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Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Day 17 highlights and recap



Its eviction day and some of the housemates are relaxing in the garden. Prince Lorenzo tells Coleen that he doesn’t think she’ll be evicted. Coleen admits that she would love to stay.

Samantha and Julie are having breakfast. “There are some very clever people in here,” states Samantha. Julie asks: “Do you think so?” She replies: “In terms of playing Big Brother. I’d be really intrigued to know what people are really like outside of hereâ€Ķvery very different.”
“Are they though? Makes you wonderâ€Ķ,” remarks Julie.

The Situation is making eggs. The comedian explains: “If I was at home I would lift up Maureen and get a freshly laid egg.” The Situation looks bemused: “Really?”
Prince Lorenzo is taking a swim.

In the bedroom, Samantha tells Danica that she was talking to Prince Lorenzo last night, “He’s dead smitten.” The model replies: “Really? Coleen has told me he likes me but I don’t see it. He’s told me he likes me not smitten.”
“Well smitten is the word I would use,” confirms Samantha. “He said to me ‘if I was single I am the girl he would marry.’ He’s lovely,” remarks Danica. “Is he the kind of guy you would go for?” asks Samantha. Danica replies: “Normally I would never be attracted to a guy like Mike; Prince is definitely my type if I’ve got a type.”

In the smoking area, The Situation boasts that last year he was the fourth most googled celebrity in the world, ahead of Justin Bieber and Jesus Christ.
“Justin Beiber must be furious!” quips Julian. “Oh wow!” gushes Samantha.

Coleen is talking to Prince Lorenzo: “I can’t talk to Mike; the only thing I can talk about with him is his life. He never asks me a question.” Prince Lorenzo listens intently.

Julie tells Samantha: “Your goodness shines like a beacon!” Samantha blushes: “That’s such a nice thing to say.” The actress adds: “It’s the truth, I don’t do idol flattery. It’s in your nature. It’s been like finding an angel.”
Samantha thanks her: “That’s so nice, it means a lot.”

All the housemates are in the garden.

In the smoking area, Julie says to The Situation: “Michael, what a player!” She continues: “Don’t rise to it baby!” He adds: “I think he’s not what he seems either.” Julie quips: “Totally not!” The actress then gets up and whispers to The Situation about Prince Lorenzo ‘coming out of the closet’, insinuating that she thinks he may be gay.
The Situation smiles: “I picked up on that too. I think you’re on with that one.” Julies states: “He who laughs last, last longest, got me? That’s why it’s on me t-shirtâ€Ķget it got itâ€Ķ” “Good!” he grins.

Danica offers to paint Julie’s nails and asks her to remove her own nail polish as she’s just painted her own nails.

In the garden, Harvey tells Martin that he’s ‘glad that he’s listened to him as he’s said some key things’. “Julie keeps dragging people off in cornersâ€Ķit’s not good. It makes me feel I don’t want to be near her.” Martin replies: “Just be careful and it’s sometimes too over the top.” Harvey concludes: “I don’t care about all this bitching and sh*t.” Martin agrees.

In the bedroom, Samantha is removing Julie’s nail polish for her. Julie starts talking about Danica: “She didn’t want to do them (her nails) as I’m no use to herâ€Ķshe’s been concentrating on the men’s which doesn’t surprise us.” Samantha remains silent.

Julie is telling Julian about her last day on Coronation Street. “When I got outside it hit me, there were thousands and thousands of fansâ€Ķthey were throwing roses, that broke my bloody heart! They came from New Zealand. I was shocked to the core.” Julian smiles: “How amazing.”
Coleen and Martin are talking about Julie. “She’s got a problem with me and I don’t know why it is, I’ve never met her before,” states Coleen. Martin replies: “I haven’t noticed it.”

“She’s nothing but nice to me but then she will throw in somethingâ€Ķthe first moment I felt it was when I came down the stairs, she said ‘here she is, the nation’s sweetheart’ and I thought ‘what a weird thing to say’, straightaway I thought there was an issue, then you doubt yourself but there are too many things.” Martin listens.

Ashley and The Situation are talking about Julie. “I think if anything she would try and get Prince, Danica and Coleen out and keep Julian in and get Martin out,” explains The Situation. Ashley takes onboard what he’s hearing.

Martin is in the diary room talking about Julie. “Julie is a powerful figure in the house. People might find it almost rude to nominate herâ€Ķshe’s 70 odd, a television iconâ€Ķpeople tread carefully around her.”

He believes: “She has a vicious tongue. What worries me is the young uns. They have this gang going on; all they ever talk about is that they have each other’s backs. I know how that’s working. Those three will get themselves into the final as they’ve got each others votes.”
Back in the garden, The Situation tells Ashley: “To the start to the end, I would never think anything bad about my brothers. ‘Cos in the final I want it to be me, you and Harvey.” Ashley quips: “That would be sick! Hopefully my fans are out there.”

“They are! All our fans are together and won’t want to see us split. We all have similar views. It’s not tactical, we have the same views. Same morals,” remarks The Situation. Ashley agrees.

The housemates are ready for tonight’s eviction. Ashley hugs Coleen and tells her he will miss her. She tells him and Harvey that she has enjoyed every minute with them.

The Situation tells Samantha: “Good luck to the lady in red!” She smiles.

Samantha tells Danica: “If it’s you or I we will get booed! I don’t think Coleen will go.”

Next, Brian Dowling announces to the house that the fourth celebrity with the least amount of votes is Samantha. The housemates can hear the live audience chant get Julie out!

Some of the housemates are telling Big Brother what they think about Samantha. Ashley thinks she is an ‘amazing woman and that she’s been truthful’. Martin comments: “Sam did a marvellous job in the houseâ€Ķshe looked after the boys like she was their mum.” Julian quips: “She will be missed in the way you miss someone who you’ve know only for two weeks!”

Samantha tells Big Brother that her experience has been ‘surreal, magical, a real wonderland’.

All of the housemates wave goodbye to Samantha from the bottom of the stairs.
When the doors closed Julie is confused by the chanting she heard. She’s not sure if they were chanting hers or Julian’s name.
It’s been 27 minutes since Samantha has been evicted. In the kitchen, the fans reactions are on Julie’s mind. “I don’t understand them; especially neither me nor you are up for eviction.” Julian replies: “We don’t know what’s going on out there.” Julie moans: “Oh dear god, it’s really affected me.”

Big Brother gathers the housemates on the sofas for the second eviction of the night. Brian reveals that the fifth celebrity to be evicted is Danica. Housemates look stunned and they all hug her.

Some of the housemates tell Big Brother how they feel about Danica leaving. Prince Lorenzo says: “She made me feel incredible. She was a ton of fun and I will really miss her.” The Situation comments: “She gave me a big hug, walked up the stairs, stopped, came back and gave me a kiss. It was a nice goodbye kiss. She is a beautiful girl inside and out and deserves a Prince Charmingâ€ĶI’d be happy to sweep her off her feet.’

At the top of the stairs, Danica shouts out: “I love you Mike! I love you Coleen!” The model exits; Prince Lorenzo and The Situation look visibly upset.

“That was terrible,” remarks Julie. Julian comforts her as she is still worried about the chants she heard.
Martin tells: “She (Danica) was a good housemate.” They all agree. Coleen comments: “They want it to be a bachelor pad!” They laugh.

Martin adds: “She got some heavy boos out there, the biggest one so far.”

Prince Lorenzo tells Coleen that he’s glad she’s in here. Coleen smiles. “I feel bad that Dan’s goneâ€Ķbut I actually I want to take my shoes off and jump up and down on the couchâ€Ķso if you don’t mind!” quips Coleen who then excitedly jumps up and down on the sofa to her housemates’ amusement.

In the bedroom, Julie ushers Harvey into the toilet and asks: “Who do you nominate?” He replies: “I ain’t got a clue!” She continues: “But it could come up now! Prince?”
“We can’t talk about it nanaâ€Ķwe will get in trouble,” asserts Harvey. As they leave the toilet, he says: “You’ve got this far now!” She moans: “I don’t know how.” The MC concludes: “I’m happy with that.” The pair leaves the bedroom.

Julie comes to the diary room to talks about the chants she heard. “I’m a bit shaky but I’m still here. I could hear them ‘get Julie or Julian out’, what’s happening? It really threw me. I didn’t understand why they were chanting when we weren’t up for eviction.”

In the smoking area, Prince Lorenzo, Harvey and Martin are talking about Julie. “I think Julie is flusteredâ€Ķwhy would they be chanting her name like that?” asks Prince Lorenzo. Martin responds: “I know where that has come from, when we were doing the Gods stuff; I bet it’s come from there. It’s hard to tell with Julie’s banter if she’s being vindictive.”

Harvey adds: “You got honest and you got brutally honest. That’s the best way I can describe it. How you deliver something, when you deliver it brutally the cameras can see it.” Martin continues: “Sometime her vernacular is blunt and that’s putting it nicely, and I think that’s what the crowd didn’t like, I’m only guessing.”

Harvey says that he can vouch for it and that sometimes ‘she goes a bit too far’. Prince Lorenzo listens on.
In the diary room, Julie is still shocked by the evening’s events, and is surprised that there are only two women left in the Celebrity Big Brother house.
Julian is worried about the ratio in the house: “It’s all going to get very blokey now!” Julies adds: “I suppose someone will have to goâ€ĶI suppose you have that sorted?” Julian continues: “There’s only so much blokey talk I can takeâ€Ķ”

Julie says: “Martin is going to teach me meditation at some stage. You’ve got me.” Julian replies: “Thank god.”

“And thank god I’ve got you,” concludes Julie.
Coleen is in the diary room, talking about how pleased she is to be saved. She’s still worried about Julie – her instincts tell her that Julie doesn’t like her, but as Julie’s not actually said anything to her face it’s difficult to try and resolve. Coleen says she’s not one for confrontation.

Prince Lorenzo tells Harvey that he may try to reconcile with The Situation now that Danica has gone.

Julian tells Big Brother that he’s hoping to ‘camp up’ Ashley so that he and Julie can have a play mate now that nearly all the girls have left the house.

Most of the housemates are sleeping; Coleen is getting ready for bed.

In the smoking area, Harvey is talking to Ashley: “Don’t step out of your box. I want you to be safe in your box. She (Julie) has done something deep tonight bruv. Big Bro will deal with her bro.”

Ashley asks what has happened, however the MC doesn’t divulge. “Rule broke, she’s exposed when she shouldn’t have exposed. She said a man’s name.”

“Prince?” guesses Ashley. “Broâ€Ķshhhhh. I told her she wasn’t allowed to do that,” replies Harvey. “That was a random guess! She is getting herself into some bad sh*t bro. She’s tried to influence me,” remarks Ashley.

Harvey concludes: “Don’t be f**ked up by thatâ€ĶBig Bro don’t miss a trick! You understand what I’m saying?”


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