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2141: Frankie just put his picture and the twins pictures in his bed. sublte, eh?


2148: BB is playing pour some sugar on me (def leppard). Frankie & Michael have just poured sugar & water on Kristina as requested!


2151:Frankie: "I hope they play that in slow-mo." (about pouring sugar water on the Kristina)


2159: BB is playing Jump around especially for Mr. Best Body Gareth!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

2206: The twins, Denise and Frankie are getting down with their bad selves. Gareth is singing and dancing from his chair.


2210: It's getting pretty gangster up in that House. Frankie is leading a little routine with the twins in tow


2217: Michael and the twins are hiding wine in Michael's cowboy boots


2226: The twins are creating some sort of love nest by sprinkling rose petals and draping throws on the bedroom couch

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

2243: The twins are pretty hyper tonight, running around creating a love nest. Big Brother has called them in for a chat


2246: Frankie: "It's me and Michael against the world". Michael: "I don't even know what this show is about".


2252: Denise is telling Michael that his moods can be up & down and she's sick of walking on egg shells around everyone

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

2328: The twins and Frankie are making some night time snacks


2349: The twins and Frankie are the only housemates left awake. They're in the living room hoping for more fun tonight.


Read all about the Big Brother awards ceremony here:


0007: The twins are the only housemates awake & are chatting in the garden.


0017: Someone is snoring very loudly!


0044: Frankie is annoyed that he can't fall asleep.


0142: Frankie has gone into the diary room for a late night chat.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

1 hour ago

After their decadent last supper as so kindly provided by Big Brother, the housemates all sat on the sofa and waited for the Celebrity Big Brother awards ceremony. Denise wasted no time in asking for one more glass of wine to get the party started.


The housemates were guessing who could be the possible awards presenter. The twins declared they would love it if it were Jedward, but Frankie was not happy at the prospect of them doing so and sternly added, "If they come in, I am not talking to them." Perhaps he was still upset about them demanding a lock of his hair. Just as the ceremony was to begin Frankie added, " If I don’t get best hair I am going to be f****d off." The twins reckoned Frankie could be the new Austin Powers. Now that is a vision.


First to be called to present an award were the twins who handed out 'best body' to (surprise surprise) Gareth.  Upon hearing the news Michael jumped on top of Gareth and hugged him vigorously exclaiming tearfully and sarcastically, "I can't believe it!"  The sexiest housemate as presented by Michael was won by the suave and sophisticated Romeo. The twins accepted the awards on his behalf but jokingly stated they "should have won".


Next up was the award for best hair and Frankie made no secret of his desire to win. Luckily it was a joint win for both him and Romeo, who also won the award for best 'smelling'.  Michael stated: "Romeo doesn’t even have f****n hair." When accepting his award, Frankie thanked the one person who made it all possible –his hairdresser.  Frankie also won the most irritating housemate. Gareth jumped out of his seat and declared in laughter, "I voted you!" Frankie ecstatically confirmed, "I am an absolute demon at these awards!" After the ceremony Big Brother himself surprised the giddy housemates with some music. The twins in particular were very happy that their favourite song 'Pour some sugar on me' by Def Leppard was played. In fact Kristina was so excited, she asked Frankie to pour sugar water over her. Of course he kindly obliged.


Are these celebrities deserving of such prestigious awards and do you agree that the right people won? Let us know what you think.


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 22: Introducing... Mankie!

12 hours ago

This morning, something seems to be missing in the House for Denise. She's gone about her usual morning routine, having a chat with all of the other housemates. This time, though, she's had a conversation with Michael, which she regards as a bit odd. In fact, the usual "morning Michael" seems a lot cheerier than usual to Denise. He's even started singing and singing showtunes, no less. What's going on here, then?

Michael's usual rants about Denise have been non-existent today, and he's seemed happier on the whole. He's been growling away like usual, but his noises might not be aggressive ones today. Is Michael happy to make the final of the show, or is he just looking forward to leaving the House altogether?

It's hard to tell, all that we know is that we never expected to see a Cocozza-Madsen musical medley this morning. Mankie? Who knows, maybe the two have found a new double act for when they leave? We're not sure how Kirk would feel about that one...

Although Denise seems a little uneasy on the subject, she seems happy that he's been a little more attentive to her, and patient. Will things stay this way, though?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 22: Michael and Karissa reveal their true feelings about last night's eviction

9 hours ago

Michael and Karissa discuss why they believe Nicola and Romeo were evicted. And surprise surprise, Denise is also hot topic of conversation. Michael has a strong theory on why she is still in the Big Brother House.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 22: Domesticated double

7 hours ago

Twins oven story

After Nicola (the mother figure) was evicted from the House last night, the twins seem to have been making an effort to be more domesticated around the House today. The two are clearly learning a lot in the process, we're unsure what their exact cleaning role is in the Hugh Hefner mansion.


The twins have spent a lot of time scrubbing away at the kitchen, to clean up the House ready for tomorrow. They seem to be enjoying getting into a bit of dirt-busting work, and have proved that they're not afraid to put in a bit of elbow grease for the sake of the House.


There do appear to be a few small holes in their knowledge of the household, though. The twins seemed to take a little bit of time to identify the oven, with Karissa feeling the need to confirm that they'd found it: "this is the oven". After some discussion as to what strategy to take with the appliance ("what's that thing? Wanna press it?") the twins thought they'd finally got there. Unfortunately, though, they'd only succeeded in changing the time.


It was at this point that the twins felt the need to explain themselves to the cameras. "We've never used an English oven before, OK? We don't know how to do this stuff. It just has pictures, for 2 year olds" Karissa ranted. Eventually, though, the two got it working and were away. Soon enough, they were baking up a storm.


Our twins only have a day left, though: would they have become domestic goddesses were it not for Nicola's presence? We'll unfortunately never know. What we can confirm at this point is that they know how to use an oven.

It's the final week! Remember that your Facebook votes must be used prior to the end of the vote on Friday as they are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 22: The Celebrity Big Brother Awards 2012 - Part 1

2 hours ago

For their final day in the House, housemates voted for their end of season awards...and here are the gongs for Best Body, Best Hair and Best Smelling housemate.


Day 22: The Celebrity Big Brother 2012 - Part 2

1 hour ago

More awards from the house - Most Irritating Housemate, Sexiest Housemate and Funniest Housemate.

Day 22: The Celebrity Big Brother Awards 2012 - Part 3

1 hour ago

And the final award of the night is for Best Housemate. And the winner is...
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 22: Twins think they'll win

10 mins ago

Karissa and Kristina are confident of taking the prize tomorrow, mostly thanks to how British they've become.

Day 22: Round-up

11 hours ago

After an eventful evening with a double eviction the night before, housemates awoke this morning to sounds we simply cannot put into words – the culprit? Denise's nose.

The question on most our minds however, was whether or not the double eviction would take a toll on the final five and once again change House dynamics. Housemates remained very quiet and it seemed the departure of Romeo and Nicola had shaken things up once again.

On a lighter note, Michael seemed a lot chirpier in the morning (not his usual style), much to Denise's surprise. He even spent part of his day cheerily singing away with Frankie, a duo we like to call 'Mankie'. Michael sure was on top form, even giving our very own Marcus Bentley a run for his money in the narrating stakes.

Later on, Michael and Karissa teamed up to discussed why they believed Nicola and Romeo were evicted the night before. Surprise surprise, Denise was also hot topic of the conversation. Michael had a strong theory on why she remains in the Big Brother House.

The twins became domestic Goddesses for the day, filling the gap that was left following Nicola's departure. They surprised themselves by learning to use an 'English oven' for the first time (apparently different from American ovens) and were grateful for the pictorial guidelines.

That evening, Big Brother kindly threw the housemates a 'last supper' laying on the full works including food, drink, dessert, roses, candles and all. Everyone made an effort to dress up for it and it all went swimmingly well without a snipe or a snarl. Smiles all round.

After dinner the Celebrity Big Brother awards took place (as voted for by the housemates themselves). Awards went out for the best hair, best bod and most irritating, to name but a few. You can view the videos for this online here, here and here.

Most went to bed at a reasonable hour - the twins and Frankie rode it out until the early hours but didn't do much else other than make some midnight snacks. Frankie paid a few visits to the diary room and the twins had a sisterly conversation about their predictions on a win.

Today we find ourselves on the doorstep of the Celebrity Big Brother 2012 finale – and it's going to be bigger than ever. That much we can guarantee.

Denise, Gareth, Frankie, the Twins and Michael are all within a chance of being crowned winner. But as always, it's you the public that will decide. So get your votes in.

Please also remember that your Facebook votes must be used prior to the end of the vote on Friday as they are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

0810: The final few are having their last sleep in the Big Brother House! 

0821: The housemates are all cosy in bed for now, but soon they'll be woken up to face the final of Celebrity Big Brother 2012!

0833: Who's going to win? 


0843: Frankie for some reason is sleeping across two mattresses on the floor

0853: Denise has subconsciously decided that the housemates can have a break from her snoring. Isn't that nice of her?

0858: Denise's gift to the House in the form of not snoring has been undermined by Michael's effort to snore as much as possible 

0920: Is everyone excited for the final tonight? 


0927: Will the housemates miss Denise and Michael's snoring do we think?

0958: Housemates are still in bed but it's not long now until the final day of CBB kicks in!

1020: Frankie has cocooned himself inside of his duvet

1035: Michael's up and about 

1040: Before going about his morning routine, Michael takes a bow in the garden 

1050: The other housemates are still in bed as Michael prepares breakfast 

1101: Michael is sneezing in the most peculiar fashion 

1113: Michael makes a strange concoction for breakfast. Appetizing?  


big thanks to everybody who has posted the tweets in here. . you saved me a confusing trawl thru twitter cos I'm a lazy cah


here's hoping C5 realise they can use their red button on the box for LF without interrupting their other programmes  or get some money via selling  internet LF for the main show [add free] .. wishful thinking I suspect


Thanks guys! ~

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Sorry it`s late...catching up after the tennis....

1224: Gareth is up and embraces the day 

1242: Denise, Frankie and the twins are still in bed as the lights come on! 

1253: Michael's gone for a swim in the pool

1256: Gareth is shaving his head so that he's sufficiently bald for tonight 

1302: Gareth's routine workout is slightly later than usual

1316: The lights have been turned back off in the bedroom. Still it doesn't stop the twins from wearing their sunglasses

1322: Michael has joined Gareth in the gym. Michael practising his ultra cool walk on the treadmill for tonight 

1350: Everyone's up and it's a glorious day outside. The sun is shining and spirits are high

1407: Denise is packing her things for tonight 

1410: What will life after BB hold for our housemates?

(Don`t know but I know my family will be happy to have me back  

1418: Denise is taking some time to reflect in the garden 


1429: Housemates are all doing their own things within the House. The tension is high

1434: Frankie "Can't wait to go on the internet and watch a 'Star man' video of Andrew Stone's." 

1439: The twins are back in bed as Gareth, Denise and Frankie chat in the lounge

1452: Michael is lying on the floor as Denise, Frankie and Gareth pace around the House

1458:Frankie's feeling anxious about tonight. He tells Gareth that he's trying to figure out a way to kill time until it kicks off 

1502: Frankie and Gareth are talking about how Andrew left the House in a giant pumpkin 


Day 23:The morning of the final

1 hour ago


It's the day of the final, and as the last remaining housemates woke up this morning a wave of excitement spread around the House. Like an excited child, Frankie commented that he couldn't sleep because of all the nerves (or all the snoring)! In order to get a good night's kip, Frankie had made a makeshift double bed on the floor using two mattresses (how 'rock and roll'). Michael was first up this morning and decided that he would quite literally embrace the morning with open arms before taking a bow in the garden. Michael then sat gazing into the Jacuzzi and reflected (both literally and metaphorically).

Up next was Gareth, who paced around the House for a while before making his last Big Brother breakfast (which is just a regular breakfast but in the Big Brother House). As the Denise and Kristina eventually surfaced, they exchanged a cheerful high five to mark the occasion. Before long Gareth and Michael were sharing 'man time' in the gym where Gareth carried out his routine hardcore workout and Michael practised his ultra cool walk on the treadmill.


Any nerves were justified as tonight the winner of Celebrity Big Brother 2012 will be announced. So will it be Gareth, Frankie, Denise, Michael or the twins? Each housemate has their fair share of ups and downs in the House and it's fair to say that each one has brought something different.


As well as being energetic and fun, Gareth has been quite a father figure. Frankie has been a 'Jack the lad' type, through which he's displayed a loveable charm. Denise has played the mother and has certainly been on a rollercoaster of emotions. Michael has been cool ad funny whilst making sure he had his fair share of the drama. The twins have been confident and exciting and have certainly made their mark upon the House. But which housemate should win? There's only one way to make sure that your favourite housemate comes out on top so get voting!


It’s the final night! Remember that your facebook votes MUST be used prior to the end of the vote tonight as they are non-refundable and non-transferable




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