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Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Scotty:


0941: The lights are on in the bedroom, but the housemates don't seem too keen on getting up. How would you wake our celebrities? 

(water cannon) 




Great work Scotty thank you    <<<< bottle of Scotch for Burns night  

Oooh thank you rosie    I`ll have wee dram wi ma tatties, haggis n neep..och aye! 


Day 20: Task reveal - Flour mountain

1 hour ago


The housemates will be called to the diary room one by one, where they’ll face a mountain of flour. Hidden in the flour is a cinema ticket. All housemates have to do is find the ticket as quickly as possible. However, they will be blindfolded and must have their hands behind their back, meaning they must dig through the flour with their faces. It may even resemble that famous scene from 'Scarface'.


If the ticket falls out of the mountain and off the tray, then their attempt will be deemed a fail. Housemates are not allowed to blow the flour. As soon as the housemates have the ticket, they will hold it between their teeth to show Big Brother that they have been successful. The housemate who finds the cinema ticket in the quickest time will be able to pick a fellow housemate to enjoy a cinema night in the small task room. Will it be a tough decision for the winner and will the losers take it graciously?

One thing we know for sure is that you must keep it here to see how it all works out. 






1732: The housemates are discussing tactics for the task 

1736:Frankie has emerged from the diary room with his face covered in flour. Gareth is up next

1744: Gareth is out of the diary room. He's looking confident about the task 

1747: Nicola is worried about the task given her bad gag reflex 

1752: Karissa is gloating about how well she's done with the task 

1755: Karissa - "That was the easiest task I've ever done!"

1806: Michaels up next. He energetically jumps from the sofa 

1807: Frankie and Gareth are talking about girly films 


1810: Michael is out of the diary room. On being asked how the task went, he made a strange grunting noise 

1824: Nicola is out next with her face covered in flour

1825: Romeo's up next. Will he manage to make even sticking his face in flour look cool?

1831: With all the white flour on her face, Nicola is worried that her teeth look yellow in comparison 

1841: The housemates are all awaiting the results of the task! 


1848: The housemates are talking about celebrity children. 

1849: Michael's lying on the floor hugging a black cushion


( wish I was a black cushion   )

1855:Big Brother has announced that the winner of the task is....Romeo! Romeo has won a cinema night with a housemate of his choice

1856: Denise came last by quite a long way 

1859: After announcing all of the housemates times, BB has given the housemates permission to wash their faces.


2026: Whilst Romeo and Frankie spend a night at the movies, the other housemates play a game in the lounge

2035: Nicola is teaching Michael how to play rock paper scissors.

2047: Nicola is talking to Karissa whilst taking a bath

2047: Nicola is talking about the price of bread with the twins whilst she has a bath.

2052: Who do you think will be evicted next? Get your opinions in! 


Day 20: Escape to flour mountain

22 mins ago


The times are in for today's task and we've found out that some housemates are very talented at finding movie stubs in piles of flour. With a movie night for themselves and a housemate of their choice the housemates went all out on this task.


The task took part in the diary room, with all the housemates going in to search separately. After returning from the diary room, all of the housemates had thick white beards, with some off the housemates even having to pick out flour  from their noses.  


Well anyway, down to the crunch;


Romeo took the prize – finding his movie stub in an astounding 4 seconds.


Nicola and Gareth didn't do too badly and the twins also racked up decent times. However, poor Denise and Frankie were fighting an uphill battle against the flour mountain. Here are the times –


Romeo               0:04:00          1st place

Nicola                 0:04:05         2nd place

Gareth                0:04:75          3rd place

Kristina               0:12:28          4th place

Karissa               0:16:76          5th place

Michael          0:20:09          6th place

Frankie               0:37:82          7th place

Denise                1:08:92          8th place



Once Big Brother announced that Romeo was the fastest to conqueror flour mountain, they asked the south London musician to select which housemate he would be taking with him. Romeo being democratic, put it to the housemates to scramble for the ticket. Frankie and Karissa were the keenest of all the housemates, so they rock paper scissored for the movie.  Frankie came out on top unleashing  scissors on Karissa's paper. If only all disagreements could be settle this way.


It’s the final week! Remember that your facebook votes MUST be used prior to the end of the vote on Friday as they are non-refundable and non-transferable






2340: "I'm allergic to cold things, and hot things," says Nicola.

2348: Big Brother is playing some Motown into the House. Better clutch onto those trousers this time Karissa

0001: It's heating up in the House. The drinks are flowing, the music is up and spirits are high 

0004: The music over, housemate’s chill out in the living room

0008: Romeo and Frankie are talking about raves they've been to 


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