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Day 18: Tired of the snoring

1 hour ago


Denise has woken up feeling rather embarrassed about her nocturnal activities last night. The 'Loose Women' presenter's snoring has been irritating the other housemates for some time now: last night, Michael and the twins felt the need to attempt to wake Denise up, but their efforts came to no avail. There's been a lot of talk about it this morning…


Nicola was one of the first housemates to bring up the matter with Big Brother in the diary room earlier. She was clearly tired of it, but felt that she couldn't do anything about it: 'I feel for Denise and Michael, because you can't help it', she confided. Romeo discussed it directly with Denise, saying that he thought Michael may have been a bit hypocritical in trying to wake Denise up: although the actor wasn't doing it last night, the housemates have frequently joked around with Michael about his own snoring habits.


The twins and Gareth have also discussed these matters this morning. Denise has made a point of approaching almost all of the housemates to apologise: she had no idea that they'd tried to wake her last night at all! Earlier she (rather dramatically) summed up the situation to the twins: 'if you put me in a room full of people who can't sleep, I'll make enemies'.


Strong words! Will Denise be making any enemies in the House with her snoring? Or will the other housemates choose to simply forget about it, and put the whole thing to bed? We'll find out over the coming days…




Day 18: Nominations renounced

56 mins ago


The housemates earlier discovered that they wouldn't have to nominate, and that the public will now be voting for their winner. This revelation has spread a wave of optimism around the House, and made some of our celebrities go all soppy about Big Brother life…


After hearing the announcement, Gareth told Big Brother earlier that everyone's now "really getting on" (other than Denise and Michael, of course). The thought of nominating in such a harmonious House may have been stressing some of the celebrities out for some time: without any obvious housemates to vote for, the process can be a tough one. The twins and Romeo agreed with Gareth, that they felt much better now they didn’t have to nominate. Romeo congratulated the other housemates after the announcement, rejoicing in the fact that the housemates didn't "need to think" anymore.


Although Michael was decidedly pleased about the matter too, he gave a new angle to the renouncement of nominations in the diary room earlier. "I guess it's good news, but if we're not going to do that, then what are we going to do? There's a new feeling of instability".


All of the housemates appear to be pleased about this, but will a lack of purpose set in? Will the housemates be glad that the public now control their futures, or did any of them want to nominate to ensure that they made the final? Although the answers to these questions might be revealed soon, it's now up to you to decide who the winner of Celebrity Big Brother 2012 will be. If you've not quite made up your mind yet, you can stay here to find out all about the 7 prospective winners.




1459: Frankie's taking part in a spelling bee. He's spelling words, and if he gets them right the House will be rewarded 

1509: Frankie's been asked to spell 'hierarchy'. He's asked if they mean 'pierarchy' or 'hierarchy'. They mean hierarchy, Frankie 

1512: We forgot to mention: when Frankie gets a word wrong, the other bees in the garden will get a tiny electric shock...

1517: The twins aren't happy at Big Bro for shocking them. If Frankie gets 3 more words right, there'll be a party

1532: Frankie's not managed to get the three more right, but has still won the housemates some booze for later.

1551: The housemates seem very happy with Frankie's efforts, and he is too 


1610: The twins are in the diary room, having a chat with Big Brother. Meanwhile, Gareth's having a sleep in the living room 

1630: Romeo's doing his washing, whilst chatting with the twins and Michael. Big Brother is talking to Frankie about his task

1651: Frankie's teasing the other housemates, saying he's just nominated and that the others will soon: he hasn't, and they won't! 

1709: Housemates have been orderd to leave the bedroom by Big Brother 


1740:Gareth and Frankie are having a laugh in the kitchen


1752enise and the twins are preparing some food for everyone


1800: Romeo's taking a little kip on the sofa whilst Gareth sits with legs crossed and arms spread out like a mafia boss


1812: Frankie says he would have walked out the door if he'd have been booed like the twins were

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1459: Frankie's taking part in a spelling bee. He's spelling words, and if he gets them right the House will be rewarded 

1509: Frankie's been asked to spell 'hierarchy'. He's asked if they mean 'pierarchy' or 'hierarchy'. They mean hierarchy, Frankie 

1512: We forgot to mention: when Frankie gets a word wrong, the other bees in the garden will get a tiny electric shock...

1517: The twins aren't happy at Big Bro for shocking them. If Frankie gets 3 more words right, there'll be a party

1532: Frankie's not managed to get the three more right, but has still won the housemates some booze for later.

1551: The housemates seem very happy with Frankie's efforts, and he is too 

Just watching that task! I would have thought that K & K's butt implants would have provided some insulation from the shocks. Apparently not!

Denise and Frankie are talking about Nicola. They think she's two faced, but what do you guys think?
1815: Denise is talking about how she misses Natalie
1834: Gareth is having a rant about car insurance over the dinner table
1845: Romeo and Frankie are in the garden talking about Nicola
1852: Romeo 'Dunn' some bitching with Frankie

1900: Nicola is moaning about BB waking her up in the mornings


1912: Gareth & Denise are talking about nominations. Well no need to worry now...         

Last edited by Former Member

Day 18: Frankie's spelling bee

3 hours ago


Earlier, Frankie was tested on his brains in Big Brother's latest task. He was called to the diary room to take part in a spelling bee, to see if he could win his fellow hive members a party for later on. Unfortunately for his fellow celebrities, though, this task was a bit of a shocker: for every answer that Frankie got wrong, his housemates would be given a sting in the bum via a small electric shock.


Our queen bee has admitted that he's not the best at spelling in the past, and so wasn't best pleased when he discovered his task. 'You know I can't spell, Big Brother', he protested. After a few minutes of complaining, Big Brother kick-started the task by asking Frankie to spell the word 'Chrysanthemum'. Easy! For some reason Frankie didn't seem to know how to spell this word, which is obviously one of the cornerstones of the English language. Consequentially, his fellow celebrities were given a sting!


Karissa and Kristina were particularly unhappy about this section of the task. They felt that Big Brother might have been slightly harsh on the 19-year old, encouraging them to 'bee easy' on him. Geddit? As Frankie spelled more and more words wrong, the twins became increasingly annoyed, culminating in Karissa yelling 'I know where you live, Big Brother!' These two aren't to be messed with…


Other words that Big Brother threw at Frankie included chlorophyll, nectar and pollen. When Frankie got the latter right, he exclaimed 'you know that pollen s**t', which amused Nicola in the garden massively.  He struggled a little with 'hierarchy', asking if Big Brother had meant 'pierarchy' or 'hierarchy'. Big Brother did mean 'hierarchy', which unfortunately Frankie didn't know. Amongst Frankie's correct spellings were stigma and reproduction, a word which presumably Frankie is all too familiar with.


Frankie ended up scoring enough correct words to gift his housemates with some booze for later, but was unsuccessful in winning a party for them. He's proved his brains, though, regardless: well done Frankie!




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