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Katie Hopkins Cami-Li Michelle Visage Celebrity Big Brother

Everything you need to know about Day 12


After all the non-task excitement, housemates needed some relief on Day 12. Luckily, a shopping task was the focus of the day and housemates found themselves newly enrolled as Big Brother's cadets, complete with appropriate uniforms. Katie was designated leader, dubbed 'Red Pigeon' for the duration of the struggle for shopping.

Katie Hopkins Kavana Celebrity Big Brother

As cadets, the gang had badges to earn. Nadia and Perez kicked off the process by doing some thoroughly good deeds throughout the household.

Nadia Sawalha Celebrity Big Brother

On top of good deeds, a few sacrifices and some tough decisions had to be made too. Later on, they found out if they had earned their badges or if they'd made a mess of their whole campaign.

Keith Chegwin Celebrity Big Brother

That wasn't the end of the jamboree though. Cadets care about the environment and our pals are no different. So it was strange helmets on and tidy up like there's no tomorrow for our celebs. But we wouldn't want them to get their hands dirty - so Big Brother made them use their faces. Naturally.

Katie Hopkins Celebrity Big Brother

After all that activity - and another round of badges being handed out - housemates were beginning to tire. Imaginary caffeine was the only solution. That was exactly what was required to take the housemates through a relentless round of honesty as Big Brother's honesty stick did the rounds.

 Michelle Visage Celebrity Big Brother

Honesty was clearly the best policy as housemates PASSED their weekly shopping task! Huzzah! They were all very happy indeed.

Calum Best Celebrity Big Brother

Big Brother let them have their moment. Briefly. Soon it was time to announce the results of the previous day's nominations and, as ever, there was shock and consternation. Reactions varied throughout the House.

Kavana Celebrity Big Brother

Once the shock had worn off, our housemates settled into rather a lovely vibe. Kavana spoke to Perez at length. Katie H and Alicia had a heart-to-heart. This was perhaps the most settled evening in the House so far and even included a Katie Price tanning extravaganza.

Katie Hopkins Celebrity Big Brother

Will the peace last long?

Probably not. But fingers crossed all the same.



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Katie's nails

Day 13: Katie's makeovers


She might have arrived in the House looking very glam, but was soon spending her days in a onesie teamed with a neon beanie: of all the women in the House, Katie Hopkins has probably been the least vain.

But spending time with drag expert Michelle seems to be rubbing off on her. Over the last 24 hours, Katie H. has undergone something of a transformation...

Katie tans Katie

First up, a bit of fake tan on her face, courtesy of Pricey.

Michelle tans Katie

The following morning, Katie decided to extend her tan, and enlisted Michelle to give her a thorough spray tan on her arms and legs.

Katie and Michelle

And then attempted to soak up a bit of extra sun on her face, using a bit of kitchen foil as a mirror. As you do.

nail varnish

Perhaps emboldened by her newfound golden glow, Katie even let Michelle give her a bright pink manicure this afternoon.

What's next? Maybe some dramatic eyeliner, or a new hairstyle? Hmmm. We'll keep an eye open for any further stages in Katie's makeover...

- See more at:

Emma Willis Celebrity Big Brother Bit On The Side

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On

The Side - 19th January


Phew. It's been another dramatic weekend, which means there'll be loads for Emma to talk about on tonight's BOTS.

Joining her in the studio to discuss the ins and outs of the celebs' shenanigans will be comedian James Farmer, former housemate John McCririck, and body language expert Judi James. 

Emma's final guest tonight is someone who's got a unique perspective on the celebs in the House...


It's former housemate and bum-barer Chloe!


So tune in tonight, Channel 5, at 11pm and find out what she has to say about the latest news.



'He s**gs furniture'


Helen Wood rips into'poisoned dwarf'


Perez in CBB rant

WHAT'S going on fockers?! I'm getting a sense of dÃĐjà vu as it's time to dissect the miserable, over-the-top idiots of this country once again.


Where do I even start with the latest Big Brother theatrics? Perez sh**ging walls, grinding his crotch against garden furniture, yet Ken gets removed for making lewd comments toward the house tarts.

For the love of Christ, the double standards!!


If Ken had flashed his a**e, or Chegs and Alex pulled down their kecks to show off their 'skill set' during the talent show, they'd have been held over the coals. Yet if Calum (the eye-candy of the house) did it, Chloe and Cami would probably have orgasmed. Then Chloe bares a full-blown mooney and that's absolutely fine. Perez froths at the mouth over a trio of orgasms, totes fine.


After seeing Cami and Chloe shake their t**s in poor Cheggers' face, this seemed pretty odd considering the outburst Chloe later had merely having her robe nudged.


Ken should never have been evicted, end of. His racist remarks were completely out of order, but look how someone equally old school like Alexander dealt with the situation. Calmly.


Only one tosser made a big deal out of it – and that's king b*llend Perez.


I thrive off the fact that the poisoned dwarf was completely convinced us Brits were loving him in the house, yet when the crowd shouted to get him out, he soon learned the truth.

Yes Pez, I'd say you're more hated than I was. And Jesus, that's some hate.


For someone as thick-skinned as me, I found it very uncomfortable to watch as he goaded someone from a different generation: Alex is not used to little s***s provoking him for a reaction.


In the real world, I'm pretty sure big Al would kick his ass, who wouldn’t? I know for sure if I was living in that house I'd have done my upmost to make him feel small.


Booting him up the backside would probably get me removed, but that's what I'd want to do.


In fact, I'd probably want to smother him in the night, everything about him, I detest. The genital wart challenging a 61-year-old legend is just the cherry on the cake.


I'm starting to really despise the generation I live in, so much PC c**p. I'm not condoning racism before the morons start, I just find it REALLY hard to watch people make mountains from molehills.


Coincidentally, Choe has revealed why she felt soooo upset over robe-gate. Well, for the performance she put on that night and the way she runs her mouth, would she not have explained in the house? Or maybe she wanted to wait to make a few grand on the alleged story during her return to the real world.


The Ex On The Beach 'star' told The Sun about a photographer who reportedly put his hands down her knickers on a shoot, although it has never been reported, nor his name ever given.


If this snapper really had made such an impact on her life, surely she wouldn’t continue to work for lads' mags and get her kit off? I smell a rat.

I think it's safe to say anyone with an average IQ level would sniff one from a mile off. I could be wrong, nevertheless, I'm going to say it sounds all a bit too staged to me.


Back to the housemates, Katie Hopkins, I love. I know she'd probably detest me and everything I stand for, but I'm not at all bothered.


I think she's the dog's b******s when it comes to how she conducts herself in CBB. She's taken full control of The Idiot and is protecting the ones she respects, that's being a true friend.


Speaking of rent-a-gob, it brings me full circle to PC hysteria.

  • I get grief daily – I say 'grief', that'd mean it effects me – it's water off a duck's back.

This is exactly what twerps need to realise, THESE PEOPLE MEAN NOTHING. Unless it's somebody close to you being nasty, you can turn a blind eye.


Let people say what they want, if they don’t pay your bills, if they don’t help fulfil your life, what do their words mean? F**k all.


Recently I was asked how I put up with the vile tweets I constantly get. It's simple, they don’t know me and I don’t know them. That's what it boils down to.


If I cried every time someone wished death or acid attacks on me (or cancer, which is a new one) I'd drown in tears. Yet it means absolutely nothing.


So long as my nearest and dearest are not vulgar towards me, I'm more than happy. People need to take a leaf out of the Hopkins philosophy and stop being so sensitive.


Have a great week, lovers and haters.
Love always, Hels Bels xxx



Last edited by MrsH

Celebrity Big Brother's Chloe Goodman

Reveals Jeremy Jackson 'Assault' Brought

Back Painful Memories

The star has been revealing all in new interviews

<cite class="byline vcard">By  | omg â€“ 4 hours ago</cite>

Chloe Goodman may have been one of this year's lesser known Celebrity Big Brother housemates, butan incident with Jeremy Jackson just three days into the show has left everybody knowing her name by the end of it - even if she was the first contestant to be booted out by the public.

Now the Ex On The Beach star has come forward with even more shocking information about the night that saw former Baywatch star, Jeremy, get the boot.

Chloe has spoken out about her time on the show. Copyright: [Channel 5]Chloe has spoken out about her time on the show. Copyright: [Channel 5]



In case you've missed out on all of the juicy goss from arguably the most dramatic series of Big Brother EVER, Jez, was removed from the house after he drunkenly pulled on Chlo's dressing gown, exposing her breast.

The 21-year-old was left physically shaken by the incident, with the sobbing star explaining to her housemate, Nadia Sawalha at the time that she was "just in shock" as something like that had "never happened before".


In a new interview with The Sun, Chloe has now shared that Jeremy's actions had actually brought back "painful memories" from when she was just eighteen years old, saying that a dodgy photographer made her pose in positions that she wasn't comfortable in before sexually assaulting her.


Chloe initially told Nadia that she'd never been in that position before. 

The former housemate revealed: "He put his hand down my knickers. I was absolutely stunned — I didn’t know what to do.


"I was s***ing myself, but I managed to get away. I got my phone out and I pretended I was speaking to my mum and that she was outside to pick me up, then I ran out of the studios.”

Chloe added:  “I didn’t want to go to the police, because I knew if it went to court I would relive the whole thing. I never wanted to see his face again.”


The star was in the toilets alone with Jeremy when he pulled on her dressing gown, with Jezza insisting that he though that Chloe was wearing something underneath her robe and had not acted "maliciously".



Some viewers questioned Chloe's motives after seeing her leave the toilet, telling Jeremy that what he had done "wasn't okay" before she sobbed to her housemates and explained what had just happened.


Referencing the night, Chloe has shared: “Anyone who says I over-reacted doesn’t know what it’s like to be totally powerless at the hands of a man.


“I was absolutely terrified and it brought all those painful memories back. I consider myself a strong woman, but in that moment with Jeremy, I couldn’t do anything.

“I was terrified. It took me right back to when it happened before. That incident when I was 18 really affected me. I thought I had dealt with it, but I obviously haven’t.”


Since being evicted from the house, the star has revealed that after the initial incident she spent "hours" in the diary room speaking to Big Brother, with her microphone switched off, in order for Channel 5 bosses to ensure that she was okay.

Chloe hasn't met with Jeremy since leaving the house on Friday, but has said that she won't be following his ex wife's advice to press charges against him, saying that he had "apologised profusely" and she just wants to move on with her life.


Who can blame her, eh?



Katie and Michelle

Everything you need to know about Day 13


The housmates seemed to wake up a little groggy this morning as Patsy appeared to forget the concept of Big Brother enitrely.

Pricey was far from groggy though and wanted to play a game called "truth AND dare". That one likes to have her cake and eat it. 

Katie and Michelle, presumably for a dare, then decided to go outside.

If that wasn't punishment enough, the housemates got a smacked botty (not literally) from BB because Calum and Alicia had been talking about noms. 

Calum certainly wasn't talking about noms when Cami stuck her finger in his ear. For some reason, Calum objected to this fairly strongly. Sensitive. 

Cami then caught a eyeful of Kavana's, um, little Kav.

But Kavana was more interested in spraying stuff into Keith's face. But you can't improve on perfection. 

The housemates got an early night on what had been a nice calm day. Can it last? Of course not.


See you tomorrow.


cbb celebrity big brother shopping list housemates

Day 13: A peek at the shopping list


Ever fancied a glimpse into the lifestyles of the rich and famous? Course you have. It’s the reason you’re glued to Celebrity Big Brother. But we’re saving you the trouble of rifling through their bins by bringing you this week’s shopping list.

The housemates won a luxury budget for their efforts in the BB Cadets task, though it must be said their shopping list feels far from luxurious. No unicorn steaks or gold-plated digestives here – turns out they’re just like the rest of us. Here’s just a snippet of the grocery gossipâ€Ķ

  • 4 tubs of butter
  • 10 packs of chillies
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 20 onions
  • 10 parsnips
  • 5 limes
  • 4 packs of tomatoes
  • 4 packs of pasta
  • 6 bags of organic crisps
  • 3 jars of organic peanut butter
  • 10 tins of baked beans
  • 1 bottle of olive oil
  • 6 loaves of bread
  • 2 medium chickens

â€Ķand a partridge in a pear tree. In fact, a partridge might’ve livened things up a bit. Perhaps the most exciting product selected was four packs of gluten-free chicken stock. Rock ‘n’ roll or what?

Oh, and it’s safe to assume Alicia had no input into the selection – there were only 25 bananas.



Katie Price

Day 14: A celebrity guide to motivation


It's been a productive morning for our celebs. After an early start, the housemates seem to have decided to make every moment count. If you're in need of a bit of extra motivation today, why not take a leaf out of a housemate's book?


Cleanliness motivational


Keith made a clean sweep of it by taking a broom to the kitchen floor. Looking at the pile of dirt he'd swept up, and the newly clean floor gave him a great sense of accomplishment to carry through the rest of his day. 


Dignity motivational

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Nadia was making plans for the day with Perez. Since they were both nominated this week, they both think they face eviction tonight, but they're determined to make dignity their watchword. Very wise.

Integrity motivational

In the kitchen, Michelle was also discussing tactics. The key to Big Brother is being you, according to our drag expert, but we think it's probably a good lesson for all of us.

As is Perez's revelation for the day: if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. In his case, he stayed in bed and closed his eyes instead of leaping up at 4am. Whatever challenge you're facing today, just remember Perez's valiant quest for more shuteye. Guaranteed inspiration right there.

Success motivational

Finally, here's a pearl of wisdom from our newest housemate, Pricey. If you're going to run a marathon, you have to train for it. But, as she says, "when you see the finish line, what a good feeling is that?"


So there you go.


Patsy meditating

Day 14: Task - Patsy's Meditation Station


The House may be calm right now but during its livelier moments, one housemate has frequently found a way to escape from the drama - meditation.

And now it's time for Patsy to share her wisdom with the rest of the House.

Dressed in meditation suits and armed with yoga mats, Big Brother has requested four housemates join our chilled out guru for lesson in Patsy's meditation class.

Can Keith, Cami, Alicia and Calum concentrate on the lesson in hand and continue to keep the peace in the house?




Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On

The Side - 20th January


It's Tuesday, and there's a live twist coming up, which means it's going to be another awesome night on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side.


Your host for the evening is the brilliant Mr Rylan Clark. He'll be joined by radio personality Nick Ferrari, X Factor runner-up Chloe Jasmine, and former celebrity housemate Luisa Zissman, all of whom are guaranteed to have something to say about the latest goings-on in the House.


You know you don't want to miss it. Tonight, Channel 5, 11pm.




i watched all the episodes over weekend

and what a horrible bunch of people


best bit was

nadia telling alexander off for chatting about perez breathing over his food


most off them telling the story of what happened saying nadia shouldnt be teling him what to say/think

then same group are telling alicia what to say/think...!


when annoying fool perez stands next to katy hopkins he dont look the twat that he is


and its snowing here


Perez Hilton reveals his evil game plan

Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Perez Hilton has revealed just how he plans to win Celebrity Big Brother 2015.


The controversial housemate has been the show’s most talked about contestant in years and he says it’s all part of his master plan.

Speaking before heading into the house at the start of the month, Perez declared he had done his research on the other rumoured celebs and planned to “play with people”.

“I’m finding stories about the celebrities for the viewers,” he explained. “I’ll play with people. The thing about me is I’m so fun.

“Some people make it to the finale because they make good TV. I’ve been doing this for so long, I know the game, I wrote the book.”

We’re not sure exactly which book Perez thinks he wrote but it certainly wasn’t one on how to endear yourself to the British public.

Although of course, he reckons he’s got it all figured out: “This is going to be an amazing opportunity for me to possibly get fans and to get people invested in me.


“And the start of more career opportunities in the UK. ”

Perez – who’s real name is Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr – suggested before entering the house that most of the group would want to be his pal.

He said: “I think a lot of these people may want to try and befriend me because you know most of these folks are only known in the UK, except for the 3.5 Americans.

“A lot of them probably want to break America, and think ‘Oh gosh, if I befriend Perez maybe he’ll talk about me and write about me in the future’.”

Perez also told The Sun newspaper that he “wants to win” but added: “In the history of CBB because only one American has ever won, so the odds of a second American ever winning are slim to none.”

Celebrity Big Brother 2015 continues nightly on Channel 5.

Read more: 


Celebrity Big Brother 2015 spoilers! Tonight's

nominations twist revealed...


Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Katie Price will play a key role in tonight’s Celebrity Big Brother 2015 nominations twistâ€Ķ here’s the details!


Currently, four housemates have been nominated: Perez HiltonKatie Hopkins, Alicia Douvall and Nadia Sawalha.


They’ve been led to believe that one will face eviction tonight but instead there will be a live twist with the next instead on Friday, all following Alexander O’Neal’s exit from the house


In tonight’s show, Katie Price is call in to the Diary Room, where she speaks about her first few days in the house.


Katie P tells Big Brother that everyone has made her feel so welcome. Big Brother asks her if anyone has surprised her, to which she replies “soft” and also “sweet” Katie H and Alicia, who she quite likes. She also admits that she had a long conversation with Perez and that he doesn’t bother her when he is “doing his bits in the mirror!”


Big Brother then lets Katie in to a secret and tells her that there won’t be an eviction on Tuesday and instead there will be a twist.


She has 24 hours to save the most entertaining Housemate and replace them with the least entertaining Housemate, to face eviction on Friday.


Lines will then open for viewers to vote to save the new line up of nominated housemates with the one who receives the least votes getting the boot.


See who Katie picks when Celebrity Big Brother airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.




Read more: 

Calum Best

Everything you need to know about Day 14


The housemates woke up in a frosty mood this morning as Calum and Alicia tried to settle their differences. They didn't. 

So Calum retreated to the bedroom and complained about Alicia's eating habits to Michelle. Thankfully, there wasn't a banana in sight (probably because Alicia's already scoffed the lot).

Things were getting a little wound up so Patsy was called in to spread calm through meditation. Cheggers couldn't keep a straight face but then he's already achieved enlightenment. 

The calm didn't last that long as an excitable Perez listed off a stream of compliments about himself. As you do.

Then the proverbial really hit the fan as the noms twist was revealed to the House and Pricey chose to save Katie and ditch Calum.

Calum was characteristically relaxed about it though. He's a smooth operator that one. 

Incredibly, Katie and Perez weren't so chilled. Katie didn't seem to think that sticking cheese up your nose was that funny, Perez didn't give edam.


Kav got a bit carried away with the refreshments and did something we thought was impossible - he upset Keith. Shame on you Kav.


After a couple of quieter days, are the cracks being to appear again? You'll have to keep watching to find out how deep they go.




 Live final date revealed


Emma Willis and Rylan Clark

The Celebrity Big Brother 2015 finale date has been revealed, with this series the longest ever.


It feels like the current run has gone on for weeks already but we’ve still got over 15 days to go until it all ends.

Currently the Celebrity Big Brother 2015 final is set for Friday, February 6 on Channel 5.

It may change with last year’s run being extended due to high ratings and this year has seen viewing figures even higher.


At a total of 31 days, Celebrity Big Brother 2015 is the show’s longest EVER series since the show began in 2001.


Four days longer than last year, it’s the first time ever that CBB has lasted longer than four weeks and the the only time the show has aired in February to date.


And the record long run has meant a record number of housemates with a total of 15 celebs having entered (and rumours of another on their way).


With ratings of over 3 million viewers at the weekend, the current run is the most watched since the move to Channel 5.


At the moment eleven housemates remain in the house with and it’s looking like a wide open competition.


Katie HopkinsKeith Chegwin, Calum BestKatie Price and Michelle Visage are all in with a shot of winning the series at next month’s final.


Assuming, of course, they can avoid eviction with the latest live show on Friday night.

Read more: 

cbb celebrity big brother task panel debate

Day 15: Task - The Debate


Big Brother’s giving the housemates a task that really plays to their strengths – talking.

Yep, as we’ve all found out, these celebs have plenty of mouth, and today’s task puts that to good use. The Debate will see Nadia, Michelle, Perez and Katie Hopkins – crucially, four of our most opinionated housemates – sit on a panel to discuss a variety of topics. And those topics might just get a few housemates' backs up...

The remaining housemates will form the audience, and will add to the debate. Hopefully it’ll be more Newsnight than Jerry Springer, but with this lot, we know which is more likely.

If the housemates debate to Big Brother’s satisfaction, there’ll be a big shiny reward – check back in later to see how well they fare



cbb rylan cbbbots bit on the side celebrity big brother

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on

the Side - 22nd January


Last night, Big Brother unveiled the nominations twist, which saw Katie Hopkins get a reprieve at the expense of Calum. Tonight, Rylan will be catching up on the fallout from Pricey’s decision, plus all the other news from the House.


As always, we’ll be welcoming yet another stellar panel of guests to put things under the figurative microscope: former housemate Dane Bowers will be providing an insider’s perspective; actor John Partridge will be ready with his sharp-tongued opinion; plus the studio will even more stylish than usual, courtesy of presenters Lizzie Cundy and Darren Kennedy.


That’s Big Brother’s Bit on the Side, tonight at 11pm on Channel 5.

See you then!



Nadia Sawalha Michelle Visage Celebrity Big Brother

Everything you need to know about Day 15


As you might have noticed, there was a bit of a tiff in the House on Day 14 and, just before bed, Michelle tried to talk Kav down. They soon went off to sleep and, when Day 15 arrived, lots of the talk revolved around Perez’s nosy, cheesy antics.

Nadia Sawalha Celebrity Big Brother

To keep everyone occupied, a task arrived and this one required our more talkative housemates to ply their trade. The debate began with HMs discussing hot topics like "Is Keith too neutral?" and, when it got too hot, Nadia walked.

Nadia Sawalha Michelle Visage Celebrity Big Brother

Keith had praise for Perez, later on, but the great Hilton versus Hopkins battle began all over again when Perez made a window display and unsurprisingly wound up our former Apprentice wannabe.

Katie Hopkins Celebrity Big Brother

Thankfully, one of our housemates was feeling more at home than that bickering pair. Katie P is fitting in very well, thank you very much, and she didn’t hold back when telling her chums.

Katie Price Celebrity Big Brother

Dinner time was just around the corner and, having passed their debating task, Katie H, Nadia, Michelle and Perez picked Keith and Calum to chow down on a Ruby Murray with them.

Kavana Cami Li Patsy Kensit Celebrity Big Brother

Nothing to do with the evening meal, but Katie H had a derriere treatment as the evening wore on. Celebrity Big Brother is surely the only place you’ll ever see Katie Hopkins having her bottom sprayed by Patsy Kensit – and that’s why you love us.

Katie Hopkins Celebrity Big Brother

Housemates got an early night, sliding between sheets long before the clock struck midnight. That means they’ll be bright eyed and bushy tailed when the alarm goes in the morning, so Day 16 should be yet another cracker!



cbb celebrity big brother katie hopkins katie price towels towel pricey

Day 16: The Katies bond over terrible towel etiquette


It’s no surprise that the housemates find it difficult to share. But today, the Katies detailed a specific item which they’re especially unhappy sharing: towels.

Post-workout, Kavana realised his towel was still damp from yesterday.

“I’ve got one hanging up near my bed,” Katie Hopkins offered.

cbb celebrity big brother katie hopkins katie price towels towel pricey

“I don’t like the whole towel sharing thing,” she confessed once Kav was out of earshot. “Everyone seems to be ok with it, but I’m not ok with it.”

“It’s a drying your bits and bobs thing,” she added, something which Pricey then chose to mime outâ€Ķ

cbb celebrity big brother katie hopkins katie price towels towel pricey

“Unless you get the corner of the towel,” said Pricey, “cos you think, they probably haven’t done that with the corner of the towel.” Hopkins found this image rather unpleasantâ€Ķ

cbb celebrity big brother katie hopkins katie price towels towel pricey

â€Ķbut then went on to prove herself quite the hypocrite with a confession:

“I was in the toilet the other day and we ran out of loo roll, so I ending up using the side of a towel to dry myâ€Ķ” (At this point, Hopkins chose to use a whistling noise to represent the body part in question.)

“No!” cries Pricey. “That’s disgust!” We think she means disgust-ING, but perhaps she was so utterly repulsed that correct grammar evaded her. She must be repulsed a lot if that’s the case.

It didn’t help matters that the Katies were doing the drying-up at the time. After that conversation, who knows where that tea towel has been?

cbb celebrity big brother katie hopkins katie price towels towel pricey




Emma Willis Celebrity Big Brother Bit On The Side

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on

the Side - 22nd January


It’s our last chance for a Bit on the Side fix ahead of tomorrow’s eviction, which will see either Alicia, Calum, Nadia or  Perez make that fateful walk towards Emma Willis and, slightly less pleasant, the baying crowd. So tonight, we’ll be weighing up the four nominees’ chances of staying, with the help of our special guestsâ€Ķ


We’ll be welcoming presenter and Nadia’s fellow Loose Woman, Kaye Adams; comedian and future resident of Albert Square, Richard Blackwood; survivor of the Celebrity Big Brother house and all-round work of unpredictability Frenchy; plus the return of  Peter Lovatt, AKA Dr Dance.


That’s Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side, tonight at 11pm on Channel 5. See you then!




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