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1521:Romeo's is out of the diary room and nominations are over. The housemates can relax for a while until they gather to hear who's up...


1537: Nicola is mortified having been accused of breaking wind, declaring 'I don't do this humour'.


1537: Michael is in the diary room making his nominations. The others are in the living room having a chat and a laugh



Hmmmm.....something not quite right there......15:05-Romeo's last to nominate....15:21-nominations are over....15:37-Michael's now nominating.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

1636: Romeo is telling Andrew about how his dreams came true


1642: Andrew on his looks: 'I might be someone's ice cream, and another person's carrot' (Can this man not talk in anything but clichÃĐs? And is ice-cream the most he can aspire to?)


1659: Romeo is chopping some vegetables for tonight's dinner as instructed by Natalie. ( So how many 'Andrew' carrots are there? )

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

1826: It's dinner time in the House. Everyone's playing a part and Frankie peeled a carrot.


18:47 - The housemates are tucking into a delicious looking dinner.


19:08 - The housemates are clearing up after dinner. We've not had any housework arguments just yet: is it only a matter of time?


1917: Kirk is showing his domestic god side tonight by taking charge of the dish washing.


1926: Domestic Kirk is threatening to mop the floor tomorrow. *steady on son*

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

1934: The Twins and Georgia are tentatively checking out the jacuzzi. They've decided against it.

1953: BB has just revealed to the HMs who's up for nominations this week. Georgia and Andrew are receiving hugs now

1954: Georgia and Andrew have gone out into the Garden to talk about being nominated. The rest have gone into the Bedroom.

1955: The twins have gone out into the Garden to comfort Andrew and Georgia. Georgia seems quite shocked but Andrew appears calm.

2010: Denise is looking forward to getting dressed up on eviction night. Natalie's looking forward to putting her pyjamas on tonight.


20:30 - Romeo and Andrew are discussing voting. Romeo thinks that 'it's a heartless process'. Andrew's not looking too happy

2047: A meeting has been called. Andrew - "Look, nominations happen, let's all just enjoy the rest of our time here."

21:06 - Nicola thinks that Michael has found nominations hard today. He has looked a bit concerned since the announcements 

21:17 - Conversation has turned to tattoos and surgery. Frankie is keen on getting a few more tattoos done

2136: The twins are telling the HMs about the times they've switched with each other. The bulk of times were in high school.

21:52 - The housemates are about to get started on a game of charades in the living room. They're one big happy family right now! 


2240: The HMs have received some family pictures. Micheal had a moment with his but Andrew was there for him


2252: Nicola and Natalie are talking about their kids and how difficult it is to get them to wear a hat.


2259: Frankie's making Michael a sandwich. Frankie - "What flavour crisps do you want?" ( )


23:09 - Most of the housemates are playing a game of 20 questions in the garden - they're getting very animated here!


What do you think Natalie is holding?


23:20 - Kirk's taken it up a notch now - it's spin the bottle time! Frankie and Kirk the only two to have kissed so far...

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

0032: Frankie and Kirk are talking about dealing with crying fans. Frankie "I felt kinda bad because she was crying but what could I do."


0038: The Twins are asking Gareth and Natalie if "Geordie is like a state around here?"


0040: The twins are now stressing the importance of meat in their diets, as it helps them keep their figures (and booty's)


0044: Kirk's warned Romeo off bed because he's planning bed hopping...literally.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Morning all.  


0052: Denise's preferences when sleeping. She'd "rather be hot and have to get cold..." And now you know

0102: Kirk to Frankie and Georgia - "How many times can I tell a girl I fancy here." 17times in the 1/2 hour's quite a few right?

0109: Frankie seems to have gone off the Twins since they said he wouldn't be able to get into the playboy mansion. 


0120: Kirk has put in a stupendous amount of work on woo-ing Georgia tonight. Stupendous!!! 

0121: Kirk to Georgia - "If I get a tattoo of a girl that looks like you on my leg, would you go out with me?"

0131: Kirk, Georgia and Frankie are planning a holiday together. Kirk's hoping Georgia isn't evicted on wednesday...

Andrew's feeling judged by his fellow housemates after being placed up for eviction...   

01:59 - Kirk: 'I google myself every morning'


0814: The sound of snoring fills what would otherwise be a very peaceful bedroom 

0828: With more than one person snoring, an awful duet of snores is performing for the bedroom 

0835: One of the boys (Frankie we think) has started talking in his sleep. The words were hard to make out

0842: One of the twins is up and off to the loo. It's nearly time to get Day 5 started 

0901: The lights are on! Housemates are beginning to rise

0905: Kirk has awoke in a temper. According to Kirk, someone has tipped crisps on his bed 

0911: Frankie too has fallen victim to crispgate

0917:Michael tells Frankie that he tossed a pillow at him for snoring last night

0921: Natalie, Nicola, and Natasha are talking about Andrew's sensitive reaction to the news he's up for eviction this week. 

0924: Michael's telling Frankie not to smoke. Frankie says he needs one after the crisp thing


0932: Gareth and Michael are in the gym as usual. Today the twins have joined them for a workout. Andrew is doing laps of the pool 

0948: Someone just mentioned they need a shower, Frankie sulkily responded "So do I, I smell of cheese & onion".

0952: Frankie won't let  go. Nicola just owned up to it and told him it was her. He is threatening revenge! 


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