the seventh run in 2010 – the last one to air on Channel 4 – Ivana Trump was allowed to wear a watch in the house, despite the show’s rules traditionally banning contestants from taking in their own timepieces.


Bosses have also attracted criticism over the past two years for allowing four housemates access to the outside world so they could complete other work commitments.

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