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2146: Frankie and Nicola are discussing meeting up when they're out of the house - in Frankie's garage, to drink cider. 

2149: Kirk is explaining how low it's acceptable to wear one's trousers. 

2150: Frankie - "What do you call a bloke with no shins? Toe-knee." 

2156: Frankie, Kirk, Gareth and Andrew are playing "See You At The Bottom" - a drinking game involving bottled beer.


2208: Romeo, Michael and Denise believe that the effects of "See You At The Bottom" is that the boys are "going down".

2214: Big Brother has warned the housemates not to kiss the cameras.

The irony ^^^  

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Hey erin - where are you?  


Get yourself in here..the noo!     

She hasnt signed in since Dec 30th 

That`s odd Skylark. Maybe she`s on holiday, although I think she would have said before she left. 


erin, if you`re reading - pop in and say hello.  

Just popped in to say Hi and thankyou for your concern. I have been taping the show and watching it in the wee small hours.My mum became ill on Christmas Eve,the news we got was not good. Miss you guys


2222: Frankie has finally plucked up the courage to ask the twins about the Playboy mansion


2254: Michael has taken to the bedroom to rearrange his wardrobe.Romeo has just done some MC-ing for everyone else in the kitchen.


2301: Denise has started to sing now and everyone else has broken into song and dance with her. Next up - Andrew


2304: Gareth's just done a number for the HMs. Frankie doesn't seem too interested in joining in


2314: Some of the housemates have gone out to the garden. Kirk has made sure he's in the space next to Georgia

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

2320: Gareth and Kirk are playing some ball-less form of rugby. Nicola has decided to jump on Gareth to give Kirk a hand.


2330: The HMs are all really impressed with Kirk's voice, so he's doing a whole medley of tunes for their pleasure.


2339: Kirk was showing his rapping prowess and then BAM!!! Gareth offered him out in a rap battle. It's on!


2341: Gareth destroyed it in two lines! Kirk's decided to stay seated. Natalie has stepped up to the mic


2350: The Twins are getting Kirk to do accents. He's having a bad attempt at a southern american accent.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

0034: Michael's talking about how hard it is to take on some of the characters he has played over the years.


0106: All of the housemates have retired for the night except for Natalie, Kirk and Nicola. They're joking about in the bathroom.


0113: Kirk has gone to the Diary room. Natalie is having a tidy up in the Garden. Everyone else is sound asleep

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Hey erin - where are you?  


Get yourself in here..the noo!     

She hasnt signed in since Dec 30th 

That`s odd Skylark. Maybe she`s on holiday, although I think she would have said before she left. 


erin, if you`re reading - pop in and say hello.  

Just popped in to say Hi and thankyou for your concern. I have been taping the show and watching it in the wee small hours.My mum became ill on Christmas Eve,the news we got was not good. Miss you guys

Sorry to hear that erin 


0155: Kirk, Natalie and Nicola are still up, talking about Essex life. Sweet nothings and snores can be heard from the bedroom


0824: Lights are still out, all are asleep except for the twins who are lying wide awake in bed together, whispering


0852: Lights have been turned on, but everyone seems quiet and sleepy. Not a word spoken yet. Frankie is hiding under the duvet


0906: It's Sunday morning, and sunglasses all-round. Oh these celebrities...


0913: Michael was the first in the gym, now joined by Kirk and Gareth who are manically doing press ups.


0932: Frankie is struggling to remember some of last night's events in a conversation with Kirk in the garden


0942: Frankie and Kirk are talking about women whilst Romeo, Andrew and Gareth work out in the gym. There's a lot of testosterone flying...


0943: No guy ever looked as cool on a treadmill..(Not sure which 'GUY' they're talking about)

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing


0824: Lights are still out, all are asleep except for the twins who are laying wide awake in bed together, whispering

0852: Lights have been turned on, but everyone seems quiet and sleepy. Not a word spoken yet. Frankie is hiding under the duvet 

0906: It's Sunday morning, and sunglasses all-round. Oh these celebrities..

0913: Michael was the first in the gym, now joined by Kirk and Gareth who are manically doing press ups.

0932: Frankie is struggling to remember some of last night's events in a conversation with Kirk in the garden

0942: Frankie and Kirk are talking about women whilst Romeo, Andrew and Gareth work out in the gym. There's a lot of testosterone flying..

0943: No guy ever looked as cool on a treadmill.


Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Hey erin - where are you?  


Get yourself in here..the noo!     

She hasnt signed in since Dec 30th 

That`s odd Skylark. Maybe she`s on holiday, although I think she would have said before she left. 


erin, if you`re reading - pop in and say hello.  

Just popped in to say Hi and thankyou for your concern. I have been taping the show and watching it in the wee small hours.My mum became ill on Christmas Eve,the news we got was not good. Miss you guys

I`m sorry to hear that erin. 


I`m glad to see you back and posting. I hope it helps to take your mind of things.  xxx

Last edited by Scotty

Day 4: What you may have missed

1 hour ago

The celebrities started the yesterday on the right foot , saying that, some of the housemates were a bit eggy to start with.  Superbody Jodie Marsh turned up the heat in the morning and took the housemates for a work out day from heaven in yesterday’s ‘Survival of the Fittest’ Task. The housemates were split into two teams. A red team lead by Romeo, consisting of Karissa, Andrew, Natalie, Georgia and a blue team,  lead by Gareth, consisting of the rest of the housemates.

The housemates took part in 4 task challenges (For the low down watch the video’s here). In the end the red team were victorious and were rewarded with a 3 course meal cooked by celebrity chef Aldo Zilli. It wasn’t all bad for the blue team, who had Nicola cook them a bruschetta starter, and then got to hoover up what the red team left behind.

After a hard day’s workout and a hearty meal the housemates felt an entitlement to let their hair down and let it down they did. Lead by a performance by Romeo of one of his chart classics (let’s just say he performed it in 21 seconds) the housemates erupted into a great big sing-along. Denise, Gareth and the Twins all took turns to sing some of their fave party classics but the show stopper was Kirk with some serious crooning. Surprisingly Andrew and Frankie took a step back from any performing, Andrew because he hadn’t warmed up his voice and Frankie because he was a bit grumpy because the twins were teasing him.

All in all, the Love like the bubbly was flowing, with Frankie and Kirk’s bromance shinning, the twins coming out of their shells and Denise and Nicola’s heart to heart.  Well, at 4 days in, everyone seems to be getting on dandy but will everything be as rosy today?


Day 4: Workout with the stars

52 mins ago


 Spending three weeks in an enclosed space away from home it could be very easy to let yourself go. In the light of this housemates were making the most of the Big Brother gym this morning...Or at least trying to.

Not long after waking up this morning Michael, Kirk, Andrew and Gareth made their way to the Big Brother gym and demonstrated varying workout techniques. These techniques ranged from Gareth’s hardcore no holds barred style (consisting of 100 press-ups and countless abdominal crunches) right down to Andrew’s strange but unique ‘lying on a ball’ drill in which Andrew...well...lay on a ball. Kirk tagged along with Gareth’s routine for as long as was physically possible to do so whilst Michael practiced his ultra cool ‘Reservoir Dogs’ walk on the treadmill with his sunglasses still on. Good to know he hasn’t lost it. As the housemates trundle deeper into the Big Brother process who knows what weird and wonderful sights the Big Brother gym will bring us.     



Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

"Surprisingly Andrew and Frankie took a step back from any performing, Andrew because he hadn’t warmed up his voice...."



I laughed out loud at that Fluffy! 


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