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Kavana has been evicted from Celebrity Big Brother!


Oh Kavana.This might not make you feel good, but you will be missed. The Mancunian is the sixth person to be evicted from the CBB House. 

Previously just known as a 90s pop star, Kav's stint in the House showed him to be so much more: lovable, humble, witty, and occasionally abrasive after a beverage or two. Want the evidence? Let's take a look at some of his best bits...

1. What's in a name?

Kav's earliest challenge in the House was perhaps an unexpected one - the arduous task of explaining how the jiggins to pronounce his name...

2. Making music


Kav bonded with Alexander on a musical level, giving them a chance to underline their popstar credentials. And, perhaps surprisingly, it resulted in an actually rather good song...

3. House husband

For openly gay Kav, he found himself in an unusual situation - having a selection of female housemates laying claim to him. He and Alicia became bed-buddies, while Cami and Patsy scrapped over which of them was his beloved.

4. Singing sensation

Once again, Kavana had the chance to flex his musical muscles - although this time, with Keith Chegwin's input. Or is 'input' the wrong word to use when you consider he was a ventriloquist's dummy?

5. Make-up masterclass

And finally, our Kav loved a good laugh in the House. Even if it was at his own expense, as nicely demonstrated when he became the subject of a Michelle Visage make-up tutorial.

Kavana, you were Kavan-ace. See what we did there...?



Perez has been evicted from Celebrity Big Brother!


The credits have finally rolled on The Perez Show, but boy, what a show it's been. We've been exhausted just watching him.

As he become the seventh housemate to be evicted, let's take a deep breath and take a look back at his Top 5 moments...

1. Best buddies

This series of Big Brother saw some pretty intense friendships for several of our housemates, but perhaps Nadia and Perez's was the most touching. She always had his back, and she was also one of the few people who got to see his softer side. Awww.

2. Best enemies

One person Perez really didn't get on with, though, was Katie Hopkins. The two of them clashed right from the start, and the arguments almost never stopped. If ever two people knew how to wind one another up, it was these two. Although we've got a sneaky suspicion they both actually quite enjoyed it.

3. A special relationship

It wasn't just housemates Perez developed relationships with, though. He also made friends with the House's fixtures and fittings. Like Mr Buns, his pet rabbit. The two of them were virtually inseparable... at least until Katie Hopkins intervened and stole Mr Buns away.

4. A dramatic exit

Perez walked status

He repeatedly said he doesn't want to be in the House any more, but none of the housemates believed him... until the day he walked out.

Of course, Perez didn't walk for real. It was just a secret task...

5. The Perez Show

And that task lead Perez to move into a secret room next door, from which he could watch what his housemates were getting up to. As he'd say - or, more likely, sing - it was the Perez Show for a little while.

It's been... shall we say... special. Perez Hilton, you were quite the housemate.


Katie Hopkins Celebrity Big Brother

Everything you need to know about Day 29


An eviction loomed on Day 29 – and a double at that. Housemates awoke suitably grumpy – especially Calum who was like a bear with a snore-sore head.


Calum Best Celebrity Big Brother


There was an air of confusion in the bedroom as they woke up, a lot of it centring on Katie Hopkins and her change of heart over Perez. Pricey, Calum and Michelle discussed it when she was in the little girls’ room.


Katie Price Celebrity Big Brother


Hopkins herself came up with her own answer on why the House dynamic might have swerved a bit, so she let the gang know.


Katie Hopkins Celebrity Big Brother


A big task broke up all the chat. The CBB News saw everyone’s favourite telly personality, Eamonn Holmes enter the House to deliver all headlines that housemates were hungry to hear.


Eamonn Holmes Celebrity Big Brother

All that info coming out in one burst caused tempers to flare and HMs to ponder on their very existence. Is Kav too dull? Who is the real Perez? What do the social media stats say? Later, kind words from a former CBB winner cheered housemates up. Part of the session also caused Keith’s angry face to pop up on his head again.

Keith Chegwin Celebrity Big Brother

It was quite a lot of activity ahead of a big eviction. Katie P tried to alleviate the mood with some trademark Pricey banter, but soon glad rags and makeup were applied in prep for the big event. When that big event arrived, it was mild-mannered Kav who exited first.

Kavana Celebrity Big Brother

But this was no single eviction – Perez was announced as the sixth placed evictee next.

Perez Hilton Celebrity Big Brother

In the aftermath of that double removal, housemates had plenty to say after they'd celebrated their place in their final. Katie H and Keith discussed why Perez probably had to go, then Keith and Calum told one another just how chuffed they are to have made it to the end.


So that's that. We have our five finalists!


You'd better get picking your winner, CBB fans...




Perez Hilton reveals how producers begged him to stay

Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Evicted Celebrity Big Brother 2015 housemate Perez Hilton has claimed producers took him out of the Diary Room to convince him to stay in the house.


Perez got the axe in last night’s double eviction and claimed he was overjoyed to leave.


Speaking on Bit On The Side, Perez said he regretted ever entering the house and told host Rylan Clark: “If I could go back in time and not do the show, I wouldn’t.”


Pushed on why then he didn’t walk, Perez replied: “Do you want the honest answer, you want me to tell the truth?


“They convinced me not to leave, Big Brother convinced me not to leave. I tried walking many times.


“Do you want me to name names? I don’t want to get anyone behind the scenes in trouble.”


Perez then explained: “Let me be real honest, I wont mention names, but I got out of the Diary Room, somebody from the production said ‘You can’t quit, it’s the Perez show’. They did.”


He also claimed that producers had told him how viewing figures for the latest series were the best in years.


“If you’re telling me that this is the most watched Celebrity Big Brother in years, once I heard that, why am I going to quit if it’s The Perez Show? I hope I don’t get that person in trouble now.”


Earlier this week, evicted housemate Cami Li claimed that Big Brother were ‘running scared’ of Perez.


She claimed: “Big Brother definitely fixed that show.


“They do it because he makes good TV, they do it because of his mental weakness and they do it because he kept threatening them legally. They are running scared of him.”


The model revealed: “He’d shout out his lawyer’s number all the time, so they knew he meant business.”


Celebrity Big Brother continues nightly on Channel 5 with the final on FRIDAY night.

Read more: 


They try to convince any HM that wants to walk, to sleep on it and  find some one to talk to about it, doesn't sound much different in Perez's case to me.


I expect the producers were slightly more desperate as they seemed unable to keep  early  walkers from leaving, it was all getting a bit awkward, took ages to have the first eviction.


44 minutes ago

This photo shattered my heart again because he has grown so much in the last four weeks that I have been gone!!! But this smile on his face and knowing I will see him this weekend is helping to already heal me from the painful experience of Celebrity Big Brother. I did the show for him and for our future. And now that I'm out of that toxic environment I see that our future is bright!!!



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Last edited by MrsH

Channel 5 deny that Perez Hilton was 'made to stay'

Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Channel 5 have denied that Perez Hilton was ‘made to stay’ on Celebrity Big Brother.


Perez was evicted from the show last night but claimed he had tried to “repeatedly” walk from the house.


Speaking to Rylan Clark on Bit On The Side, Perez even told how producers took him out of the Diary Room at one point to personally convince him to remain in the series


“They convinced me not to leave. Big Brother convinced me not to leave – repeatedly. I tried walking many times,” Perez said. “I’m being really honest. Let me be real honest – this is my time to be real honest.


“I won’t mention names but I got out of the Diary Room and somebody from production said, ‘You can’t quit – it’s The Perez Show’. I’m all about me, myself and I.”


Saying that he ‘didn’t want to get anyone in trouble’, Perez continued: “I won’t mention who. They didâ€Ķ While I was in the house they said, ‘This is the most watched Celebrity Big Brother in years and it’s The Perez Show’.


“Once I heard that I thought, ‘Alright, why am I going to quit if it’s the f**king Perez Show and if it’s the most watched season in years?'”


A spokesperson for Channel 5 has since responded to Perez’s comments with a short statement.

They said: “Housemates are free to leave the house at any time.

“Perez’s decision to stay in the Big Brother house was his, and his alone.”

Celebrity Big Brother 2015 continues tonight on Channel 5 from 9PM with the final on FRIDAY.

Read more: 



 * Spoiler Alert *  Tonights Hi-Lights




Celebrity Big Brother 2015 spoilers! Day 29 recap and highlights

Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Here’s your daily digest of the past 24 hours inside of the Celebrity Big Brother 2015 house.


It’s Day 29 and Michelle, Kavana, Katie Price and Calum discuss Katie Hopkins. Kavana questions if she’s been fake in the House and Michelle reminds them that she was set a task on day one, adding “all I’m saying is, we don’t knowâ€Ķ”


Calum admits that he’s seen “some realness to her that I really like, but at the same time, it’s a competition and I know she’s competing.” Michelle believes that Katie Hopkins and Perez will go “face to face” in the final.


In the bedroom, Perez observes that everyone is doing things by themselves today and Katie Hopkins suggests it’s because “we’ve moved into an individual phase of the competitionâ€Ķfor people that were trying to harness the vote of others before, they no longer need to do thatâ€Ķnow it doesn’t matter whether someone gives a sh*t or not.”


For today’s task, Housemates are taking part in Big Brother’s hard hitting news programme, CBB News, hosted by Eamonn Holmes.

Keith, Perez and Katie Hopkins are the first Housemates to join him at the news desk.


Eamon starts the discussion by asking if Housemates are being themselves. Perez maintains that he is being himself but admits that he has “been far from happy” in the House. When questioned about her relationship with Perez, Katie Hopkins admits “In the last couple of days, Perez hasn’t been such a t**tâ€Ķbut ultimately my hatred for Perez is still very deep. I can’t stand the man, I think he should be kicked out of the House, there’s nothing about him that I like.”


Keith suggests that the pair are “play acting” and would make great ugly sisters in panto. Katie Hopkins is unimpressed and suggests that you don’t see the “real Keith” to which Keith retorts, “What the hell is the real Keith?!â€ĶYou don’t know what the real Keith Chegwin is and I am the real Keith Chegwin!”


An argument erupts between the pair and Perez removes himself from the group to sit next to Eamonn.


When asked what rivalry people are unaware of, Perez suggests that he would not be surprised if Katie Hopkins has said some hurtful things about Michelle. However, Michelle responds by saying, “If she was playing me the whole timeâ€Ķusâ€Ķthen she has played the game and deserves to winâ€ĶIf you’re asking me how I feel? She has been loyal to me since day one and I will remain loyal to her.”


Eamonn then moves the conversation to Kavana who maintains that “I haven’t come in here to be fakeâ€ĶI see goodness in everybody” Katie Hopkins compliments Kavana, describing him as “the most genuine man in here” Perez suggests that this is a game tactic to be seen as loving and caring. Katie Hopkins denies that she is playing a game.


In the second part of CBB News, former Celebrity Big Brother finalist James Jordan questions whether the Housemates have earned their pay checks.


For the final part of the CBB News programme, Michelle, Keith and Perez are on the desk and they discuss who deserves to win the show. Eamonn asks Michelle if “deserve” has anything to do winning, to which she replies “No, I think in the public eye it’s about popularity.”


Perez says that he’d like to see Calum win. All the Housemates, except for Perez, raise their hands to suggest that they would like to see Michelle in the final.


Keith says he has seen a “change” in the house and has started seeing people as “products” in what they want to do after the show.


Former Celebrity Big Brother winner Jim Davidson then calls into the show and offers advice to the Housemates. Jim says that Perez is playing a game and adds that “as horrible as he is, he brings out the best in other people.” He describes Kavana as “human”, then gives his advice to the Housemates and says of Katie Price, “You don’t become a star by being dullâ€Ķshe’s not dull” and adds that “the public are really warming” to Katie Hopkins. He says Calum is an “absolute gentleman”, and that his father would be “so proud.” He then likens Keith getting angry to “Christopher Biggins cage fighting” as it “doesn’t fit.” He also describes Michelle as “one of the nicest human beings I’ve ever encountered.”


Kavana reflects on what he was shown in the task and admits “it was brutal” to see his attack on Keith. He says that “all the most unattractive traits a person could have in a scene” were shown of him. Michelle, Calum and Katie Hopkins also discuss the earlier task and admit that they would like to see Perez leave tonight.


Kavana becomes the sixth Housemate to be evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother House. Perez predicts, “There won’t be no love for Perez!” before becoming the seventh Housemate to be evicted from the House, to the delight of all the other Housemates.


Perez leaves the House to deafening boos from the crowd. As their pictures reveal that they are finalists, the remaining Housemates cheer and hug each other, Michelle says “The witch is dead.”


Katie Price speculates that Calum will be the “heart throb” and get the girls votes. Michelle adds “The power of the Bieber” and “He is so fitâ€Ķbut don’t underestimate the power of Cheggers.”


Calum, Katie Hopkins, Keith and Michelle discuss Kavana. Calum hopes it will “put him in check” to make him look at how he acts when he has a drink. Keith adds that “its people’s perception of you that’s the problemâ€Ķbut you can’t judge people” Calum adds that “99% of the time, he’s a good dude.”


Michelle and Calum discuss the earlier evictions. They thought it would be Kavana and Katie Price to leave the House, Michelle goes on to say of the remaining Housemates “it’s anyone’s game.”


As the Housemates go to bed Big Brother says, “Goodnight, finalists.”


Celebrity Big Brother 2015 airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.

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Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side - 5th February


We're almost too excited now: we're just one day away from the final! But since it is one day away, we'll try to focus on tonight's show. Which is, after all, going to be pretty great...


Rylan - a former Celebrity Big Brother winner himself, lest we forget - will be welcoming a whole host of former Celebrity Big Brother housemates into the studio, starting with...


Cami queen diary room

Cami Li!

Perez Hilton

And Perez Hilton!

Kavana Celebrity Big Brother

Plus Kavana!


Body language expert Judi James will also be dropping by to analyse our housemates' actions as we head into the final. 


You wouldn't wanna be anywhere else - Channel 5, tonight at 11pm.



Calum Best

How to make a toast like a celebrity


It's the last night in the House and the celebs have been making the traditional farewell toast. Now, celebrities are used to performing, talking in public and generally putting on a show so, if anybody can make a brilliant toast, it's a famous person. Here's how they do it.

Be generous with compliments

Maybe Katie needs more practice at giving them.

Quote as much Elton John as possible

Stay away from Peter Gabriel.

Be American

Everything sounds better in that Jersey drawl. 

Talk absolute nonsense

When you look like Calum, you can get away with it.

If all else fails insult as many people as possible


What have we done to Keith Chegwin? God forgive us.




Celebrity Big Brother

Everything you need to know about Day 30


It was their penultimate day in the House, so our finalists woke up pretty chuffed with themselves. Understandably, you might say. They expressed as much as they washed their undies communally and sorted out their suitcases.

Katie Hopkins Celebrity Big Brother

It wasn’t all smiles. Katie H still found time to have a pop at Cheggers.

Katie Hopkins Celebrity Big Brother

Later on, she even preyed on a sleeping Keith as he slumbered away.

Katie Hopkins Keith Chegwin Celebrity Big Brother

Soon it was time for a CBB tradition as housemates sat down for their final supper together. It kicked off with a belly laugh from Michelle. Keith’s speech featured some pretty frank talk, whilst Calum’s was a heart-warming highlight.

Calum Best Celebrity Big Brother

Michelle’s patter was a tribute to all things British while Katie P had kind words for unlikely characters.

Katie Price Celebrity Big Brother

With so much on their plate before the big, big finale, housemates took it easy after that. In fact, aside from Calum attempting to seduce the machinery, it was an easy evening and an early night.

Calum Best Celebrity Big Brother


Fair enough – they’re going to have a lot on their plates tomorrow.


The Final is right around the corner and we can’t ruddy wait!



cbb celebrity big brother katie price katie hopkins pricey jordan

Top 5 moments of Celebrity Big Brother 2015


It’s been 31 days of confusion, comedy, clashes, characters and contraband bananas. But the final is now upon us and to celebrate the drama that led us to this point, we’re celebrating the top clips of the series.


Before we reveal the ultimate Celebrity Big Brother 2015 moment, let’s countdown numbers five down to twoâ€Ķ


5. The time the House went into meltdown thanks to an impromptu cameo from the other side of the mirror.


cbb celebrity big brother


4. Alexander’s departure, and the tension that followedâ€Ķ


cbb celebrity big brother alexander o'neal


3. The housemates thought they were rid of Perez for good – little did they know he was watching their every moveâ€Ķ


cbb celebrity big brother perez hilton


2. Face-to-face nominations: a guaranteed source of conflictâ€Ķ


cbb celebrity big brother katie hopkins


Drumroll and dramatic pause, please, for the ultimate CBB moment...


cbb celebrity big brother katie price


Our Number One moment from the series saw a clash of the Katies. Yes, it was the time Katie Price finally stood up to head girl Katie Hopkins, and managed to hold her nerve throughout. It was quite the achievement, and reminded us all not to mess with the Pricey.


Make sure you're watching from 9pm tonight, Channel 5, for the biggest moment of the show so far - the crowning of the winner of this year's Celebrity Big Brother. 


Last edited by MrsH

"Top 5 Moments" sez who?  My apologies Mrs H if they are your personal choice, but really


There's the obvious Perez one of course, but if we don't want to go there how about the sad demise of Mr Buns.


Katie Hopkins as the scout mistress criticising Cheggers for being short.


Katie Price's 'moment' was surely her jaw-dropping details of her sex life, but no, we probably don't want to there again either.


What about Alicia revealing that she is learning her shapes along with her 3-year old?  Oh, and neither Alicia nor Katie P knowing what 11 x 8 is.


I'm sure I could think of more if I put my mind to it, but none those cited would have been in my list - how about the rest of you?


Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side - 6th February


It's here, it's finally here - it's finale night! Sadly, that means this is going to be the last Bit On The Side of the series. But we'll definitely go out with a bang...


Our ever ebullient host, Rylan Clark, will be rounding up all the housemates and shepherding them into the studio tonight to talk through their time in the House. We predict tears. laughter, and possibly some shouting. But who knows.


Maybe they'll all be on their best behaviour in front of musical guests Atomic Kitten?


The star attraction tonight, of course, will be the newly minted Celebrity Big Brother winner.


Who will it be? Get your vote in now to make sure the right person walks away with the crown.


We're counting the seconds until the show starts. We say this every time, but seriously, you can't miss this one:


Channel 5, 10.50pm. It's going to be brilliant.




Celebrity Big Brother 2015: Katie Price leaves house for medical reasons

Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Katie Price has temporarily left the Celebrity Big Brother 2015 house for medical reasons.


Katie’s exit and the fallout will play out in this evening’s final show.


After issues with her recent breast surgery, Big Brother organised for Katie Price to leave the house so she could attend a medical consultation.


Having told the other housemates about this, Katie tells Keith she feels like there is an atmosphere in the house and that people are talking about her.


She explained it felt like they would all prefer if she did leave the house for medical reasons as it would mean better chances for the others.


Katie Hopkins walks in and tells Katie P that she hasn’t been here since the start so she doesn’t need to stay till the end anyway.


Katie H returns to the bathroom and tells Michelle and Calum what she overheard, claiming that Katie P is putting a TV show before her health which is wrong.


Back in the other room and Keith and Katie P reason that some of the Housemates might want Katie to go so they can come fourth instead of fifth.


Katie P goes on talks about the possibility of winning and says: ‘I’d never, ever win it but imagine if I did. I’d get absolutely crucified by everyone, wouldn’t I?’


The Celebrity Big Brother 2015 final airs tonight on Channel 5 from 9PM as the winner is revealed.

Read more: 


Celebrity Big Brother 2015 spoilers! Day 30 recap and highlights

What happened on Big Brother tonight - the last day!

Celebrity Big Brother 2015

All stories, even twisted Fairy tales, must come to an end and so it is with Celebrity Big Brother January 2015.


In tonight’s show it’s Day 30 and it’s the eve of the final.


Big Brother has laid on a dinner for the finalists. Keith begins the toasts by addressing all of the Housemates “I came here for a journey and it’s turned out to be a real hell-holeâ€Ķ He raises a glass to all of the Housemates and finishes his toast with: ‘I will not forget the bad times but I’ll certainly remember some of the fantastic times we’ve had.’


Calum is next to toast the Housemates. He describes his time in the House as a ‘mad experience, with some seriously awkward and twisted times, met with some brilliantly, funny, hilarious moments.’ He goes on to say the great friendships he made in the House have made it “easier” to get through the “awkward, sick momentsâ€Ķof which there were many.” He concludes his speech telling the Housemates he is ‘grateful and thankful of what is to come, so thank you everybody.’


Michelle stands up and toasts Katie Hopkins, admitting: ‘I came in here ready to rip your head off because you know I don’t see eye to eye with the way that you think out here and the beautiful thing is, I don’t have to because I saw who you were inside.’ She finishes by saying: ‘You will talk s**t and I won’t support it but I will always support you because you are amazing.’


Katie Price states her toast will be “short but sweet like me.’ She sums up her ‘crazy, whirlwind three weeks’ in the House. She adds: It’s like I’ve been in a tumble drier and now I’m coming out the end.’


Katie Hopkins is the final Housemate to make her toast to the group. She says that coming into the house was a ‘real risk’ because there is a ‘Katie Hopkins that everybody else knows on the outside that was booed and I’m grateful that you’ve all been so generous with your time and generous with your understanding’” She tells the Housemates that she has been able to be ‘just me’.


The Housemates raise their glasses for the final time.


The Housemates have all come to the Diary Room together. Michelle talks about the experience for ‘those who have been there from the start’ and Katie Price retorts that they need to get over it now and are having another dig at her. The Housemates laugh and Katie Hopkins says ‘we’re having another argument.’


The house action ends as quotes from the series play out under shots of the Housemates’ light box images on the living area wall.


The Celebrity Big Brother 2015 final airs tonight on Channel 5 from 9PM as the winner is revealed.

Read more: 


Perez makes a wish



Ten things that made this series of CBB unforgettable


The last four and a half weeks have flown by, haven't they? It's hard to believe that just a month ago, we had never seen Perez Hilton cuddling a ceramic rabbit, or watched Keith Chegwin donning a pair of marigolds to scrub the kitchen surfaces. There have been highs and lows, dramas and... no, just dramas.

It's been a whirlwind, and it's one we'll never forget. Here are ten things that made this series of Celebrity Big Brother especially unforgettable:

The arguments

When we look back at this series, the main thing we'll remember is how explosive this House was. From Bananagate to the time Cheggers finally snapped, this might have been the most argumentative CBB ever. Was there ever a day without a row? That must be some kind of record.

The House divide

The main source of the arguments, of course, was the conflict between Katie H and Perez. Despite the odd moment when they managed to tolerate one another, the Hilton/Hopkins war split the House right down the middle, with other housemates forced to pick a side - or face criticism for not picking a side. Would Michelle and Nadia have become friends in other circumstances? Due to their opposing alliances in the House, we'll never really know.

The unlikely friendships

It wasn't all arguments all the time though. There were some quieter moments in the House, where the unlikeliest of celeb pairings enjoyed one another's company. In the early days, for example, Katie Hopkins and Keith Chegwin were often found practising their dance routines, while Kavana and Calum Best chilled out next to the hot tub. As much as we love a good row in the House, we also live for moments like those.

The shock exits

Perez walked status

Evictions are a key part of the Big Brother experience, but this series had fewer of them than normal, thanks in part to a dramatic first few days. Alexander walked out without even saying goodbye to his fellow housemates, while Perez walked out with a dramatic flourish after getting angry about a task. Basically, it was all we could do to keep our celebs inside the House's walls.

And the shock entrances

After all those shock exits, it's only right that there were a few shock entrances, too. On Day 10, we got a surprise new housemate in the form of Katie Price, and on Day 21, after spending several days in solitary confinement, Perez re-entered the House, too. We've never seen Katie Hopkins so horrified. Those were the two biggest shock entrances, but Eamonn Holmes banging on the windows and Emma Willis stepping out from the Enchanted Mirror were pretty memorable moments too.

The happiest evictees ever

Usually, Big Brother housemates are gutted to get evicted. But this series, the atmosphere in the House was so explosive that some of our housemates were positively elated to be set free. Patsy, for one, seemed over the moon to walk up those famous steps, and Nadia was pretty cheerful about it too. Even Perez seemed more relieved than disappointed to be out.

The legendary decor

Awww, just look how pristine and gorgeous the House was before the celebrities moved in. This year's theme was "twisted fairytale", and the House was carefully designed to reflect that theme, with fairytale images painted on the walls, fairytale creatures strewn throughout the House, and secret magical features, like an Enchanted Mirror, just waiting for our housemates to discover them.

The tasks

We'll never be able to forget the sight of Katie Price and Katie Hopkins sharing the same cardigan, or Red Pigeon making sure her cadets had scrubbed up properly, or Keith Chegwin getting a bucket of slop poured over his head. And try as we might, we're never going to get the melody of the celebs' Shopping Aid charity single out of our heads, either.

The makeovers

Who'd have thought Katie Hopkins would let Katie Price slather her in fake tan? Or that Perez would be up for a full smoky eye? We definitely didn't foresee Michelle giving Kav a proper drag queen makeover. This was a House full of chameleons, always up for swapping clothes or painting stuff on their faces. And why not, eh?

The x-rated conversations

The final thing we'll definitely never forget is how completely open and honest Pricey was about, well, everything, really. We've heard things we never could have imagined coming out of that woman's mouth, and while the housemates might have occasionally got fed up with her tales, we loved every second of it.




Keith Chegwin

The 10 pictures that sum up CBB 2015


This series of CBB is one that will remain in the memory longer than most. There have been highs, lows, banana controversies and, let's face it, lots and lots of Perez Hilton. Here are the best images from an unforgetable month.

Queen Cami

One is not amused by Perez Hilton.


Alicia's potassium tolerance is frightening.

Katie Hopkins v. Perez Hilton

Palm off.

Chloe moons

Perez thought it struck a bum note.

Cheese nose

Perez just didn't give edam.

Charity single

A bono-fide success.

Secret room

Sleeping with the enemy.

Pricey nominates Calum

He has a suprisingly small mouth. Interesting.

The Katie monster

Going to the loo must be a palaver.

The debate

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. 




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