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2105: It's take-out time in the BB House. The housemates are really excited. 

2113: The housemates opted for a Chinese as their take-away. Gareth isn't too happy at the amount of sauce he got

2127: Nicola has over salted her food and now she is parched. Gareth's offering up food facts. 

2138: Nicola has just said that she'd love to have twins. Gareth has said "good, I could do with a good christening." 

2200 Denise is talking about ice skating and how she picked up again after so many years. Gareth - "Yeh...It's like riding a bike" 

2217: Frankie has called it a night and climbed into bed. Ahhh bless, the little fella's all tuckered out.

2226: Gareth, Romeo and Nicola are talking about 'Bit on the Side' 

2234: Nicola says that there's no way that she'd want to come back to the BB House. Romeo agrees.

2238: Romeo and the twins are in the Garden. Everyone else is calling it a night and headed for the bedroom

Last edited by Scotty

2336: Kristina has been called to the diary room whilst trying to tidy the kitchen 

2343: Karissa is left to do the washing up by herself 

2344: Frankie is up and about. He walks to the kitchen to get a drink. Conversation with Karissa seems a tad awkward 

2347: Kristina has exited the diary with a sour look on her face. She's not in the best of moods

2351: After last nights events, who's going to be evicted next? 


0818: Good morning! We can hear the faint sound of snoring..... 

0847: Michael has just rolled over and put his cap on. He is up and about.

0855:Michael is staring into the fridge. Perhaps he should wake Nicola? Maybe she'll make some brekkie. 

0902: Michael is brushing his teeth in the garden.

0915: Michael's still the only one up. He's washing his clothes in the bath, and staring into space. What is he thinking about?

0927: Michael's gone for a stroll in the garden, and is having a rather one-sided chat with Big Brother. 

0941: The lights are on in the bedroom, but the housemates don't seem too keen on getting up. How would you wake our celebrities? 

(water cannon) 

0952:Michael is working hard in the gym while the others are still tucked up on bed. 


1211: Frankie just told Denise & Gareth that his chats with Big Bro in the diary room make him laugh.

1221: Gareth is telling Frankie he needs a shave as his beard is out of control!

1231: Nicola, the twins & Gareth are talking about saucy pictures. Oh my. 

1243: Gareth, Nicola and Frankie are talking about football in the living room


Day 20: The ghost of Andrew Stone

1 hour ago


With the end drawing close, our housemates have spent the morning reminiscing over their time in the House. One housemate in particular has been cropping up in conversation a lot...

After his name was mentioned in a few conversations this morning, the ghost of Andrew Stone came to haunt our celebrities. Denise found a prop from the fairytale task in the bedroom, which had previously belonged to the 'beast' himself, and promptly showed it to the others. Upon seeing it, Gareth jokily commented: "he's still here with us, he'll never leave!" It raised a smile in Frankie and Nicola too, who seemed happy to hear about the 'starman'. Denise then set off to show the hand to Michael: unfortunately, though, he didn't respond particularly positively.


As soon as Michael saw Denise approaching, he instantly retreated to the bathroom, muttering "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no" under his breath. Although on first glance this may have looked like a dig at Andrew Stone, this wasn't the case at all.


Michael then began one of his famous rants on the 'Loose Women' presenter. Nicola was present, but wasn't particularly active in the conversation. "Does she ever stop talking for five minutes?", he moaned.  He then went on to ask, "is it getting to you as much as it's getting to me?"


We're not sure that it's getting to anyone quite as much as it's getting to you, Michael! At least Andrew Stone's mention cheered most of our celebrities up, anyway. It won't be long till they'll be able to see him on the outside...


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