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Rosgirl posted:
Bethni posted:
Yogi19 posted:

She should have been removed - even though I agree with some of the stuff she said about John

If it had been an 'ordinary' BB the culprit would have been out on their ear. 

yes but the trouble is BB gave her booze on an empty stomach - it was inevitable - John is a slimeball though 

I've just heard her say she's 23 yrs old (implying she's an adult).  Did BB force her to drink the alcohol...?  

Rosgirl posted:
Bethni posted:
Yogi19 posted:

She should have been removed - even though I agree with some of the stuff she said about John

If it had been an 'ordinary' BB the culprit would have been out on their ear. 

yes but the trouble is BB gave her booze on an empty stomach - it was inevitable - John is a slimeball though 

I'm not a fan of any of them, but Megan seemed to start on one thing then turn it to John. She was totally out of order and control. John being a sleazeball is another matter. He didn't threaten her and stayed put...she was like a raving banshee.


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