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Day 19 in the Celebrity Big Brother house saw the group nominate for the  final time.


9:31AM Today Housemates will nominate for the final time and nominations  are on everyone’s mind. “Another day in paradise,” Julie quips as Prince Lorenzo  confesses that has become accustomed to nominating. Martin continues to brand  nominations: “the most adrenalin part of the week,” and meanwhile in the garden,  Ashley relaxes in the hot tub.

In the bedroom Harvey declares: “I hate this show,” before Julie assures him: “We will be fine babes.” Harvey tells Julie not to talk about nominating because  he doesn’t want “anybody to get into the trouble” and Julie is in agreement.

In the diary room, The Situation is discussing with Big Brother how he feels  about being banned from nominating. He confesses that it is “kind of nice” because he doesn’t have to “hurt anybody’s feelings,” but he feels that his “vote has been taken away.” The Situation adds: “It feels like your hands are  like this (puts his hands above his head) and that somebody can come up to you  and just punch you in the stomach.” He admits to enjoying nominating and feels  upset because he cannot voice his opinion.


11.10AM In the kitchen, The Situation is alone talking to an imaginary  housemate.

Martin, Harvey and Ashley are in the bedroom doing their laundry. Prince  Lorenzo tells them that they don’t have to wash the double bed’s sheets before  realizing that they are in anticipation of somebody leaving the house, and the  option of an extra bed. Martin continues to joke with Harvey about “getting  lucky” as Harvey replies: “What with the right hand!” Laughter fills the bedroom  as Martin continues to quip: “It will give you extra tent space.”


Julie and Coleen are in the smoking area talking about making it to the final  week. Julie is acknowledging that some housemates get along better than others.  Coleen agrees and brands this as “human nature,” before Julie claims that the “younger ones” have “formed a gang” in the house. Julie continues: “I do love  them to pieces, but they are a little gang,” and the women continue to sit in  silence.


12:18PM Coleen is helping The Situation to dye his hair black.

In the garden, Martin and Prince Lorenzo are engaging in conversation about  fine art.

In the diary room, Harvey is talking to Big Brother about the looming  nominations. Harvey admits that he “feels ready” to nominate as he has observed  different behaviours in his fellow housemates. He claims that Julie and Coleen  do not like each other and that there is an element of fakeness there. Harvey  continues: “There are certain people that are trying to pull me into corners  today and I’m not comfortable with it. I’m going to do what I have to do today.  What will be will be.”


12:53PM The Situation is rinsing out his hair dye in the shower. Big  Brother announces that nominations will be taking place shortly and that The  Situation must remain on the naughty step whilst nominations are taking place.  Housemates who are sitting in the garden laugh, as in the shower The Situation  declares: “What s**t is that.” Martin speculates that The Situation is going to  be unhappy and Prince Lorenzo asserts: “He doesn’t like to be punished.”

Ashley and Harvey go to The Situation who is still in the shower. Ashley  repeats Big Brothers commands and The Situation quips: “On the third step. I’m  half way out the door! That’s f*****g b******t bro!” Ashley and Harvey are  hysterically laughing.

12:55PM Sitting on the naughty step, The  Situation is seemingly confused: “What’s going on? Am I being punished again  now?” Julian repeats what Big Brother has said and The Situation remains  puzzled: “But we’re not in nominations yet. What’s going on?” Julian offers The  Situation his services as sandwich maker and before The Situation can make his  request, Julian is called to the diary room. In response, The Situation whines: “That’s f***ing b******t. I’ve got to sit here.”


In the diary room Julian nominates Prince Lorenzo and Martin. Coleen is the  second housemate into the diary room and nominates Julie and Martin. On exiting  the diary room, Coleen offers The Situation a cup of tea as Julie is called into  nominate. On entering the diary room, Julie kisses The Situation before  nominating him. Her second nomination is for Prince Lorenzo.


1:36PM The Situation has been sitting on the naughty step for forty-one  minutes. In the living area Julie is admiring Harvey’s ring on his pinky  finger.

The Situation is becoming seemingly restless as the fourth housemate, Prince  Lorenzo, is called into the diary room. Prince Lorenzo assures The Situation  that he will be quick. He chooses to nominate Julie and Harvey. Martin is the  fifth housemate to nominate and chooses Julian and Julie. Ashley nominates  Martin and Julie. Harvey is the final housemate to enter the diary room and  nominates Prince Lorenzo and Julie.


With five votes Julie will be facing the public vote this week, alongside  Prince Lorenzo and Martin who incurred three votes each. Coleen and Ashley did  not receive any nominations.


The Situation requests if he may use the rest room and declares: “I’ve been  punished enough.” Harvey brands The Situation as a “unique guy,” as Big Brother  confirms he may leave the naughty step.

Ashley is pampering himself in the living area. Julie has come to the diary  room and confesses that she is “apprehensive” about the nomination results and  is “praying” to make it to the final. Beginning to cry, Julie claims that she  would be “ecstatic” if she made it to the final and brands herself: “a big softy  underneath the bravado.” She continues to claim that if she made to the final,  it would “give hope to pensioners all over” and adds that she would “like to do  that.”


In the smoking area Coleen and Prince Lorenzo are talking about “the boys.” Coleen declares that she “doesn’t want to be a part of any gang” and Prince  Lorenzo claims that whilst he is “seven years older than Harvey,” it seems that  Harvey is twenty-years younger. Coleen claims that “true friendship” is when you  can admit to friends “that they are wrong” and that “the boys” have not done  that. Prince Lorenzo affirms to Coleen that “he likes Mike” but confesses that  he thinks The Situation “would throw him under a bus in second.”


6:39PM In today’s task two near naked celebrities will be plunged. Martin  and Prince Lorenzo must endure plungers being stuck to their bodies from their  team mates. “I’ve never felt so naked in this place” Prince Lorenzo asserts as  Coleen quips: “My days are getting better and better in here.”

Julie assures Martin: “I’ll be careful around your bum bum” and he responds: “That was the bit I was looking forward to.” Prince Lorenzo declares: “I’m ready  to be plunged.” Housemates begin to stick plungers onto Martin and Prince  Lorenzo’s bodies. As the finish claxon sounds, Ashley celebrates at their team’s  evident win. With a score of twenty points, Prince Lorenzo’s team wins and have  won a take-away.


8.04PM Big Brother announces that the losing team will be eating gruel  this evening, using plungers to eat with. They must continue to eat until the  winning team has finished their pizza. Ashley informs The Situation that Big  Brother has taken his food away and The Situation is disbelieving because he had  cooked for two hours. Ashley reminds The Situation that “it is a game” and  deters him from becoming angry: “Don’t smash up nothing.”

The losing team takes their first spoonfuls of gruel as Martin speculates it  will be the winning team that “will suffer.” He quips: “We’ll have enough gas  after eating this” as Harvey spits out what he has eaten. As the winning toasts  to their victory, Martin attempts to make light out of eating gruel: “We needed  to eat some greens anyway” as Julie is heaving into a bowl.

The Situation comes to the diary room and tells Big Brother that he feels  unwell. Big Brother advises him that he may feel better after he has eaten some  gruel. On exiting the diary room, Martin asks The Situation what Big Brother  said. The Situation responds: “They told me to join my fellow losers and eat you  f*****g gruel pretty much” as housemates laugh. Ashley announces that the  winning team has finished their meal and that the losing team is therefore  allowed to stop eating the gruel. Julian playfully responds: “I’m not finished  yet” as Coleen brands him “horrible.” The Situation jokes to Julian that he  would “love to dump” the bucket of gruel on his head, as Julian claims that he  is “still peckish.”


9:01PM In the garden, housemates are speculating about their final week  in the house. Ashley claims that everyone is waiting for the final five people  as Prince Lorenzo speculates that it may not be five housemates in the  final.

The Situation confesses that he would have “thrown something across the  floor” if he had been up for nomination. On hearing this Coleen informs The  Situation that he is “not good for her” in the house. She continues to say: “I  adore you when you are like this and when you are like that my motherhead comes  on and I want to take you out and whack you on the leg.” The Situation defends  himself and replies: “I stopped myself though” as Coleen replies: “It took a  while though. I thought I’m going to go at him, smack his leg, ground him and  put him back on the naughty step.”


The Situation admits that he gets angry quite easily and Coleen questions  what his “trigger is.” He continues to confess that his triggers are “pride” and “authority” and Julian asks: “Do you think it’s just attention seeking?” The  Situation adds defiantly “No, it’s just the person I am” and continues to ask  housemates whether they feel “comfortable” around him. Coleen assures his that  she is “really comfortable” with him and does not think that he would do  anything “crazy.”


9:33PM Housemates have been gathered for this weeks nominations. Prince  Lorenzo, Martin and Julie are told that they will face the public vote this  week. “Well that makes a change” Martin quips as Julie mutters to Julian: “All  ganged up on.” Julian reassures Julie and responds: “I’ll say what you said to  me, you’re going nowhere.” Prince Lorenzo asks Julie how she is feeling and  Julie replies “I’m okay. We’ve got to be.”

In the smoking area The Situation admits to Ashley he is happy that Harvey  and Ashley will be joining him in the final. Ashley confesses that is he “proud  of himself.” Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Julie declares: “It’s not easy being a  nana,” as Julian assures her that he will be there for her. Julie speculates  that it was “the gang” that nominated her and continues to add: “Is that how you  treat your nana?” Julian labels Harvey, The Situation and Ashley as “the  untouchables,” and claims that they have done to Julie what they had done to  Rhian and Danica.



10:30PM Coleen is talking to Julian about Julie. Coleen speculates that  Julie will feel better in the morning. Julian claims that Julie is reacting in  the same “f*** everybody” way that he reacted when facing eviction. Coleen  proposes that Julie should remember that she too had to nominate two people and  that it is “hypocritical” to be angry. Julian considers that it might be harder  to deal with if “you are nana to everyone.”

Julie is in the diary room and confesses that she is “shocked” by the  nomination results as she has been “kind and caring” to all her housemates. She  declares that housemates who nominated her should “feel like s**t,” and  speculates she is facing eviction because she is “old,” “is not part of the  gang,” and that “Coleen wanted to be the only woman left.” Julie confesses that  all she wanted was to get into the final.


11:01PM Martin has come to the diary room and confesses: “I hope I  haven’t offended anyone.” He continues to claim that Prince Lorenzo expected to  be nominated “many moons ago.” Martin proposes that housemates have seen the “dark side to Julie” and asserts: “I’m glad Julie is up.”

In the smoking area Julie speculates to Julian that she may not be able to  nice anymore to her housemates. Branding her housemates as “two-faced  b*****d’s,” Julie affirms: “Don’t come snivelling around me.” Observing Coleen  getting out of the hot tub, Julie jokes to Julian: “She can get her fat a***  out.” Harvey addresses Coleen as “Mama” and Julie declares: “Like rats to a  deserting ship.”


12:07PM Julie and Julian are in the bedroom. Julian brands nominations as “fair” because “everybody has to nominate”, Julie is dismissive and asserts: “Let them rot in hell.”

In the smoking area Coleen confesses to Ashley that she feels sorry for  Julie. The pair agrees that they both have “respect” for Julie’s age and career  but Ashley admits: “I can only take so much.” Coleen claims that Julie “shot  herself in the foot” because she was “unable to keep up the act,” and has “shown  her true colours.”


In the bedroom, Julian jokes to Julie: “You might not be nana anymore.” She  confesses that she will be “charming” tomorrow and continues to ass: “I’m quite  a good actress. I am honest. I’ve got a lot of awards for it. I shall pull  another one out the bag tomorrow,” Julian, in response, affirms: “Excellent.”

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