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Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I think Emma wore that top when she was interviewing Hugh Jackman did she not?

No idea kaffs, was too busy drooling looking at him

but the camera wasn't on him ALL the time...   


... were you mopping up in between shots?

 must have been

Just looked Kaffs, she did, well spotted Miss Observant 

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I think Emma wore that top when she was interviewing Hugh Jackman did she not?

No idea kaffs, was too busy drooling looking at him

but the camera wasn't on him ALL the time...   


... were you mopping up in between shots?

 must have been

Just looked Kaffs, she did, well spotted Miss Observant 

I don't know why I remembered that.  



Day 1


It’s Celebrity Big Brother, but this is Big Brother’s winter of discontent.  One half of the house will live in luxury while the other half will be banished  to the basement – but who will decide who goes where?

As the first two housemates to arrive, singer Rylan Clarke and jockey Frankie  Detorri are directed to the diary room. Big Brother reveals that the pair must  decide the fate of each new arrival. Model Paula Hamilton is first up as Frankie  and Rylan watch via the screen in the diary room. “She used to go out with Simon Cowell,” Frankie remarks. “Everyone went out with Simon Cowell,” Ryan  quips. Frankie adds: “We’re the lucky ones,” but Rylan warns, “I wouldn’t speak  to soon Frank.” Actress Tricia Penrose joins Paula on the stage and the diary  room pair deliberate. Rylan announces, “We know you’re watching, we’re both  f**king sorry about this but Tricia seems like a right laugh.” They send Paula  to the basement and Tricia into the house. Paula enters the basement and quips, “I wonder if there’s room service.”

Next to arrive is Neighbours actor Ryan Maloney who is swiftly sent to  the basement to join Paula. “You’re an er, er, er?” she asks. “I’m an actor,” Ryan replies and Paula is apologetic. Realising her mistake she laughs, “I  thought you were gonna get me out of here!” Ryan asks what Paula does and she  remarks, “Mostly made a big idiot out of myself.”

Outside, actor Sam Robertson and glamour model Lacey Banghard are with host  Brian. Rylan comments on Sam from the diary room, “Oooh Love Rat,” then  announces that Lacey should enter the house and Sam should go to the basement.  Next to arrive on stage are Steps singer Clare Richards and ex-footballer Neil ‘Razor’ Ruddock. In the diary room Frankie mentions that Rylan is only choosing  girls to enter the house. “It’s not a case of choosing girls Frank, I don’t want  just want girls in there, trust me,” he retorts. The pair needs to decide who  they think has the biggest ego out of Clare and Razor. Rylan pleads, “One quick  thing, I’m sure Neil’s a lovely guy but oh my God, that’s Clare from Steps.” Frankie goes with the decision to send Neil down and Clare up. Big Brother  announces to the luxury house that the store room is open for them to collect  their delicious canapÃĐs. “It’s too good to be true,” Gillian worries.

In the diary room Frankie and Rylan are about to make their final decision as  US reality stars Spenser Pratt and Heidi Montag are revealed. They can either  send the pair to the basement or take the last two places themselves. “I’m gonna  row with him,” worries Rylan. “I’m not being funny but you have the LA sunshine  and I come from Essex,” he adds before sending them down.

On entering the basement Heidi comments says that the space is “nicer” than  she thought. Rylan and Frankie rush into the Big Brother house and greet their  fellow housemates. “I hate to be rude Big Brother but open the toilet, me and  Frankie are gonna p**s ourselves,” Rylan worries. Big Brother calls all  housemates to the sofa while the basement dwellers are also gathered. Big  Brother reveals that those in the basement will have no food or drink and will  have to scavenge for everything they receive.



Rylan is talking to his fellow housemates about the basement dwellers, and in  particular, Spenser and Heidi. “She seemed half decent, but Spenser made that  weirdo comment,” he adds. The basement group waste no time getting acquainted.  Razor mentions his football career and Heidi mentions that Spenser loves the  game. Paula tells them that she is a model and actor and mentions her earlier  faux pas with Ryan, “I though her was here to help me, I was the first one down  here, it was not a nice feeling,” she adds



Razor and his fellow basement dwellers are wondering how they will survive  down there and tells mentions that he hasn’t’ eaten. “I’ve watched the show  before and they always have food so I saved myself,” he admits. In the luxury  kitchen, Frankie discusses Big Brother’s cruel plan. Lacey hugs him adding, “I  love you already, I’m so glad you kept me in.” “It’s a no-brainer, eye candy,” Frankie jokes.



In the main house, housemates are gathered at the dining table as Big Brother  announces that the garden is now open. They head out and peek though the bedroom  windows. Upstairs Rylan tells his fellow housemates that potential housemates “always give it the biggun,” in their VTs, “Then s**t themselves,” when they  enter the house he adds. The basement dwellers now enter the garden but are  enclosed behind a mesh fence. “Detorri!” shouts Razor as Rylan apologies for  sending him downstairs. Spenser and Heidi remain in the basement while the  others get acquainted. Heidi says that it would be worse to have to see how  lovely the garden is while they are stuck in their enclosure. “This is  bollocks!” jokes Spenser adopting an English accent. “It’s really doing my head  in mate,” Heidi adds. In the garden, Frankie asks the basement group why Spenser  and Heidi didn’t come out and tells Sam to go and get them. Downstairs Spenser  tells Sam that he will stay put, “I’m done with them, they on the cut list.”



In the garden, Sam and Lacey are getting to know each other from their  respective sides of the fence. She mentions the ‘technically single’ comment  that was made about him in his VT and he assures her that he is single. Sam asks  Lacey about her surname of Banghard and thinks she has made it up. “I’m not  intelligent enough to think that up,” she giggles. Down in the basement, Big  Brother calls Spenser and Heidi to the diary room. Big Brother asks them how  their visit to the UK has been so far. “We’re having a blast,” Spenser grins. “Our basement is the best, everyone is down to earth,” adds Heidi. “The decision  by singer boy and jockey man was not a good decision; they should have  sacrificed themselves as team players. I wouldn’t have put myself above others,  it’s inconsiderate, selfish,” he rants. The couple decides that they will not  talk to anyone outside of their basement group.



The basement housemates are about to realise that their living conditions are  worse than they thought as they read the rules. Paula explains that if want a  wash they must use stand on the wooden slats and use the cold water  provided.

Upstairs Rylan tells housemates that he went to his 13th birthday party  dressed as H from Steps. Clare laughs as Rylan relays the story. “My friend went  as Lee and I wore blue tinted glasses that I got from Live ‘n’ Kicking  magazine.”



Big Brother is yet to open the doors to the bedroom. The basement dwellers  are getting hungry. Big Brother announces that those in the basement will not be  given any food. Shortly after the announcement food scraps pour into the  basement via a chute. “We won’t eat tonight,” Heidi remarks as Spenser adds: “I  only came on the show to lose weight.”



The basement dwellers are bonding and decide it will be “us verses them,” situation. Upstairs, housemates enter the luxury igloo filled as Rylan announces “This will be the drink and sex room.”



Ryan is behind the basement enclosure in the garden talking to Frankie, Rylan  and Clare. He tells them that his group won’t have access to their own clothes  and the others seem shocked. “We have to wash over a grate with a bucket,” he  adds.



In the garden Lacey is in the hot tub as Clare and Tricia sit and talk with  her. “I didn’t expect everyone to be so nice,” Lacey confesses. “Wait till the  morning,” Clare quips. Razor is in the basement diary room and tells Big Brother  that he has slept in worse places than the basement and worries that his snoring “might drive people mental.” He mentions that his first impression is that two  of his group is “playing a game.” Big Brother asks him to name the people but  Razor is reluctant adding: “One lady and one man.” He continues, “It’s a bit  strange that they would prefer to be locked in the room than get some fresh air,  this is a game. I’ve seen the show before, I don’t trust you lot,” he  smiles.



Big Brother announces that the luxury bedroom is open. “I’m the smallest guy  so I bagsie this bed,” Frankie announces.



Clare and Lacey are tidying up the kitchen. Rylan is in the diary room  talking to Big Brother about his fellow housemates. He is asked to sum up the  experience so far in three words. “Right, old, laugh,” he smiles adding “What, a  night.” He mentions that it was “odd” for Spenser and Heidi not to come into the  garden. “They’ve done enough reality shows, if they’ve got the hump f**k ‘em, I  can’t stand fake people, if you’ve got a problem say it, it could be a bit of  drams (sic).”

The lights are out in the basement and Paula is feeling unwell, she explains  that she has a pain running down the left side of her body. Ryan goes to her aid  and soon after, Big Brother calls on the basement phone. Big Brother informs  Ryan that a doctor will arrive shortly to see to Paula. In the diary room, Paula  is informed that for the good of her health it would be better for her to join  the housemates in the main house.


Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Someone posted elsewhere that when Heidi moved to the luxury house she was wearing a different outfit to what she wore in the Basement and yet they're not supposed to have their cases. I don't know if the poster's right as I didn't notice what she was wearing when she moved over, does anyone here remember

Her she is leaving for the main house

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Someone posted elsewhere that when Heidi moved to the luxury house she was wearing a different outfit to what she wore in the Basement and yet they're not supposed to have their cases. I don't know if the poster's right as I didn't notice what she was wearing when she moved over, does anyone here remember

She had that blue dress and cream shawl on when Frankie went in.  When she went in the main house she said something along the lines of BB had given her a peasant dress to wear. She was forever trying to adjust her cleavage on the dress she had worn to go in so assume she complained and asked for something else


Day 3: Hell-razor

30 mins ago

Who let the Razor out? Oh yeah, no one. He thought fate was going to smile on him last night during the basement swap. But fellow sportsman Frankie chose Speidi to return to the lovely warm House instead. It seems a little part of Razor broke with that decision.

The 1,000 yard stare has formed a large part of the former England player’s morning. Looking rumpled in the same blue shirt he’s been wearing for three days he has now roused himself with a few songs, that – now we listen – are prison marching songs. He might actually be happier as part of a chain-gang.

Now spent, the very stubbly reality TV veteran is back to sitting on his mattress staring into the middle distance like a man who’s just had his house repossessed. His stillness is emphasised by the fact that Ryan and Sam are dealing with their confines with furious exercise. Sam’s doing sit up and Ryan punching the air. They’re Tasmanian devils to Razor’s stone statue.




Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Someone posted elsewhere that when Heidi moved to the luxury house she was wearing a different outfit to what she wore in the Basement and yet they're not supposed to have their cases. I don't know if the poster's right as I didn't notice what she was wearing when she moved over, does anyone here remember

She had that blue dress and cream shawl on when Frankie went in.  When she went in the main house she said something along the lines of BB had given her a peasant dress to wear. She was forever trying to adjust her cleavage on the dress she had worn to go in so assume she complained and asked for something else

Thanks Erin and Supes, i thought there had to be a rational answer because too many eagle eyed people would have complained to BB if she'd been given something from her case...I wasn't as eagle eyed to notice she'd changed clothes lol

Yellow Rose

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