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Callum is trying out his best pensive/blue steel face


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Jeremy likes to keep Britain close at all times.


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Katie likes a lot of hot air


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How many celebrities does it take to work a cooker? Not as many as you might imagine.



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What country does Perez come from again?



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Patsy appears to have bought her jumper from an '80s florist



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That's Keith smelling the jacuzzi water. It's unclear why and we're not positive we want to know




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Ken Morley Celebrity Big Brother

Everything you need to know about Day 2


It must be weird rising and shining in the Big Brother House after the Live Launch. Waking up is hard to do, but being woken by crazy-intense studio lights must make it all the more uncomfortable – and our latest crop of celebrity in-mates found it just as difficult as those that have gone before.

Michelle Visage Celebrity Big Brother

A caffeinated drink and some brekkie for those bleary heads would’ve worked wonders, but first our celebs ticked every clichΓ© box by finding the oven completely confusing. A three-strong team of Nadia, Keith and Alicia were baffled by the hobs for ages.

Keith Chegwin Nadia Sawalha Alicia Douvall Celebrity Big Brother

Once fed, the housemates spent some time getting to know to one another. Ken and Keith discussed the ladies in the House while Calum and Michelle talked romance. But while most housemates were able to talk freely, Alexander was sure he was being cold-shouldered by one of his roomies. He confided in Kav and Chloe, and word also spread to Cami.

Alexander O'Neal Celebrity Big Brother

Eventually it was time for dinner – their first big meal together in the House. Calum served while Perez led everyone in a prayer that was only slightly bizarre – and wholly ignored by Ken who piled into his rations like eating was going out of fashion. He was probably impatient – his super-fun reflex game was scheduled for after the food, after all.

Perez Hilton Celebrity Big Brother

There was further bonding later on, when Perez and Patsy talked about the Brit / American split and how it could serve the House well or drive it into two. Let’s hope it’s the former, eh readers? Further bonding happened when Katie got involved with Perez’s feet. Though this time it was a task rather than her better nature shining through. It looked like it tickled.

Perez Hilton Celebrity Big Brother

As the day wound down and while Keith was desperate to clean his teeth and get to bed, Chloe and Cami enjoyed a post-hot tub bath. The frolicking water babies banned Cheggers from the bathroom, chasing him out whenever he came close to the door while screaming his name. Peculiar stuff – but not as peculiar as it may become in the days ahead of us…





jeremy jackson cbb workout katie hopkins kavana


Day 3: Jeremy's gym


Katie, Perez, Michelle, Kav, Keith and Nadia are making the most of their stay in the Celebrity Big Brother House, which has apparently turned into an impromptu bootcamp.

jeremy jackson cbb workout katie hopkins

Jeremy took the role of drill sergeant, in perhaps the most inappropriate exercise get-up imaginable.

jeremy jackson cbb workout

Seriously, Jez. A wedding dress would probably be more fitting.

But it wasn’t just the self-appointed personal trainer’s attire that made for such a bizarre workout...

β€œLet’s go duckfoot,” said Jeremy, with a completely straight face. β€œOpen your shoulders,” he barked. And each bunny hop he demonstrated was accompanied by a shrill cry of β€œBING!”

jeremy jackson human centipede cbb celebrity big brother kavana workout

Kavana likened one particularly strange exercise to a certain insect-themed horror movie; and a so-called plank-off saw Jeremy provide Perez with a large wooden rabbit to use as a focus.

jeremy jackson cbb workout perez hilton rabbit

Well, at least when the inevitable Jeremy Jackson exercise DVD hits the shelves, there won't be anything else quite like it...



rylan cbb celebrity big brother's bit on the side

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side


The housemates are getting their feet well and truly under the table in the Celebrity Big Brother House, and like a hefty sundae to follow a mighty roast, Big Brother’s Bit on the Side will be dished up straight after tonight’s live show.


Rylan will be front-and-centre as always, and he’ll welcoming a stellar panel to pick apart the House action.


Things will be getting all kinds of reem as Rylan’s fellow Essex native Ferne McCann joins us. Atomic Kitten-flavoured national treasure – and former CBB housemate – Kerry Katona will be giving us an insider’s perspective. And finally, broadcaster, Heat Editor-in-Chief and all-round empress of celebrity Lucie Cave will complete the panel.


We’ll also be welcoming back Christian Howes for his round-up of all things digital. Trust us, it’s a good β€˜un.


Tonight at 10:30pm on Channel 5.


perez hilton cbb celebrity big brother gossip

Day 3: Perez intrusion


Despite being several locked doors away from a smartphone, laptop or even a clunky old typewriter, it seems Perez just can’t shake his inner gossip blogger.

Chloe and Cami were in the bedroom, sharing some bitching about the celeb world, when Perez demanded to be involved.

perez hilton cbb celebrity big brother gossip

β€œWho do you hate?” asked Perez, almost salivating. β€œWho? Who? Who?”

β€œI’m not going to say in here,” Chloe said.

β€œIt’s done,” Cami reiterated. β€œWe’re not talking about it.”

That didn’t put off Super-Blogger though, and the nagging continued.

perez hilton cbb celebrity big brother gossip cami-li chloe goodman

β€œWe’ll tell you another time,” Chloe insisted.

β€œNo!” cried Perez. β€œTell me now. NOW!”

Unfortunately, the toddler-having-a-tantrum approach didn’t work for him, and Perez sloped off to the kitchen.

β€œThere’s no malice,” Patsy told Cami and Chloe. β€œHe’s just interested.”

β€œHe’s just interested in himself,” hissed Cami.

β€œHe needed to know,” said Chloe. β€œAnd it’s probably killing him that there’s something he doesn’t know. And that’s why he left.”

perez hilton cbb celebrity big brother gossip patsy kensit

β€œWell,” said Patsy, ever the peacemaker. β€œThat’s just his job.”

However, her good intentions backfired on Perez’s return to the bedroom, when she herself became the subject of his grilling. Despite his best efforts to find out about her love life, Patsy remained silent.

perez hilton cbb celebrity big brother gossip

β€œAre you dating a member of the British Royal Family?” asked Perez, now clutching at straws.

β€œHow did you know?” cackled Patsy.

She may have been joking, but clearly we’re dealing with a gossipholic here. Expect a β€œPatsy Dates Prince Philip” story on a certain US celebrity blog when a certain American chap leaves the house…


Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Day 3: Katie’s curse comes to an end and speaks her mind

Katie’s curse has come to an end – and she is now free to speak her mind in the House

During tonight’s show, Katie’s curse will come to and end and she will be free to speak her mind. As part of the highlights, Katie talks to Big Brother in the Diary Room – where her curse of kindness is lifted and she can speak her mind. She is asked her real opinions of the other Housemates. She describes them as self-obsessed, delusional fools. Big Brother further asks her who she deems as the least attractive in the house. She says:

Patsy – She calls her a manic, nervous goon.
Perez – She says he needs to work on toning his body up and toning his voice down.
Ken – She says he has developed a portly stature due to his age.

Big Brother tells her that she needs to do a good deed and give one of the above Housemates a foot massage to which she shouts, β€˜P*ss off!’ She leaves the Diary Room and proceeds to massage Perez’s feet.

Katie then returns to the Diary Room and is told that the kindness curse is lifted and she can now be herself in the house. She is asked how her behaviour will change and she answers, β€˜If I want to go, I’ll go.’ She is also told that the curse must remain a secret or else there will be terrible consequences.


Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Day 3: Katie Hopkins has private CBB bedroom in House

Epileptic Katie Hopkins is thought to have her own bedroom in the Celebrity Big Brother House

Katie has previously hinted that she has her own bedroom inside the House – though Channel 5 are refusing to comment on the matter. During launch night streaming, Katie told the Housemates not to count her in the beds, as she has her own.

β€œI’m not here, I’m not here,” she was heard saying. β€œI can go and be on my own.”

Alicia Douvall added: β€œShe’s got her own bed.”

However when bbspy approached Channel 5, they refused and replied with β€œNo comment”. It is thought that Katie has been given her own room due to her epilepsy, and that she suffers suffers seizures due to the condition.

Katie briefly discussed the issue with Perez Hilton: β€œI just wake up, go back to sleep, wake up, go back to sleep with my little fit things.

β€œSince twenty, it just came on. That’s how a lot of people get it, a bang to the head, but mine’s just missing a bit of brain. That might be apparent right? I’ve seen the bit missing, I’ve seen the scan. It’s really freaky.”

Katie isn’t the first person to have a private bedroom in the House. During Big Brother 2011, Pamela Anderson visited the Big Brother House and had her own room which wasn’t fitted with cameras. La Toya Jackson also had a private bedroom during the sixth edition of Celebrity Big Brother in 2009 which was fitted with cameras.


Celebrity Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm, with a live twist at 10pm.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

You should read the DS thread... so many rumours and mainly that he attacked someone [Perez or Ken]  in the house or the Daily Star says he groped Chloe but the 'experts' on there seem to think it is a violent act as groping is ok to be shown at 9pm but violence has to be after 10pm apparently.. ... it's got them all going over there tho

*goes off for a nosey on DS* 

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

You should read the DS thread... so many rumours and mainly that he attacked someone [Perez or Ken]  in the house or the Daily Star says he groped Chloe but the 'experts' on there seem to think it is a violent act as groping is ok to be shown at 9pm but violence has to be after 10pm apparently.. ... it's got them all going over there tho

Yeah, groping is ok.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


You should read the DS thread... so many rumours and mainly that he attacked someone [Perez or Ken]  in the house or the Daily Star says he groped Chloe but the 'experts' on there seem to think it is a violent act as groping is ok to be shown at 9pm but violence has to be after 10pm apparently.. ... it's got them all going over there tho


I've been reading that thread for the last hour groping is ok
Originally Posted by Xochi:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

I swear tho, this had better not be a let down...he had better have punched Michelle on her visage or something like that.

Whatever gives you the remotest reason to expect it not to be a let down?!  And I reckon Michelle would give better than she was given by Jazza. 

You're right, with those builders arms she could crush him.


It'll be that he swapped two HM's toothbrushes around for a joke, something like that.

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

There was talk of violence though - a bit more than 'toothbrushes at dawn' I think.

I haven't watched any BB yet this year, wasn't sure if I wanted to, with that Katie thing in the house, looks like it could be interesting now though

It is Bethni I felt the same , but so far it's much  less scripted. 


Everything you need to know about Day 3


The day started bright and early with Calum wanting a really big hug from Cami. But she wasn't having any of it. 

The ladies' man was then the topic of conversation between Cami and Chloe as they discussed who did and didn't fancy him. Is there anyone immune from his incredible charm?

Alexander then wanted to know what everyone actually did - erm, they're celebs. He also said he'd been warned about Katie. Whatever can he mean?

Nadia seemed to know exactly what Alexander meant as she began airing her own opinions about Katie. To say they were complimentary would be a lie.

But there were two housemates who seemed to be getting on very well indeed. Calum and Cami snuggled up together and then there was some serious foot to hand contact.

But everything was soon forgotten as the housemates had to do the dreaded Face to Face Noms. There were insults, indifference and good old fashioned drama.

After the noms Perez did something completely out of character and gossiped about them with Nadia.

Day 3 is over and the noms are done but who will be the first to go? As always it's up to you.



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