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Day 4: Face of stone

15 hours ago


Big Brother called the housemates to the living room this evening to reveal this week’s nominations. The housemates were also told that the nominees will be facing the public vote in Wednesday’s eviction battle.

The atmosphere was tense as the housemates sat down as no one ever wants to be the first up for eviction, and with a whole day to prepare for the news, you would think the celebrities would be ready. Alas, it’s never the way and the celebrities sat down with only a few words uttered between them. Kirk tried to keep the affair light with some cheeky banter but the housemates were totally gripped by the tension.

Big Bro revealed that Georgia would face the public vote first, she looked a little taken back by the news but kept a brave face on.  It was then revealed that Andrew stone would face her in Celebrity Big Brother’s first eviction of 2012. Andrew took the news stone faced and seemed completely un-fazed by the nomination.

After all was said and done the housemates got up and gave the nominees a hug and some comforting words. The pair then went out into the Garden to reflect on being nominated and get the situation very positive. A little later on Andrew decided to address the House and said, “Look, nominations happen, let's all just enjoy the rest of our time here.”

Smart words from a smart man but do you think everyone will be able to stay calm with the evictions coming fast and furious?




Pics from yesterday`s nomination announcement with BB`s headings....


Gareth and Kirk prepare for the worst.



Georgia finds out.....



Michael gets nervy.....



Andrew takes the news well....




Last edited by Scotty

Pics with BB`s headings - Walk a mile in Michael`s shoes....


Michael telling his stories.



Michael`s famous shoe. 



 Kirk`s impressed.



 Kirk kissing the shoe.



Last edited by Scotty

Day 4 Round Up

1 hour ago


Wowsers, what a day yesterday was in the Big Brother House! We got an early morning dip from Natalie, who decided that it was there, so it may as well be used, even if it is the middle of January. After a refreshing morning dip, it was time for the housemates to fall in and enjoy a wonderful cooked breakfast. Well everyone except for Michael, who decided that the raw eggs he had for the first task, were a good choice of breakfast again for yesterday. Yum!”

Michael and Andrew’s bromance rose to new dizzying heights, as Andrew confirmed that he would be happy if it was just him and Michael in the House. Well, it is Michael Madsen of Hollywood fame. Next up (drum roll and trumpets and tubas )…nominations Sunday. The same as every nomination day before it, the housemates went into the diary room one by one, (except the twins who went in together) and nominated two of their fellow housemates. On the outside, the celebrities tried to have a laugh but the nerves about nom’s were clearly still evident.

Skip forward, Big Brother called all of the housemates to the living room to reveal who’ll be facing the public vote and this Wednesday’s live eviction. Andrew and Georgia are up to go head to head for a trip back up to the first floor exit. It wasn’t all glum though and Andrew stressed that everyone should carry on as they had before. ‘Not sure they had any plans of changing but a good call nonetheless Andrew *thumbs up*’.

Later the housemates all sat down and had a wonderful pasta meal prepared by House chef Nicola. They got to chill out after as well, because House domestic god Kirk Norcross was all over the dishes like dirt on a…dish!?!  In other news, Denise gave us her preferences on room temperature, Kirk spent the Night dropping cheesy lines on Georgia, and the Twins told us the secret to their booties!

What will today bring for the celebrities?



1015: Nicola is asking Natasha questions about her personal life and marriage

1017: Frankie is still using every opportunity to mention  - he even said he thought it was a secret task 

1038: Gareth is still in the gym. Romeo and Natalie have made an appearance in there now too.


Day 5: Crisp-gate

9 mins ago


As per usual most housemates awoke to an ensemble of snores coming from their fellow celebrities. Frankie’s grumpy mood was intensified as he woke to find crisps scattered across his bed.


Frankie took it particularly hard that someone had chosen to decorate his bed in such a manner. “Seriously just fess up to it,” Frankie moaned still with his eyes half squinting in the light. The potato based prank had become too much for Frankie when no one confessed to the crime. He took a stroll to the garden for a cigarette to calm down and try and forget about crisps for a while. Michael soon approached him and told him “Stop smoking, you’re too young it’s too early Frankie,” to which Frankie later responded ‘If someone don’t tell me who put crisps in my bed I’m gunna go mad!”Michael had told Frankie that he had thrown a pillow at him in the night but he wasn’t involved in crispgate. On seeing how upset Frankie was, Michael swore to find the culprit.

Even with his best man on the case Frankie’s investigative skills didn’t stretch further than repetitively asking ‘Who put crisps in my bed?” Luckily this level of interrogation was enough to break Nicola who had obviously been riddled with guilt all morning. Nicola owned up saying “I thought you of all people would find it funny, and I wanted to remind you of being with the lads,” to which Frankie remarked that he and his mates “Have respect for each other.”He told Nicola that he would get his revenge by doing something rather vulgar.  Nicola told Frankie “That’s disgusting,” but he was quick to remind her “so are cheese and onion crisps!”


So it seems that bad boy Frankie has his limits just like anybody else. That limit is rather unpredictably...Crisps! Who’d have guessed?




1204: Housemates are contemplating the bizarreness of being watched 24/7 

1207: Nicola has found her mattress hidden on top of Gareth's. Quite ingenious? Or could Frankie have done better? 


1214: Nicola is 'actually jel' she's not from Essex!

1217:Housemates are discussing what animals they would be. What animal do we think Andrew would be?

1224: Frankie's wearing womens size 8 jeans!


Day 5: Secret task reveal – ‘cheeky cherubs’

22 mins ago


It’s day 5, and other than Andrew’s sensitive reaction to being nominated for eviction, and Frankie’s dismay at ‘crisp-gate’ this morning, the celebrities are getting along swimmingly well. And Big Brother thinks it’s just about time things got shaken up a bit…


Cue today’s task – a secret task. It has been decided that the only people who hold the key to this secret will be Denise and Natalie, because this will be their task.


Big Brother’s ‘cheeky cherubs’ just LOVE a celebrity, and love nothing more than collecting as many autographs and souvenirs as they can get their little mitts on. Today they are going to rope in Denise and Natalie to help them carry out their naughty wishes, collecting items from certain housemates and delivering them back without being caught.


The cherubs (pictured with Denise) will call Denise and Natalie over to speak to them in the garden to assign them their very own special mission. The girls will return the items back to the cherubs via the ‘secret hatch’, where they will then be given further items to collect.


If Denise and Natalie manage to gather all the souvenirs the cherub has requested, they will have passed the task and will win a special reward. However, if they fail to gather all the souvenirs or their fellow housemates guess they are on a secret mission, they will have failed the task and will receive a punishment.


Will they be able to keep their secret stealing skills under wraps and hustle their way into the cherubs’ hearts? Or will they feel the wrath of Big Brother’s punishment for the first time? Keep checking the official Facebook and Twitter pages for video, story and picture updates. 


Last edited by Scotty
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1015: Nicola is asking Natasha questions about her personal life and marriage

1017: Frankie is still using every opportunity to mention  - he even said he thought it was a secret task 

1038: Gareth is still in the gym. Romeo and Natalie have made an appearance in there now too.

Why is Nicola always asking personal questions 


Thanks for the updates 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1015: Nicola is asking Natasha questions about her personal life and marriage

1017: Frankie is still using every opportunity to mention  - he even said he thought it was a secret task 

1038: Gareth is still in the gym. Romeo and Natalie have made an appearance in there now too.

Why is Nicola always asking personal questions 


Thanks for the updates 

Because she`s a nosey wee gossip.  


You`re welcome Aimee.  

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1522: Kirk is talking about the worth of his house at home. The others are questioning him 

it's worth a couple of millions  your right about nicola Scotty 

She`s trouble with a capital T Aimee. 



1601: Jedward have left the building!  

1610: Frankie has his feet up on Kirk's lap. Awww

1612: Kirk and Frankie are bromancing it up on the sofa - Frankie is laying down with his legs resting on Kirk's lap


Day 5: Frankie goes to Hollywood

2 hours ago


Frankie having recovered from ‘crisp-gate’ had perked up and was feeling positive about his day. All the drama had clearly stirred Frankie’s creative juices causing him to pour out an off the cuff film idea. Frankie became animated and stood up to act out his inspired script idea to the other housemates. It went a bit like this:


Frankie Cocozza would star as a no good hoodlum, recently released from a young offenders institute for beating someone up, (It’s a bit dark so far Frankie). Abandoned by his parents he is forced to steal food from the local supermarket, (still sounds very dark Frankie). But one day... he pushes it too far and due to a lack of subtlety, gets caught ‘thieving’ (thieving hair gel I presume?). With no desire to go back to prison the young man fights back against shop security, (played by Gareth Thomas) and wins... (Against Gareth Thomas, Really Frankie?) When passerby and ex boxer Michael Madsen notices Frankie’s performance, he takes him under his wing and teaches him to box (this is turning out to be startlingly original Frankie).  Frankie over comes the odds and presumably sorts his life out. Also starring would be Kirk as Frankie’s best mate, the twins as Frankie’s sisters and Denise as Frankie’s terrible mother...Hmmm.


Insert some cheesy lines and some 80’s rock music and I think Frankie’s on to something here. If you want to see Frankie’s film at a cinema near you this summer then you’re probably out of luck!



Frankie explaining his idea. 



Frankie becomes enthused.



Housemates look unimpressed. 



Michael seems to like the idea. 





hopefully will be back with you asap - have got an infected eye and waiting for meds to sort it so I can play for longer without the irritation and pain 


little short spells today as I am supposed to be resting it  

thanks for keeping up with it all Scotty  


Originally Posted by MrsH:


hopefully will be back with you asap - have got an infected eye and waiting for meds to sort it so I can play for longer without the irritation and pain 


little short spells today as I am supposed to be resting it  

thanks for keeping up with it all Scotty  


Sorry to hear that MrsH. Hope the meds work soon.  






Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1727: Denise & Alex are enjoying a glass of fine red wine in the diary room.

whose Alex 

 I never noticed that Aimee. 


Alex is Natalie. 

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1727: Denise & Alex are enjoying a glass of fine red wine in the diary room.

whose Alex 

 I never noticed that Aimee. 


Alex is Natalie. 

 we will now refer to her by her new name 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1727: Denise & Alex are enjoying a glass of fine red wine in the diary room.

whose Alex 

 I never noticed that Aimee. 


Alex is Natalie. 

 we will now refer to her by her new name 



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