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Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Hey erin - where are you?  


Get yourself in here..the noo!     

She hasnt signed in since Dec 30th 

That`s odd Skylark. Maybe she`s on holiday, although I think she would have said before she left. 


erin, if you`re reading - pop in and say hello.  

hope Erin's ok 


tied up with other things for a while Scotty - will try and help asap 


Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Hey erin - where are you?  


Get yourself in here..the noo!     

She hasnt signed in since Dec 30th 

That`s odd Skylark. Maybe she`s on holiday, although I think she would have said before she left. 


erin, if you`re reading - pop in and say hello.  

hope Erin's ok 


tied up with other things for a while Scotty - will try and help asap 


No problem at all MrsH.    I`ve not got anything to do today so I`m fine holding the fort. 


Yes, I hope erin is ok too.  


1536: The garden task has been revealed to the housemates - a large crane has been erected above the house dangling a ladder 

1546: Housemates are taking it in turn to attempt to climb the dangling ladder in height stages. Romeo is up now.

1548: Romeo is about to race Gareth up the ladder...Gareth's team has acrewed more time than Romeo in the earlier tasks...

1602: The blue team have won! Gareth climbed to the top of that ladder! What did they win.... Some delicious we think. 


I think we should post the live stuff as it happens, results and all. After all. if we had true live feed we'd all be watching it, but still be watching the HLs as well - and commenting on how dreadful/biased the editing was - as has been the case in previous years.


As I remember it, if we didn't want to know the results until the HLs then we just steered clear of all live stuff.


Perhaps MrsH could edit the title to say '....including task results'....just to be absolutely clear.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I think we should post the live stuff as it happens, results and all. After all. if we had true live feed we'd all be watching it, but still be watching the HLs as well - and commenting on how dreadful/biased the editing was - as has been the case in previous years.


As I remember it, if we didn't want to know the results until the HLs then we just steered clear of all live stuff.


Perhaps MrsH could edit the title to say '....including task results'....just to be absolutely clear.

Good points Fluffy and I like the idea of MrsH editing the title. 



Originally Posted by Scotty:

I`ve got a bit of a dilemma....


I don`t know whether we should post the results of the tasks or not. 


I`m a bit concerned it spoils it for when you watch the show. There`s a solution if it does. 

We could post the updates of the ongoing tasks but not the results.


What do you think? 



Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I think we should post the live stuff as it happens, results and all. After all. if we had true live feed we'd all be watching it, but still be watching the HLs as well - and commenting on how dreadful/biased the editing was - as has been the case in previous years.


As I remember it, if we didn't want to know the results until the HLs then we just steered clear of all live stuff.


Perhaps MrsH could edit the title to say '....including task results'....just to be absolutely clear.

I am not convinced we are getting everything through Twitter etc 


there were very long gaps yesterday - 13 people couldnt have been doing nothing for this length of time  plus the exclusives BOTS throws in havnt been Twittered so I would say post what comes through 


I am sure we covered what we found for the normal one didnt we 


I will edit title to cover us 



1817: Denise & Natalie are talking about today's work out Task. Denise is saying "it looks like someone has drawn abs on me now!" 

1821: The guys are talking about bones they've broken over the years. Frankie's added that getting winded is pretty painful. 

1835: Andrew and Romeo are talking about how brave you have to be to play rugby. Romeo - "Yeah, it's like going to war on a pitch" 

Originally Posted by MrsH:


I am not convinced we are getting everything through Twitter etc 


there were very long gaps yesterday - 13 people couldnt have been doing nothing for this length of time  plus the exclusives BOTS throws in havnt been Twittered so I would say post what comes through 


I am sure we covered what we found for the normal one didnt we 


I will edit title to cover us 


I've noticed that MrsH. Sometimes I've had to update the Twitter Page several times to get stuff that Scotty was posting but was missing from what I was seeing. S I'm seriously believing we might not be getting everything, but at least we're getting a goodly amount of what's going on.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:


I've noticed that MrsH. Sometimes I've had to update the Twitter Page several times to get stuff that Scotty was posting but was missing from what I was seeing. S I'm seriously believing we might not be getting everything, but at least we're getting a goodly amount of what's going on.

the sooner they realise us die hard followers need the whole picture in one place the better 


social media isnt really that good for giving us that when they drip feed bits here and there 



earlier viewing tonight  Ladies 


08.30pm -09.45pm  CBB  5


09.40pm - 10.40pm   BOTS  5*


1847: Romeo - "What were we wearing today...hotpants?" Kirk - " N'ah, they were shorter than hotpants!"

1854: Nicola, Gareth and Natasha are talking about the cost of children in the bedroom. The twins have rolled over

1858: Gareth and Kirk are talking about the perils of wearing jeans as tight as Frankie's

1915: Natalie, Natasha, Nicola and Gareth are making up their own words to a couple garage classics in the bedroom.

1923: Natalie and Nicola are up doing the running man now. Andrew's looking for a moment to cut into their routine.


1926: Frankie's bottom is out...again.

1932: The inevitable tattoo conversation has sparked up since Frankie's show of flesh. Natasha's said she'd get a sleeve if she were braver.

1940: Romeo and Andrew are having a heart to heart about dominant characters. No names mentioned as of yet. 

1944: Romeo has expressed to Andrew that salsa dance interest him a lot... Not for the dancing but the women. 

1945: Today's task winner's, the Red team have left the bedroom to be greeted by celebrity chef Aldo Zilli. Lotta of lip licking.

1958: Frankie, Romeo, Natalie, Andrew, Georgia and Karissa have sat down for their reward. A three course meal by Aldo Zilli. 


2009: Aldo is joking with Nicola that he's going to crash on the sofa tonight. 

2020: Nicola has cooked the blue team a bruschetta to rival Aldo's 3 course meal. Well it nearly rivals the starter.

2031: Aldo is wandering round the table, serving salad. 

2042: Aldo is putting the finishing touches to his lovely tiramasu. 

2058: The task losers are sneaking some leftovers while the housemates say goodbye to Aldo. Goodbye!

2108: Denise and Nicola are discussing how they can't take everyone in the house on face value. 

2117: Housemates have been given a delivery of booze as an after dinner treat. 

2127: Natalie is doing a sexy dance with a bobble hat over her face.


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