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Everything you need to know about CBB Week 1

Just one short week ago, fourteen celebs entered the newly redecorated Big Brother House. 

Yup, it really was only a week ago, though so much has happened it feels like longer. Let's recap...




The first celeb into the House was Dee, but Big Brother didn't let her get comfy. She was immediately given a task: with help from her fellow UK celebs, she'd have to trick Leslie, Gary, and Frenchy into believing she was the Duchess of Solihull.

Big Brother helped Dee to maintain the illusion by having her butler bring her breakfast and even bringing some regal Corgis into the House, but did the US celebs fall for it?



Of course they did. As a reward for successfully pulling the wool over the housemates' eyes, Dee was rewarded with a right royal knees-up. Hurrah! 



The first hints of tension in the House didn't take long to appear, though. Gary and James had a bit of a barney on the second night over a misunderstood joke, and then Ricci lost a game of rock, paper, scissors and had to get into Gary's bed for a dare. Elsewhere, George was annoying Audley by constantly getting his name wrong, andDavid got into an argument with... oh, Gary. Oh dear.



The first shopping task saw Kellie and Leslie transformed into celebrity agents, tasked with judging the other housemates' talents. Stephanie and Gary auditioned for toothpaste adverts, Ricci and Lauren tried to prove they could front a charity appeal, and David and Audley showed off their action hero potential.



More arguments were brewing, though, and by Wednesday everyone had started to get annoyed with Frenchy. Leslie and Stephanie thought she was the biggest diva in the House, and Leslie really wasn't pleased when she woke him up in the early hours of the AM. 

The bickering was interrupted with another round of tasks, which transfomed Claireand Frenchy into monsters and saw James and Edele put on their dancing shoes, but peace didn't last long...



Because Leslie and Gary had an explosive argument about, of all things, what the acronym "CGI" stands for. And no sooner had they kissed and made up than an argument between Kellie and Frenchy kicked off.

Failing the shopping task didn't improve anyone's mood, either, especially when it turned out someone had sabotaged the food in the store room. Frenchy and Leslie got into another slanging match, and Leslie's boxers paid the price. Oh, the drama.



Anyone hoping for a bit of romance in the House was dealt a crushing blow as Lauren revealed that she didn't fancy Ricci. Which was a shame, because he really, really seemed to fancy her. Maybe she'll come round.

Or maybe George and Stephanie will turn out to be the surprise celeb couple of the series? Only time will tell.



The last few days saw the Big Brother garden turned into the Celebrity Scrapheap. After being voted the Star of the Show, Leslie banished Gary and Frenchy to the Scrapheap, deeming them the least entertaining housemates.


And after a very entertaining party, he also chose Kellie to join them. 

Which led to an argument between Leslie and Kellie. And then James and Audley had words, too. Will these celebs ever stop shouting at one another?


After being voted the three least entertaining housemates by the public - that's you lot - Edele, David and Claire were given a chance to prove themselves. But despite flexing every muscle he had, David soon found himself on the Scrapheap too.



The final part of the task saw Star of the Show Leslie host a very special game show: Kellie, Gary, Frenchy and David went head to head to win a reprieve from this week's eviction. xxxxx got saved, and chose xxxxx to replace her on the Scrapheap, beforeLeslie was given the opportunity to pick one last housemate to face this week's public vote


As we head into week 2, the Duchess has been dethroned, the Scrapheap has been closed, and everyone has argued with everyone else. What will this week bring? You know where to find out. (Er, that'd be right here, on this very website.)

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George and Gary

Everything you need to know about CBB Week 2

The celebrity's second week in the House started awkwardly. Star of the Show Leslie had put five celebs on the Scrapheap and left their fate up to the public vote. Lauren and Ricci were barely talking to one another over a stalled flirtation. And basicallyeveryone was getting annoyed with everyone else. So it seemed like the perfect time for Big Brother to freak everyone out...




... by launching a task based around phobias. Stephanie had to face her fear of bad smells, Edele a fear of belly buttons, and Ricci a fear of surprises. Then Dee, Frenchy and Kellie faced their fear of telling the truth - unsurprisingly, that proved an easy one to overcome - and David and Lauren tried but failed to face their fear of spiders.


James and George


James and George faced one of the most obscure fears - the fear of Morris dancing - but the real task relied entirely on Gary. Could he convince his fellow housemates that he was so terrified of balloons that they would hit the panic button for him? In a word, no. That failure led to another week of basic rations, and moaning about food. Oh dear.



Another thing the celebs moaned about? Each other, of course. James argued with Gary about whose fault it was they failed the task. Kellie and George thought some of the others were being fakeAudley ran out of patience with JamesStephanie and Gary couldn't bear to speak to one another, and everyone seemed to be clashing with Frenchy.

Seriously, everyone clashed with Frenchy. Especially when she threw her dinner in the bin.


david eviction


The first evictions caused some tension, too. After much worrying, paranoia, andpreparationDavid became the first celeb to be evicted on Day 10. In a massive twist, though, Big Brother instigated face-to-face noms on the same night, with tempers fraying rapidly. Since Stephanie had discussed nominations with James, her noms were voided, which didn't mean that everything was forgiven and forgotten.



Tensions were already riding high - aren't they always? - when Big Brother presented housemates with another task. Gary, Stephanie and Frenchy became ventriloquists' dummies for the day, unable to speak for themselves. Words were put into their mouths by George, Leslie, and James, and that led to a bit of a confrontation between James, Frenchy, Stephanie, and Kellie. Do this lot ever stop arguing?




There were some brights spots, though, George and Stephanie seemed to be getting closer, and despite a bit of competition from Edele, the two of them had their first kiss on Day 11. Sort of. There was a lot of kissing going on that night. Though none of the other couples got fake-married in the House, so maybe George and Stephanie's relationship is going places?



Ricci still hadn't given up on Lauren, either. Despite earlier asserting that she didn't fancy him, she sort of seems to be coming around to the idea now. Is something going to happen between themIt looks like it might...



There was a bit of a surprise on Friday, when former Star of the Show Leslie got evicted. On the bright side, he can now eat as many eggs as he wants, without anyone to tell him off. And for his former housemates, there was plenty to worry about in the crowd's reactions. It's funny how much impact a few boos can have on someone's psyche, isn't it?



Yesterday, Big Brother pitted two of the House's alpha males against one another,locking them in a dome in the garden to see who could stick out confinement the longest. James and Audley did their best to psyche one another out, but the game ended in a stalemate, with both boys earning themselves immunity from the next eviction.


Today saw the celebs nominate in the Diary Room for the first time, and when the results were revealedthere were a few fireworks. Which means there's sure to be even more drama this week.


Keep it right here for all the latest!








Everything you need to know about CBB Week 3

In a week jam-packed with tension and drama we waved goodbye to not one but three of the Borehamwood bungalow's finest residents.


Concentration was the name of the game on Day 15 as housemates had to count on each other to pass the shopping task.



Stephanie apologised to Gary, James and Gary were quizzed by Big Brother who then threw a whopper of a cat among the pigeons and played the housemates each other's nominations


There was a frosty reception for two housemates on Day 16 as Lauren and Frenchy took the ice bucket challenge.



But before that, housemates had a rave in the bedroom - as you do. 

On Day 17 Stephanie tested the depth of George's love with a secret task, Gary had some hot tips for Frenchy and Ricci gave a few housemates the snip.


All too soon we were waving goodbye to our French fancy as Frenchy was voted out of the House


Frenchy eviction


The dust barely had time to settle before housemates endured that old favourite,face-to-face noms.


Things were going bump in the night and housemates awoke on Day 18 to the news that there was a frog in the bedroom. There wasn't. It was almost as exciting though.


Home truths were dished out willy-nilly as Big Brother got the housemates to deliver some anonymous feedback, most of which became all too public.  



Gary was playing guidance cousellor on Day 19 as he did his bit to iron out some of the issues in the House.


Gary fame


Two golden girls were shown the door as Stephanie and Kellie became evictees number four and five


The housemates had a hard day at the office on Day 20 as Big Brother employed them to field complaints about themselves in the BB Call Centre. They worked their socks off then kicked up their heels at the office party.


Housemate conga


As night fell there was a whole lot of mugging off in the House. Lauren and George were at the centre of the drama with the former upsetting the whole House with the suggestion that she might be a teensy, weensy bit more famous than them. Or at the very least have more to lose.




As you can imagine, this went down terribly well. In the cold light of day our Essex girl had some grovelling to do


Housemates were nominating again on Day 21 and to keep their minds off who could be facing the public vote, Big Brother threw in a dancing task which gave Edele and her unlikely partner Ricci a chance to shine. And jive.


ricci edele


Just when the housemates thought they had had enough drama for one week, Big Brother revealed the nominations results to the House.


Who will we be showing the door next? It's up to you.


We'll keep you posted with all the voting details.


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