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Harvey does Shakespeare...(modern version)

"To be, or not to be, innit, that is da question what I is askin' bruv. Whether it is wicked and stuff with all da pointy arrows and fings coming from da hood or to take arms against da sea of agro by well mashin' dem, know what I mean? To be well dead or just chillin', man, it means nuffin' cos that just ain't cool, bitch, no matter if you is all stiff or not, you get me? And dere is da rub, innit, or is you just busting me chops or what."

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I used to like Alesha Dixon... then when she joined Strictly and showed her personality, I went off her.      Now I've seen Harvey, my opinion of her hasn't improved - how anyone could love that piece of crap is beyond me.

Aye there's the rub my friend, if there was ever any proof that love is blind..There you have it with thier relationship...She was too good for him anyway..

Senora Reyes

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