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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Finally.......she admits it! 


She's always admitted it. The people who liked her have always admitted it. It just all boils down to where you place flirting on the "Worlds Worst Evils" list I suppose.  


For me it's about intention....and I genuinely believe she didn't intend to hurt anyone with her behaviour. 



she was oblivious to it Ducky 



Julie Goodyear [Celebrity Big Brother 2012)

Julie Goodyear has admitted to feeling “sick” after hearing boos for her name  in tonight’s Celebrity Big Brother 2012 eviction.


Samantha Brick was the first to leave while Danica Thrall followed as Brian  Dowling revealed the latest Celebrity Big Brother 2012 eviction results.

During announcing the results, the housemates were able to hear noise from  the crowd, including boos and chants of ‘Get Julie Out’.

Back in the house, Julie reacted: “I feel sick.”

Coleen meanwhile was feeling overwhelmed after being the sole survivor of  this evening’s double eviction.

“Danica was a great housemate,” said told the other housemates. “I feel bad  that Danica’s gone, but I want to take my shoes off and jump up and down on the  couch.”

And the Loose Women star did exactly that, much to Julie’s horror.

Chatting to The Situation after both Sam and Danica had been given the boot,  Julie admitted: “I never expected this.”

The final nominations are sure to be interesting!

Read more:



Day 16 saw the Celebrity Big Brother housemates get a new task, while The  Situation was punished.


9:15am Housemates awake following yesterday’s face to face  nominations.

Lying beside Danica, Coleen is still reeling over Julie’s nomination. Danica  continues to assert that Julie has never liked Coleen as Samantha claims that it  will get harder in the house. Julie replies: “When the going gets tough, the  tough get going.”

In the kitchen, Coleen affirms that she will be having a “PJ day” as Julie  declares: “I never thought it would be like this Coleen. That’s how naÃŊve I  am.”


3:24pm Housemates are gathered on the sofas as Big Brother announces  there has been a rule break. The spotlight is on The Situation as housemates are  informed that he kept hold of three cards in his hand rather than two during  face to face nominations. “You naughty boy,” Julian jokes as The Situation is  told that he will not be allowed to nominate for the rest of his time in the  house.

“That’s a great punishment,” Prince Lorenzo declares, as The Situation  defends his actions and informs housemates that he did not stand up with three  cards. Martin explains to The Situation that he has been punished as his  nominations could have been influenced by other housemates. The Situation  confesses: “I don’t like being punished,” as housemates laugh


3.47pm The Situation is in the diary room. He admits that he broke the  rules. He says he kept his three cards because he didn’t know if he could  nominate Danica but his heart has got him into trouble.

Julian and Prince Lorenzo are in the smoking area. Julian opens up about his  childhood and how he was bullied at school for being gay.


5.34pm Julie and Colleen are in the bedroom. Julie says she likes  Coleen’s leopard print top. She goes on to say that all the big designers are  working in leopard now. Coleen reveals that she also has the matching trousers  as part of a lounge suit.

Samantha is in the diary room. She describes the atmosphere between Julie and  Coleen as “frostily formal”. She claims that both women are wary of each other  and has observed that there is “subtle tension” between Coleen and Julie.   Coleen, Julie and Danica are in the bedroom. Coleen asserts that she is going to  lie down for five minutes as Julie walks into the toilet and mutters: “F**king  tw*t.”


6.09pm For today’s task, the male housemates will devise ballet routines  and female housemates will judge then. Ashley will be paired with Harvey, Prince  Lorenzo will be dancing with The Situation, and Martin will be performing with  Julian.

Housemates must devise a routine based on a statement said by another  housemate during their time in the house.

As housemates prepare to perform, the judges take their places. Samantha asks  Danica and Coleen: “Would it be offensive if I asked to sit next to Julie?” Danica and Coleen move along the table.

Each pair performs their ballet routine. The judges score Harvey and Ashley  35 points. Samantha brands their performance as “amazing”, Julie declares that  she was “enthralled”, Danica awards top marks and Coleen affirms: “It was a  marvellous performance.”


Prince Lorenzo and The Situation score 30 points for their performance.  Finally it is Martin and Julian’s turn to perform for the judges. They perform  to ‘You should have felt the impact of that pie in my f**king face and I would  never do that. She nearly knocked my front teeth out.’ Judges award Martin and  Julian with 37 points. Julie declares: “That totally blew me away,” as she  awards the pair a top 10 mark.

With a total of 37, Martin and Julian have won and will therefore join the  judges at the “winner’s party” later on that evening.


9:44pm The female judges and winners Martin and Julian are in attendance  at the ‘winner’s party’ where they have been provided with champagne and  canapÃĐs. Coleen is unimpressed with the food that has been provided and Julie  quips: “There is no pleasing.”

Julian takes to the dance floor with Danica as she attempts to waltz.  Outside, Ashley jokes that Danica is being “dragged around” the dance floor and  inside Julian quips: “It’s like dancing with a shopping trolley!” In the diary  room, Julian continues to describe Danica as “a young colt that hasn’t been  trained yet” on the dance floor.


In the diary room Julian declares: “Coleen is more like a stately stallion  compared to Danica on the dance floor. She knows her moves.” Finally, Julie and  Julian hit the dance floor. Julian remarks: “Dancing with Julie is like making  love to a beautiful woman,” and confesses that she is the better dancer out of  Danica and Coleen. “She is the best mover!” Julian claims before adding: “She  can do things with her hips that I have never seen before. I was aroused; I’m  not going to pretend that I wasn’t.”


10:06pm The Situation is observing his fellow housemates dancing. He is  encouraged by Danica to dance and The Situation responds by flexing his pecks in  time to the music. Attracting attention from the party-goers, Julie brands his  talent as “incredible”.

In the garden, Coleen is taking a break from the party. She is assuring  Prince Lorenzo that she did not pie Julie in the face forcefully and describes  Julie’s comment as “playground”.


11:12pm In the bedroom, Prince Lorenzo is talking to Samantha about  Danica. Prince Lorenzo declares that he “enjoys Danica as a housemate”.

Julie and Julian are discussing Coleen’s dislikes. “She doesn’t like the  cheese, she doesn’t like the salmon, she doesn’t like olives,” Julian quips.  Martin decides to leave the smoking area where Julie and Julian are discussing  Coleen: “I’m going to see what they’re doing in the kitchen,” he asserts and  Julian comments: “They’re making a mess!”

“Nana you’ve lasted 15 days,” Harvey declares to Julie. Julie confesses that  she is shocked that she has lasted so long in the house.

Read more:

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Chatting to The Situation after both Sam and Danica had been given the boot,  Julie admitted: “I never expected this.” 


And there's the moment when the whole game (and world) came crashing down around her.

I just hope they don't all turn on her so much that she gets the sympathy vote - it could happen Poor old nana and all that 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Poor Julian thinks it was his name But Julie has been shaken up !



and Coleen was chewing her lip not to answer 

makes a change from chewing a wasp


I don't mind her actually Erin, she was spot on about Julie. Rather her in the final than Julie or Martin 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Poor Julian thinks it was his name But Julie has been shaken up !



and Coleen was chewing her lip not to answer 

makes a change from chewing a wasp


I don't mind her actually Erin, she was spot on about Julie. Rather her in the final than Julie or Martin 

Best of a bad bunch,Danica should still be in the house .Ash and Harvey

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Chatting to The Situation after both Sam and Danica had been given the boot,  Julie admitted: “I never expected this.” 


And there's the moment when the whole game (and world) came crashing down around her.

I just hope they don't all turn on her so much that she gets the sympathy vote - it could happen Poor old nana and all that 

She doesn't appear to have much support from either Corrie ex collegues or Schofe and his This Morning army.  Guess the Loose Women vote is out too.

Up the creek without a paddle by looks of it.


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