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I'm indifferent about Jordan, I really don't mind her Suzy
I managed not to mind her that much until one night I accidentally caught an episode of Katie and Peter..  I found her totally crude and vulgar (and I'm no prude) and she spoke to Peter (no, not a fan of him either particularly) like he was dirt.   Nasty woman imo
It doesn't bother me at all that KP's there. Davina made a point of saying it was her that wanted her to come in front of the cameras, all publicity for BB.

They love each other which seems to bother a lot of people. How would anyone feel if the one they loved was booed and villified. I don't know KP personally and wonder how many here do.
Yellow Rose
BLOODY HELL!!!!, I just opened my email in box and WHAT a nice surprise over 700, SEVEN HUNDRED EMAILS, from THIS thread, took me almost an hour to delete them all, and I THOUGHT I had turned everything off.  hey MODS heres a crazy idea, why not have the default setting as NO notifications?
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I wouldn't mind but I never come here, and I WONT be watching BB,
old hippy guy

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