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Reference: Ditty
she hardly masterminded any wrecked home.... she must have been too young, and is hardly the brightest button is she? We all make mistakes when we're young... its easy to judge when we're older and know better... I think she got carried away in the excitment of it all... I think there is some genuine regret & cringing going on with her now .

The silly girl has got caught up in a media moneyspinner and is now labelled - and she's the youngest one involved, so hardly a player of experience.  You'd think the press would dig out anyone and everyone else before using her as the scapegoat.  She's easy meat and sadly appears to have no one to guide her out of it.

Probably the worse thing she's done is to go on BB.
Reference: Cosmopolitan
The silly girl has got caught up in a media moneyspinner and is now labelled - and she's the youngest one involved, so hardly a player of experience. You'd think the press would dig out anyone and everyone else before using her as the scapegoat. She's easy meat and sadly appears to have no one to guide her out of it. Probably the worse thing she's done is to go on BB
Sorry but I cannot agree with you at all. There is no getting away from the fact that she laughed on national tv about a  married couple breaking up. A break that she was instrumental in. Sorry you can't suddenly make excuses for her because she is young. When I was her age I wouldn't have dreamnt of going out with a married man old enough to be my grandad just because he had money.There are also plenty of young women who would feel the same way too, so don't use her age as an excuse. If she is big and ugly enough to accept thousands to go on a reality tv show, she can take the consequences I cannot bear her and hope she goes on Friday.

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