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Nicola – Sisqo/Katia
Sov – Heidi/Alex
Katia – Stephanie/Nicola
Heidi – Stepanie/Sov
Stephanie – Jonas/Katia
Sisqo – Dane/Heidi
Jonas – Sisqo/Heidi
Dane – Katia/Stephen
Alex – Sov/Heidi
Vinnie – Heidi/Stephen
Stephen – Jonas/Sov

I don't see any teaming up with the older ones against the younger ones. Unless hiedis only 22 and thats a freekin mask she has on.
When it comes to BB HM's im proud to be ageist...but i've got the proof to back up my argument that older HM's have more to offer than the younger ones. The young HM's are boring, self important, shallow and most often than not... NASTY.
Your 'proof' is nothing more than your opinion which happens to be wrong (just my opinion of course). The list of BB winners and their ages would suggest that you are wrong as well, although even I have to say that some of the BB winners that the public have chosen have been an utter joke.

Just out of interest, what is your cut off point? How old does a housemate have to be to not be boring, self important and shallow?
Crunchy  Nuts
Oh thank you ABO!!

I had forgotten!   (Plus hubby really is into Gliss...  its quite bizarre... he couldn't wait to turn over to catch the second episode on +1....  

I feel a bit sorry for her... and am a bit disgusted at BB then tbh!   Obviously it depends on whats in the bottle... but considering all previous bb's they have to go to the DR for so much as a rennie or paracetamol

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