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Celebrity Big Brother 2015 spoilers! Day 18 recap and highlights


Katie Hopkins 4

Here’s what’s happen in Celebrity Big Brother 2015 with a recap of the past 24 hours.


The Housemates are gathered on the sofas, where it is revealed that Big Brother has been hacked. A series of previous conversations and Diary Room chats are then played out to the group, which cause a mixed reaction.

Big Brother then tells the Housemates that he has detected some corrupted audio files and they must help to identify who said each, in order to win a luxury shopping budget.

In the kitchen, Nadia tells Perez that nobody likes him in the House apart from her. Patsy disagrees and says that she does like him but not when he’s “like this” Perez then talks over Patsy, which frustrates her. He maintains, “I’m going to continue to goad. That’s me. I thrive on it.”

Patsy warns that it “it doesn’t make it a very nice environment and Nadia has compromised her entire time here looking after and protecting you…it’s fractured everything” Nadia maintains that she enjoys Perez’s company but admits, “being your friend is not an easy thing”

When a corrupt audio file is played into the House, the Housemate responsible must own up and explain the reason behind their comments. Perez is first to stand up and explain why he said that he thought Calum would be evicted over Alicia. When Perez suggests that the “showmance” between Cami-Li and Calum won’t happen because Calum has a girlfriend, Calum is visibly shocked before saying “it’s all good. All I can bring to the show is a f**king showmance” Katie Hopkins jokes, “Calum’s translation of ‘it’s all good’ means, ‘I’m going to fuc*ing kill him!’”

The next audio file played into the House is Calum describing Perez as manipulating. As he takes to the stand, Calum admits that Perez has “never been directly rude to me, but he’s been several different personalities” Following these revelations, Perez heads to the Diary Room.

Perez tells Big Brother that he is “loving today’s task” and suggests that it will help inform who he next nominates. He admits that “in the real world, I don’t find it easy to forgive, but I can forget. In the Big Brother House, I find it even harder to forgive and I absolutely don’t forget.” He goes on to say that he was “surprised and taken aback” by Calum’s comments and suggests that Katie Hopkins has been “brainwashing” people in the House.

For the second part of the task, Perez, Nadia and Cami-Li must guess the results of an online poll. As they discuss who to choose for each category, the other Housemates speculate who they think it could be. At one point, Katie Hopkins remarks about Nadia, “She’s like Poirot” The results of the online poll were:

o Most two faced – Perez

o Most sincere – Calum

o Most genuine – Michelle

o Most boring – Kavana

o Least trustworthy – Cami-Li

o Most entertaining – Katie Hopkins


o Most unhygienic – Perez

o Least self-obsessed – Keith

o As the Housemates did not correctly guess the answers, they failed this part of the task

In the living area, Nadia and Katie Hopkins disagree about Perez being manipulative. As Perez listens in, Katie admits that she wanted Nadia to leave on Friday because “isolated in this House, he is nothing and that would have been a joy for me”

She adds that she would like to lock Perez in the store room, before admitting that “thinks in the third person. It’s grandiose and I love it…I find myself very funny!” Michelle and Cami-Li then join the conversation, which becomes increasingly heated. Nadia becomes frustrated that she is being referred to as Perez’s mother in the House and maintains that “Just because I boil the f**king pasta doesn’t make me the mama”

Calum and Cami-Li are lying in bed together. As they hug, she jokes, “I worship the ground you walk on” before adding, “It probably looks like I’m giving you some kind of falacio”

For the final part of today’s task, Katie Price, Kavana and Calum must watch a series of videos and viewer’s Tweets, before answering questions about what they have seen. These include Katie Hopkins suggesting that Katie Price “just wants to find a man, but never will” and someone on Twitter who described her as “vulgar, indiscreet and common” The video is also played out to the other Housemates in the living area.

Perez is still angry about the Tweet used in the earlier task and when goaded by Katie Hopkins, he remarks, “Just whip out your d**k and I’ll suck on that” to which she responds, “It’s bigger than yours!”

Cami-Li tells Big Brother that Perez’s comments about her friendship with Calum “really upset” her. She goes on to say that “this man can’t even hold a friendship with a god ‘am flower…I can’t wait till Perez gets the f**k out of here”

In the living area, Perez’s comments on her supposed ‘showmance’ are still upsetting Cami-Li and she remarks that they despite flirting, boundaries would not be crossed. Perez then walks in and announces that it’s been “another edition of the Perez show” and that he loves that people talk about him. Katie Hopkins says that “me, myself and I” are Perez’s favourite words, and he agrees.

Perez goes to the Diary Room and says that Nadia is only person keeping him sane. He speculates that the Tweet was made up before demanding, “Open the f**king door, I’m done talking”, storming downstairs.

In the bedroom, Perez relays his conversation with Big Brother, but Nadia appears fed up, before taking Perez to the snug to talk. Perez tries to cover the cameras with blankets snug, but is advised against it by Nadia.

CBB airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.

Read more: 


Celebrity Big Brother's Perez Hilton has a


message for the British public: 'F*** you!'


Perez isn't happy that an online poll found him to be the most two-faced housemate

He's not happy

Perez Hilton's not had the greatest day in the Celebrity Big Brother house, not that he cares.

The CBB house was hacked and as part of the hack housemates were given questions asked to an online poll and had to work out which housemate the public had decided had been named in which category.

Categories like most two-faced and most-unhygienic so a super positive poll, all round.

With Perez Hilton, Nadia Sawalha and Cami Li chosen to take on the task, they eagerly dig into the results, though fail to actually work out what the public think. There's a shock.

Though the task does allow Katie Hopkins, dripping with sarcasm, the chance to read Nadia, saying: "She's like Poirot."


Channel 5Katie Hopkins
"Did I just say that? Gosh, I'm hilarious!"


The online poll in question found the following:

  • Most two faced – Perez
  • Most sincere – Calum
  • Most genuine – Michelle
  • Most boring – Kavana
  • Least trustworthy – Cami-Li
  • Most entertaining – Katie Hopkins
  • Most unhygienic – Perez
  • Least self-obsessed – Keith


Do you think Perez is the most two-faced housemate?

<form action="" id="poll-5041416" method="post" name="voteForm">
  • Yes
  • No
  • Just two faces? He's got more faces than Mount Rushmore!


Obviously, after the real answers were revealed, the stuff hit the fan with Perez being outraged that he's been thought of as 'two-faced'.

Apparently being the most unhygienic wasn't an issue, not when he's been called two-face anyway, and lest we forget, this was the man who licked his own armpit.

So off Perez flounces, all the way to the Diary Room to remonstrate with the British Public via the medium of Big Brother.

Obviously though, as this is Perez, he's not quite getting it and instead thanks the public and explains that he gets it because he thinks he's not given them what they want and so that's obviously why they've voted him as most two-faced. Obviously.


Channel 5Perez Hilton
Perez Hilton is totally hygienic, see, SEE


If Nadia's Poirot then we've just met the house's version of Jessica Fletcher. Only in desperate need of a clue.

But then he gets into it and says: "I don't give a f*** what the public wants from me. I am going to behave as I see fit and manoeuvre myself in this house to only please myself... if that doesn't please the public, then f*** you, I don't give a s***."

And to think, the public have spoken so highly of him so far.



Celebrity Big Brother: Katie Hopkins

questions Perez Hilton's parenting

abilities - has she gone too far?


It would take a lot for people to feel sorry for Perez Hilton but has Katie Hopkins managed to do it?

Katie Hopkins and Perez Hilton have been arguing a lot inside the CBB house

The war between Katie Hopkins and Perez Hilton has reached a new low in theCelebrity Big Brother house.

Former Apprentice star Hopkins has made no secret of her loathing of the celebrity blogger after his attention-seeking behaviour and histrionics dominated the house's mood and led to Alexander O'Neal quitting the show, but now she has stepped up her quest to make his life unbearable.

After weeks of rowing from both sides, Perez thinks he's got away with winding up Katie, but in tonight's episode she's determined to return the favour.

As the pair sit on the sofa, Katie sets about goading the blogger about his obsession with the CBB rule book, but it doesn't get the desired effect and he pretends to fall asleep, not that it stops Katie.




Carrying on with her comments, Katie then moves into the personal and questions his parenting ability which forces Perez to respond.

Perez loses his temper at Katie and there's an almighty row, leading to Perez running to the diary room.

The blogger - real name Mario Lavandeira - introduced his son, Mario Lavandeira III, to the world in 2013 with a post on his website.

Later in the episode, an upset Perez moans to Michelle that it's beginning to feel like a 'witch hunt', but the straight-talking reality show judge reminds him that he brought it all on himself.


@perezhilton / InstagramPerez Hilton and his son Mario
Perez Hilton and his son Mario


Explaining that his behaviour has been like dealing with a child who's in constant need for attention, Michelle eventually gets through to Perez and they hug it out.

Though it lasts all of an hour as he later declares that the Perez Show is back.

Fun times ahead then.


Perez celebrates

Day 19: 5 ways to cope with life in a secret room


Right now, our celebrity housemates think they're another man down, after Perez made an unexpected exit. But Perez is closer than they think, hanging out in a secret room and spying on everything they do. 

Most people would probably jump at the chance of getting some space to themselves after sharing such close quarters with other celebs for the last three weeks. If there's one thing we know about Perez, though, it's that he loves attention. So will he deal with being in a room all by himself? Here are five coping strategies he's adopted:

Watching some telly

Perez watching

There's only one channel available in the secret room, but it's a good one.

Staying close to absent friends

Perez holding Nadia&#039;s photo

He might not be able to get a cuddle from his BFF, but curling up with her photo is almost as good.

Eating ice cream

Perez eating ice cream

Ice cream solves all ills. Except lactose intolerance.

Taking up space

Perez in bed

Back home, our celebs might have swish super-king beds to relax in, but in the Big Brother House, it's all about sharing. While he's in the secret room, though, Perez gets a bed - and a duvet - all to himself.

Contemplating all existence


What's the meaning of life? By the time he comes out of the secret room, Perez might well have an answer. We'll let you know if he solves any other conundrums while he's in there.




Perez walked status

Everything you need to know about Day 19


We're finishing Day 19 one celebrity housemate lighter than we started it. Well, sort of. It's been a busy day, and the next week isn't likely to get any calmer. But let's start at the beginning...


The day started with an unreal kind of feeling. According to Nadia, living in the Big Brother House is like living in a science-fiction movie. Well, beam us up Rylan, and set phasers to stun, because yesterday's shopping task is still causing upset. And it was about to get worse...

Perez watching

Still angry about a tweet featured in the task, Perez decided to leave the House. Sort of. Rather than heading to the airport for the next flight home, he simply moved into a secret room next door. And while he eavesdropped on his fellow housemates, they struggled to adjust to a House without him. It's definitely a lot quieter. 

Even with Perez out of the House, though, Katie H. still had some complaints. Only the arrival of the shopping list distracted our celebs from talking about the absent blogger, especially when one particular essential turned out to be tricky to find...

Perez holding Nadia&#039;s photo

The day's other main event was nominations, and while they took place in the privacy of the Diary Room, there was another pair of ears listening in. Perez was eager to see what the housemates had to say about one another, and it's fair to say that his affection for one particular housemate hasn't waned.

Patsy giggling

Back in the House, a lighter atmosphere prevailed. Cheggers had a few cheeky driving tricks to share, while Patsy had a good laugh at Cami's, er, toilet troubles. No-one ever said celebrities had to be mature about these things.

nadia makes pancakes

After a pancake-tossing lesson and some refreshments, the celebs went to bed in a good mood. But tomorrow, there are nominations to face, and probably a few other surprises, too. We can't wait.




OUR tweet prompted Perez Hilton

Celebrity Big Brother meltdown!

It was NOT fake


perez hilton celebrity big brother 2015 unreality tv twitter

If you watched last night’s Celebrity Big Brother highlights show, you will have seen Perez Hilton going into meltdown after he and the rest of the housemates were shown a tweet from us here at Unreality TV, which we posted along with an article about Perez and his alleged “game plan”.




When Big Brother flashed up our tweet on a screen in the house – which reads, “#CBB: @PerezHilton planned MASSIVE game plan & reveals he was always going to ‘USE’Nadia Sawalha” – the American blogger became enraged and came to the conclusion that Big Brother had used a “fake” tweet simply to anger him.

But as we issued the tweet, we can categorically assure you that it was not fake, and nor were we prompted to post the tweet by Channel 5 or by Celebrity Big Brother’s producers…

It occurred in the normal run of our reporting on the show, but in a Diary Room rant, Perez lashed out over the tweet, telling Big Brother that he accepts the tweet was genuinely posted on Twitter, but is sure that Big Brother bosses arranged for it to be. Again, not the case; it really was a genuine tweet to accompany the article, which you can read by clicking here.

Most of the tabloids today are reporting on Perez and his epic meltdown over our tweet, and on the Daily Mirror’s website, you can see video of his Diary Room rant about it, which he began by saying, “I want you to attempt to explain that tweet and why that was included…

“Love and trust Big Brother and this is the bullsh** you pull on me?

“F*** that. Explain it to me now…”


He continued, “I know this is a game and all that f***ing bullsh**, but straight up, to include a tweet that you know is false?

“You know it! F*** that, it’s bullsh**.”

And over the mention of Nadia in the tweet, Perez ranted, “And to mention Nadia, she’s the only person keeping me sane, talking to me, and to attempt to destroy that and make me miserable the last final days…

“And you have the f***ing audacity… f*** you and your mothers. Open the f***ing door I’m f***ing done with you.”

Big Brother then told Perez, “Big Brother can assure you that all of the tweets used in today’s task were genuine tweets.”

He replied, “Yeah, I know that, and you KNOW that tweet was not real!

“I know somebody sent it, but just because they sent it doesn’t mean I said that. I never said that!”

His rant continued with more f*** you declarations, and this time, he included BB bosses’ fathers in it, which is only fair; he did say to f*** their mothers earlier.

So, just to reiterate, the tweet that riled up Perez more than Katie Hopkins has managed to do during her stint in the house was indeed real. It wasposted to Twitter by us, it was not prearranged by CBB or Channel 5 bosses, and it was simply to accompany our article.


We tweet about every article we write, so this was just business as usual for us. See? We didn’t even issue a plan laugh there…



Celebrity Big Brother 2015: Perez Hilton

planned MASSIVE game plan & reveals he

was always going to ‘USE’ Nadia Sawalha!


perez hilton celebrity big brother 2015 2

Even to the untrained eye, it’s easy to see that Perez Hilton is playing a MASSIVE game in the Celebrity Big Brother house, but he’s doing it badly.

Perez reckons that the British Public love him, and will keep him in until the end, when the truth is, the vast majority hate him.




However, before going into the house, Perez revealed that he was going to play a massive game, and added that he planned on USING Nadia Sawalha! Oh dear…

Nadia has come under fire over the past few days as no matter what Perez does, or how he behaves, Nadia always has a way to defend him, and still speaks to him. Little does she know that Perez planned on using her and Patsy Kensit all along.


nadia perez cbb 2015


Perez is quite possibly one of the most knowledgeable celebs we’ve had in the Celebrity Big Brother house, as when the ‘rumoured’ cast list was doing the rounds in the run-up to this year’s Celebrity Big Brother launch, he was doing his research into his fellow housemates – seeing who would be loved, who would be hated, and who he could latch on to to play his dastardly game.


Speaking to The Sun newspaper prior to his entrance, Perez revealed: “I’m finding stories about the celebrities for the viewers. I’ll play with people. The thing about me is I’m so fun. I’ve been doing this for so long, I know the game, I wrote the book. I’m going this to show the world more of my true self because while a lot of people dislike Kim Kardashian, a lot of people really like her, and they are invested in her. This is going to be an amazing opportunity for me to possibly get fans and to get people invested in me”.



Celebrity Big Brother 2015: Perez Hilton


Perez added that he hopes that his time in the house will allow him to start some UK career opportunities, but little does he know how badly he’s come across in the house.


He also predicted that he would clash with Katie Hopkins, as he declared: “I’m going to give that bitch some knowledge”, before going on to add of Nadia: “Nadia comes across as very likeable and in the house she’ll be very useful”.


She’ll be feeling ‘very silly’ when she finds out what Perez’s plans were…


Day 20: The nominations results are revealed!


It's that time already! Housemates have been nominating and Big Brother has announced there are FOUR names in the frame. 

Watch the housemates being told and see who could be the next to leave the Borehamwood bungalow. Make sure you're watching tonight's show, 9pm, Channel 5 for more.


Celebrity Big Brother 2015: Producers accused of 'fix' over Perez Hilton twist


perez 2

Big Brother bosses are facing a backlash over a new twist involving Perez Hilton.


Yesterday Perez staged a fake walk out of the Celebrity Big Brother house.

His housemates were told he has quit the show but in truth he’s simply moved in to a secret room next door and is listening and watching in to their every move, and even having an influence on the house goings on.

Exactly what the twist will ultimate involve hasn’t been revealed yet but the latest nominations took place in the evening after Perez had left.

Many aren’t impressed by the move, claiming it’s been done to keep Perez in after he was narrowly evicted on Friday night.

“Perhaps winning’s in his contract along with safety and food,” one fan wrote.

Another added online: “Absolutely ridiculous if he’s safe from nominations. Another ploy to extend his stay in the house. ”

On our site, comments included: “Bit of a joke to save perez from being up for eviction…another fix.”

“Well done BB another fix to keep that rat from being evicted.”

But despite the complaints, many are excited to see what impact the twist will have on the house.

The group have predicted a calmer house with less rows and the nomination results should be a lot more interesting and less predictable with Perez out of the equation.

Plus, his return to the house is sure to make for great telly.

Do you think the twist is a good idea? Or is it just a plan to keep Perez in? 


Celebrity Big Brother 2015 airs nightly on Channel 5.

Read more: 


Celebrity Big Brother 2015 gets another 1,200 Ofcom complaints


Perez 1[1)

Celebrity Big Brother 2015 notched up another 1,200 Ofcom complaints in its second week.


They join the 500 or so objections to the show had in the first week, which saw the ejections of Jeremy Jackson and Ken Morley.

In this latest period, every single show between Monday, January 12 and Sunday, January 18 received multiple complaints ranging from 15 to 804 for each episode.

The highest was Friday’s first eviction show which saw Alicia and Cami Li row while Perez put on THAT performance in the garden in his underpants.

The second most complained show of the week was on the Sunday, where over 200 wrote in after Alexander O’Neal was ejected from the house.

In somewhat related news and Ken Morley’s interview on Loose Women ITV on Monday, 12 January, saw almost 300 complaints too.

All of the complaints will be assessed by Ofcom who will decide whether or not to launch an investigation into the show.

Celebrity Big Brother 2015 Ofcom complaints – Week 2

Celebrity Big Brother Channel 5 Monday, 12 January, 2015 : 22


Celebrity Big Brother Channel 5 Tuesday, 13 January, 2015 : 53

Celebrity Big Brother Channel 5 Wednesday, 14 January, 2015 : 26

Celebrity Big Brother Channel 5 Thursday, 15 January, 2015 : 61

Celebrity Big Brother Channel 5 Friday, 16 January, 2015 : 804

Celebrity Big Brother Channel 5 Saturday, 17 January, 2015 : 15

Celebrity Big Brother Channel 5 Sunday, 18 January, 2015 : 207

Read more: 


Celebrity Big Brother 2015 nominations: FOUR face axe (as it stands)

Celebrity Big Brother SPOILERS - latest news!

Katie Hopkins 5

The latest round of Celebrity Big Brother 2015 nomination results have been revealed.


And a grand total of four housemates are up for eviction, as it stands.


Kaite Hopkins, Patsy Kensit, Nadia Sawalha and Cami Li all face the axe in Tuesday’s nights latest eviction show after nominations took place yesterday.


However, with Perez Hilton currently living in a secret room, we suspect that the nominations won’t remain that way.


On Sunday night, Big Brother called Perez to the Diary Room and instructed him to stage a fake walk out.


His fellow housemates believe he’s left the show but in fact he’s sitting right next door in a private room, watching and listening in on the main house.


Perez was therefore unable to be nominated yesterday with Big Brother bosses teasing that Perez will be able to ‘influence’ goings on in the house over the next few days.



Exactly what powers Perez will have has yet to be confirmed but we won’t be opening an eviction poll just yet until linesofficially open.


The housemates were told of the nomination results last night.


Patsy squealed as her name was read out along with Nadia while both Cami and Katie stayed silent


We’ll have more on the weekend’s nominations online later today with spoilers from this evening’s highlights show so stick with us!


Celebrity Big Brother 2015 airs nightly on Channel 5.

Read more: 

Emma Willis Celebrity Big Brother Bit On The Side

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On

The Side


There’s so much going on in that House that we can barely fit all the chat about it into one show. But that doesn’t stop us trying!


Tonight we’ve got some brilliant guests onboard to discuss Perez’s fake walk-out, the incredible Hacked task and all those crazy House dynamics. Friend of the show, Matt Richardson will be along, all boy-like and charming. TOWIE’s delightful Danielle Armstrong will be with us to give us her sideways slant on the House goings on. We’ll also have Emma Kenny in the studio for a psychological view of how our friends in the bungalow are doing.


Recently evicted housemate Alicia Douvall joins us to talk to us about life in the CBB House and, most likely, her banana shame.


We're on Channel 5 at 11.00pm so join us for all the merriment!




Poll: Perez's fate is in YOUR hands


Love him or hate him, you can’t ignore him and tomorrow night during the Live Show Perez will re-enter the house and he discover that you have decided his fate. 

Do you want him to be eternally nominated or given a pass to the final?     

Which one?  You decide. 

Head to the poll section of the app to have your say. 


- See more at:




Get the new Big Brother app


Want to stay on top of all the news from the Big Brother House? Fancy getting the chance to influence the celeb housemates from the comfort of your own smartphone? Then you need the brand new Big Brother app.

Available for both iOS and Android devices, the Big Brother app will keep you up to date with the latest action from the House with regular news, photos, and videos added every day.

But you won't just be watching - you'll also get the chance to make decisions that will affect the housemates. Want to turn their fairy tale into a complete nightmare? There'll be regular polls in the app that'll let you have your say on what happens to the celebs.

And of course you'll be able to use the app to vote in evictions. If you want to make sure your favourite housemates make it to the final, they're going to need your votes, and the Big Brother app makes voting easier than ever before.

So what are you waiting for? You can get the app for free by searching for Big Brother in the App Store or on Google Play.


- See more at:


Celebrity Big Brother 2015 nominations: Who nominated who? TWIST!


Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Here’s a run down of who nominated who in the Celebrity Big Brother 2015 house at the weekend.


Nominations took place in the Diary Room after Perez walked from the house, only to secretly move to a private room next door.


With Perez unable to be nominated, Calum was the first to nominate. He chose Nadia because “the situation with her and Perez has been so ongoing that it’s hard for me to see past that” His second nomination was for Patsy who he feels doesn’t deal with tension and negativity well.


Keith nominated Patsy, because she moans about the experience each morning and she needs to integrate with the House more. His second nomination was for Kavana because of his “drunken stupor” and told him to “F off”


Katie Price nominated Patsy because she “doesn’t want to get involved”. Her second nomination was for Cami-Li because she is a different person during the day and at night.


From his lair, Perez remarks, “This is so good!” to Nadia’s photo.


Cami Li voted for Patsy saying, “I don’t want to hear ‘peace and love’ all the f**cking time, nobody wants to hear it all the time” Her second nomination was for Nadia who, “As great as she is, she’s a negative person when it comes to things that are essential and crucial in the House.”


Nadia nominated Katie Hopkins, calling her “two-faced and therefore very untrustworthy.” Her second nomination was for her “dear friend Patsy Kensit” because she wakes her up every morning between 5am-6am and being tired is very disruptive.


Michelle also nominated Patsy and says she loves her and that she is “so sweet” but she is “not in here… at all”, and goes on to say she does not feel Patsy is committed or involved. Her second nomination was for Nadia because she has “control issues” and “always has to be right.”


Patsy voted for Katie Hopkins because her “list is endless of toe-curling comments” and she finds it “difficult to be around her opinions.” She says “War is over for me, give peace a bloody chance”. Her second nomination was for Nadia because she and Katie Hopkins “clash” and she “can’t bear it”.


Kavana voted for Patsy because “doesn’t involve herself and doesn’t have an opinion”. He also voted for Nadia, a “wonderful woman, amazing cook” but has but has made him “feel guilty for not speaking to her as much as she thinks I should have should have”, adding that this is because “She has been next to Perez’s side 24 hours a day.”


Katie Hopkins nominated Patsy because she is “incapable of living in the Big Brother House and finding fun”. She goes on to say, “I’m done with living Yoko Ono dressed as a French onion seller.” Her second nomination was for Katie Price who she thought would “add colour” but doesn’t describing her as “very magnolia, apart from a very deep and exceptional tan.”


Later on, Perez was called to the Diary Room and Big Brother tells him that it is now time to pull the Housemates strings.


Katie Hopkins, Patsy and Nadia received the most nominations so will all face the public vote on Tuesday.


However Cami-Li, Katie Price and Kavana were also nominated and are tied on one vote each. Big Brother told Perez he must choose one of these Housemates to also face the public vote.


Perez chose Cami-Li because she “despises” him, and agreed that “during the day she is boring as f**k, she only gets a little excitement and vigour after she has had a few drinks….Perez doesn’t need alcohol to be fun, I p*ss fun when I go to the bathroom… I am fun”.


Therefore, Cami, Katie H, Patsy and Nadia all face eviction this week.


CBB 2015 airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.

Read more: 

Katie Price Celebrity Big Brother

Day 20: What was on the shopping list?


Hooray! The shopping list arrived today!


Michelle Visage Celebrity Big Brother


With a luxury shopping budget, housemates were bound to be delighted by their haul. We’ve been looking at the finer detail and, in case you ever wondered what housemates graze on over the course of a task-winning week, all the intel is below.

Fruit-wise, housemates have kept it simple. Apples, bananas and lemons in bulk. Nothing too exotic for this lot. There’s a bit more variety on the veggie front, with chillies, celery, carrots, courgettes, caulis – basically if it’s a vegetable beginning with ‘C’, our housemates will be munching it. 

They also went for garlic (standard), onions (standard), green beans and… 20 parsnips?!

Four potatoes and 20 parsnips. Is it just us, or is that a bit odd?


Also a little strange is the fact our chums ordered three different kinds of stock – beef, vegetable and chicken.


We’ve a feeling the protein-fixated Calum was involved with the meat order – tons of butcher-treats are on the list, including a mountain of chicken. He’s going to need that to pump those biceps to maximum capacity.


Calum Best Celebrity Big Brother


On the dairy front, HMs kept it simple and aside from the essentials – milk and a bit of cheddar – they ordered a whole heap of versatile eggs. Top marks, very practical.

The only problematic element of the ordering process came when Keith realised they’d only ordered instant coffee – and he’s a man who likes his coffee filtered. Prepare for a very grumpy Cheggers over the course of the week.


Keith Chegwin Celebrity Big Brother

If only you could caffeinate parsnips…





* Spoiler Alert - tonights HL Show *


CBB 2015: Perez Hilton demands more money... before being moved to secret room


Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Perez Hilton demands more cash from producers on tonight’s Celebrity Big Brother 2015.


It’s just before BB decides to move Perez out of the house and to his own private room in a secret twist.


In tonight’s show, Perez tells Patsy that he wants to leave the House, adding “it will take a miracle” to keep him in. He says that he’s not in the House for the money and admits, “I did it for the opportunity to let people know who I really am”


In the Diary Room, Perez hides from Big Brother and refusing to give an exit interview unless Big Brother pays him more money.

He refuses to go and maintains that “If I said anything about people in this House, I said it to their faces, and the only person in this House that has kept me sane and given me the time of day is Nadia and you tried to f**k that up”


Big Brother asks if it would be a shame if he left the House and Perez admits, “I’m just trying to be rational about things now…I’ve been in here too long already. Everything is telling me that I should quit, but then I’m like afraid to quit. I don’t f**king know!”


Big Brother then tells Perez that he wants to set him “the ultimate secret mission”, and Perez will have one hour to return to the House and convince the other Housemates that he is leaving. He will then go to a secret room, where he will observe the Housemate’s every move as Big Brother’s secret puppet master.


When asked if he’s up to the challenge, Perez responds, “I’m still f**king here, so yes…. I don’t have a f**king choice…I am f**king still in the f**king Perez show!”


Celebrity Big Brother 2015 airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.

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* Spoiler Alert - tonights HL Show *



Celebrity Big Brother 2015: Perez Hilton smashes through fire exit as he leaves house


Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Perez Hilton’s dramatic CBB exit sees him smash his way out of the house via a fire door tonight.


Big Brother asks Perez to stage a fake exit from the house as he goes to live in a secret room next door.


In this evening’s show, Perez then walks into the garden, where he breaks the fire exit and leaves the Big Brother House. Calum says, “That’s a pretty big move” and Michelle speculates, “He’ll flip his lid with them out there”


Unbeknown to the other Housemates, Perez will be living in a secret room, watching their every move as Big Brother’s puppet master. Perez takes a picture of himself off the wall and remarks, “The Perez show is back”, before settling down to watch the other Housemates on a monitor.


Calum talks to Kavana about Perez and says, “I didn’t see him as a walker”, adding that his brain must be “frazzled” to leave without saying goodbye.


Kavana says that it must be the same thing “that makes him go nuts”


Celebrity Big Brother 2015


Katie Hopkins joins them and speculates that Big Brother may just be giving Perez a break but Calum disagrees and says, “When you bust the exit, that’s not a twist”


Katie agrees that he has been “acting quite manic” and if it was a task, he wouldn’t have left as he did, adding “This is a more extreme thing, unless he’s acting like a genius, which I don’t think he is”


In the Diary Rom and Cami-Li tells Big Brother that Perez leaving the House was a “b***h move” adding, “At the end of the day, you’re a little b***h that walked through the fire exit…when it gets hard and there’s pressure, you just f**king take the easy way out”



When asked how the atmosphere is going to change, she says that she thinks there will still be tension and suggests “it might be hard for Nadia hard to adjust to what’s going on because she was so used to being with him all the time…I think, maybe today or tomorrow, will be a little rough on her but she will then realise how less stressed she’ll feel.


“She can now enjoy her time in the House and not always be preoccupied or worried about what’s the next thing Perez is going to do, how she is going to defend him this time”


Meanwhile, Nadia and Patsy are in the bedroom discussing Perez. Nadia says she’s happy for him and Patsy admits it will be interesting to see what happens next.


Celebrity Big Brother 2015


The pair then discusses Katie Hopkins and Nadia questions, “Who is she going to go for next?” She adds that she doesn’t think it will be Patsy because “she knows you won’t take any s**t” and adds, “I’ve seen the colour of her money.


I’ve looked straight in her eyes. She hasn’t got it to give me”


All the time, Perez watches and listens on in secret.


Watch all the drama when Celebrity Big Brother 2015 airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.

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* Spoiler Alert - tonights HL Show *


Celebrity Big Brother 2015 spoilers! Day 19 recap and highlights


Celebrity Big Brother 2015

Here’s a spoiler filled preview of tonight’s dramatic Celebrity Big Brother highlights.


Following yesterday’s shopping task where a series of Tweets were played to the House, Nadia says that the Housemates need to see the “insanity” of the Tweets and “just because it’s a real Twitter address doesn’t mean they have decent morals and codes of behaviour”. She questions why she was asked to believe the Tweets about Perez over others and adds that Big Brother is “not playing fair here”

Michelle and Cami-Li discuss Perez’s explanation over the Tweet about Nadia, to the amusement of Katie Hopkins who says, “It’s perception that matters, and on that note, he’s royally shafted” Michelle suggests, “He knows his time is coming”

Katie Price, Michelle and Nadia are talking about Perez in the bedroom. Katie says, “I don’t think he’ll walk…I’m sure he’ll sort it out with them up there now“ Nadia admits, “He’s played it hard and fast” and Katie agrees, saying that his “character Perez is over the top…he’s just got to be himself” Nadia adds that “Keith Lemon couldn’t come in here and do four weeks as Keith Lemon”

Most of the Housemates are in the living area, silently reflecting on Perez. Katie Hopkins remarks, “To be fair, it was just a Tweet”. Perez then walks into the garden, where he breaks the fire exit and leaves the Big Brother House

Unbeknown to the other Housemates, Perez will be living in a secret room, watching their every move as Big Brother’s puppet master. Perez takes a picture of himself off the wall and remarks, “The Perez show is back”, before settling down to watch the other Housemates on a monitor.

As Perez listens from his secret room, Keith admits that he is “surprised he didn’t stay the distance”. Katie Hopkins discusses Perez’s argument over the Tweets, stating that he believed his Tweet “was loaded and therefore more hurtful than our Tweets” Cami-Li suggests that it’s karma, to which Perez responds, “Karma is coming to get you honey, and her name is Perez”

The Housemates have been told that this week’s nominations will begin shortly. Michelle remarks about Perez that “90% of us were going to vote for him, so now everybody has to re-evaluate” However, Nadia and Katie Price both admit that they weren’t going to vote for him. Perez says that he “can’t wait for nominations to begin. They’re all so tense”

Housemates believe Perez has left the House but he is actually watching their nominations from his secret room, Perez comments, “Well I know who Cami-Li is going to pick. It’s time to put up your mummies for nomination…get ready to pull that knife out and stab it in a back Cami-Li”

Nadia and Katie Price are discussing schooling. Katie admits that the driver who takes her son Harvey to school is funded by the Government, and that he has a nurse that sits in the car with him. Katie Hopkins asks why she doesn’t fund that privately to which Katie Price responds, “Do you know how f*cking expensive that would be… it would be up to a grand a day” but Katie Hopkins responds, “With the amount you earn I find that tricky, when you could afford it yourself”. Katie Price defends herself saying that she pays her taxes. Katie Hopkins disagrees and adds, “If you can to pay for something you should pay for it, you shouldn’t rely on the Government… I think that’s wrong.” Michelle agrees.

Katie Price is in the living room and is not happy about her earlier conversation with Katie Hopkins. “That was about my kids so it was a little bit close.”, adding that Katie Hopkins is “not a politician, so I’d have this conversation with a politician”


Big Brother gathers Housemates on the sofas to reveal the results of this week’s nominations. Katie Hopkins, Patsy, Nadia and Cami-Li will face public vote on Tuesday. Patsy squeals and says “Thank you!” and Nadia says “I know you did it because I’m fabulous”. Cami-Li is less happy and says, “thanks for the asshole who nominated me, you can go f*ck yourself.”

Cami-Li is speculates who voted for her and says she would prefer people to say why they don’t like her to her face, adding that she is “sleeping with the enemy”

Cami-Li is still ranting about this week’s nominations. Kavana tells her to “trust your judgement” and Nadia tries to explain that it’s just the nature of the game.

Michelle, Katie Price and Katie Hopkins are in the bedroom. Kavana tells them that Cami-Li thinks she knows who voted for her and Katie says “if she has another eight bottles of wine…” and Michelle finishes “then she will be fu*king getting us all in trouble”

Nadia, Cami-Li and Patsy are all singing and dancing in the kitchen. Michelle says Nadia is “properly pissed”, and it’s because it’s the “first time she has drunk because she doesn’t have babysit tonight”. Michelle remarks that now Perez has gone “we’re finally going to be able to see who she is, she’s been defensive and I haven’t been able to have a conversation with her”

Katie Price says to Nadia “We have a new Nadia, fun Nadia, nice Nadia”. Nadia responds “You think this is crazy, you’ll be wishing for Perez to come back!”

Cami-Li climbs into Calum’s bed and kisses him goodnight, whispering in his ear. Calum responds, “I don’t know what you’re talking about”, and goes to sleep. Cami-Li then climbs into her own bed saying, “Okay. d**k.”

All of the Housemates are sleeping in the bedroom when Nadia says “Sorry that I’ve been annoying… But I haven’t been trying not to be…” Katie Price is the only one to respond and says “You are funny Nadia”


CBB 2015 airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.

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3.36pm: Housemates are changing their bedding like good little housemates. They're acting all grown up today. surprisingly.


5.55pm: It's housework o'clock: sheets being changed, carpets being vacuumed, dinner cooking. Perez looks exhausted just watching.


cbb celebrity big brother

Everything you need to know about Day 20


Tension in the Cami/Pricey bed. The ever-important arrival of the shopping. Perez lording it up in a hidden room. An eviction looming. It’s been quite the day in the Celebrity Big Brother House – here’s all you need to know for Day 20…

cbb celebrity big brother

The day got off to a tumultuous start after the nominations were revealed, and Cami in particular was not a happy bunny. As a result, Pricey took her to task which didn’t go down too well, while Nadia and Patsy decided to handle the announcement of their own names with a heart-to-heart.

cbb celebrity big brother

Next door in the secret room, Perez was very much enjoying his own company. Colour us surprised. And, equally unsurprisingly, he relished the opportunity to toy with his ‘former’ housemates.

cbb celebrity big brother

Back in the main house, there was some excitement at the shopping turning up, but beyond that, the housemates found themselves fairly bored.

To pass the time, Pricey decided to unleash her hairdressing skills – presumably picked up when she did work experience in a dimly-lit poodle parlour – before things turned back to the imminent eviction and the exit of Perez.

cbb celebrity big brother

As the day drew to a close, Perez didn't let the fact Nadia was in another house stop him from having a lengthy conversation with her. And there's also the small matter of two housemates sneaking into the shower together

cbb celebrity big brother

To think, this time tomorrow, we’ll be one housemate lighter. But who will it be? That’s YOUR call…



celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

Everything you need to know about Day 21


Alone in his little hideaway, Perez opened Day 21 with a stretch and a call to action. He was in extremely high spirits for a man who’s spent so much time alone.

celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

This was an eviction day and Perez was immune, so little wonder he was so cheery. The girl he’s put in line for the chop, Cami Li, was picking the right outfit for the evening’s proceedings.

celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

After helping Cami with her wardrobe decisions, the ever-helpful Calum then proceeded to spread the workout love by using Katie Hopkins as a barbell. As you do.

celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

Nadia and Patsy had a pretty deep conversation later on. It involved chickens.

celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

Elsewhere, Cami and Katie tried to decide who was a game-player.

celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

To keep our pals busy, a secret task was rustled up by Puppet Master Perez -  and this time it was Calum who would be playing with his fellow housemates’ minds.

celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

Having confused his roomies, Big Brother eventually broke the spell and revealed that Mr. Best hadn’t quite been himself that afternoon.

celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

Ultimately, all that was merely a distraction from the pending eviction, which saw Patsy become the third evictee - much to her delight.

celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

And within minutes, that eviction felt like a distant memory, with the news that Perez was still very much a part of Celebrity Big Brother, and the news that he was voted to be eternally nominated.

celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

It's safe to say most housemates were surprisedarguments came thick and fast; and Katie Hopkins was (a) not happy, and (b) has no poker face.

celebrity big brother cbb perez hilton kavana calum best michelle visage patsy kensit

With Perez back, plus nominations happening, tomorrow promises to be another dramatic one...


Kavana Calum Best Celebrity Big Brother

Everything you need to know about Day 22


There’s no better way to start the day than with a massive hug. Sometimes cuddles come from the strangest places. Nobody expected this, surely?

Katie Hopkins Nadia Sawalha Celebrity Big Brother

It was never going to last with Perez back in that bungalow. He got back to his pot-stirring pretty fast. Cami listened intently in case he’d caught her out.

Cami Li Celebrity Big Brother

It might have been Perez’s info-nuggets or just more elaboration, but Nadia still had plenty to say about how she feels Hopkins operates…

Nadia Sawalha Celebrity Big Brother

With all that disagreement and discord, they could really all do with some Katie P advice.

Katie Price Celebrity Big Brother

It was quite a quiet day, so housemates discussed what, if anything, they’ve learned from being in the House. Perez wondered the same later. Things got a little more interesting as mild-mannered Keith kicked off

Keith Chegwin Celebrity Big Brother

The best way to cheer the mood up was to play a game! But Truth or Dare comes with awkward conversation… and some terrible dares.

Kavana Celebrity Big Brother

But hey – what’s that? Face-to-face noms? Out of the blue?

Katie Hopkins Michelle Visage Celebrity Big Brother

This one took housemates by surprise and, after it had all been tallied up, it turned out that Cheggers, Katie H and Nadia all face the chop.

Also – Perez. But he is eternally nominated after all.

Celebrity Big Brother

Who goes?

As per usual – YOU DECIDE.


Katie Hopkins

Everything you need to know about Day 23


There's nothing like the taste of your own medicine to wake you up in the morning and Katie Hopkins got just that as Pricey gave her a piece of her mind first thing. We love the sound of Pricey in the morning, or something.

Katie Hopkins then retreated to the warm embrace of Keith Chegwin (not literally). Katie was keen to know how Keith felt after noms. Keith was keen to talk about ice skating. 

Soon, the housemates were all keen to exercise their creative muscles by applying nail varnish to things that weren't nails. The results were unspeakably poor.

But even worse was Perez's attempt to learn Cockney rhyming slang. He didn't have a scooby.

And none of them had any idea that BB had been planning to give them a party. They were more than a little excited about it and immediately put on their most ill-fitting clothes to celebrate. 

But that wasn't going to stop some of them dancing like it was the mid '90s. Those were dark times indeed. 

Perez and Kav were soon tired out and had good ol' heart to heart about happy endings.

It seems the House might finally be harmonious.

You'll have to tune in tomorrow to find out how long it lasts (clue: not very).



Day 23: Moves Like Cheggers


For one night only, the bickering was put on hold to make room for a party atmosphere. And with a party comes booze and music, and with booze and music comes dancing.

They'd already shown us how it's done earlier in the day, but their dancing feet had plenty of life left in 'em. Our housemates threw some serious shapes this evening, so we’ve rounded up some of their greatest efforts. Behold, the Top 5 dance moves…

5. The Look-At-Me

cbb celebrity big brother dance party dancing keith chegwin cami li kavana michelle visage katie hopkins perez hilton

Does what it says on the tin. Who’d have guessed this move was a Perez special?


4. The Drunken Uncle

cbb celebrity big brother dance party dancing keith chegwin cami li kavana michelle visage katie hopkins perez hilton

The key dance of many a wedding reception, demonstrated beautifully by Cheggers.


3. The Diva Dig

cbb celebrity big brother dance party dancing keith chegwin cami li kavana michelle visage katie hopkins perez hilton

Michelle’s all elbows. Well, and hair and jewels and brightly-coloured fake fur.


2. The Hell No

cbb celebrity big brother dance party dancing keith chegwin cami li kavana michelle visage katie hopkins perez hilton

Kav takes what looks like Cami’s “girl bye” catchphrase and interprets it via the medium of dance. Outstanding.


1. The Hopkins

cbb celebrity big brother dance party dancing keith chegwin cami li kavana michelle visage katie hopkins perez hilton

Well, whatever it is, she looks like she’s having fun. 




Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On

The Side - 30th January


Get psyched, because it's an eviction night, and an extra special, extra long episode of Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side!

Your host for tonight is the ever amazing Rylan Clark, and he'll be joined tonight by TV presenter Eamonn Holmes, plus not one but two former celebrity housemates: Nicola McLean and Patsy Kensit!

There'll also be music by Damage, and the small matter of a newly evicted housemate.

So stay tuned to Channel 5 straight after the main show tonight to get all the goss.




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